Monday, September 7, 2020

In My Name


Exodus 20:7

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. (NKJV)

As Christians, we are certainly familiar with the Ten Commandments.  But have we ever taken the time to delve more deeply into how these commandments are relevant to our 21st Century way of life?

Author Marja Verschoor-Meijers has done just that in her new book about the third commandment entitled In My Name.  I love her own apt description of the book's objective, which can be found at her website.

'Lord' is not a word to end our sentences with when we talk to Him, nor is it a filler to make our prayers sound more holy and authentic.  'Lord' is His personal revelatory name and He gave it to us for use on a daily basis.

It is one thing to claim we don't use the Lord's name in vain, but what do we do?  Are we bringing honor to His name?  Do we have a genuine love for His name?  And most of all, is everything we do and say then, done in His name?

In My Name consists of sixteen short, but power-packed chapters that will help you to thoroughly explore the meaning and nuances of the third commandment.  Marja concludes each chapter with invitations to "Meditate on the Following" and "Journal Your Thoughts," making this book a perfect partner for personal devotional time, a Bible study or a Sunday school class.

I must admit that in my eagerness to get this review written, I read through In My Name all too quickly.  So, I'm planning to reread it slowly and intentionally, taking one chapter a day, and spending time on both meditating over the concept presented and journaling my thoughts.  Marja's down-to-earth, approachable prose makes me immediately comfortable with the content; it is almost as if I were in the same room with Marja as she shares her wisdom and insights out loud.  How many devotional books have made you feel that way?

You can order In My Name at Marja's website.  While you are there, please check out the other titles she has penned.  And don't forget to take a look at her marvelous blog, Fresh Insights on Ancient Truths.  It's definitely one you will want to subscribe to!

(Some readers were having problems with the link to Marja's website.  Here it is:

About the Author

Marja was born and raised in Holland.  As a child, she was fascinated by authors who divided their time between two countries.  Today, she is one of them!  For years she and husband, Jan, divided their time between Holland and Southern California where Jan worked as a race car technician in off-road racing, and Marja started her writing journey.  She is the author of several books published in the USA as well as in the Netherlands.  She writes her books in both languages.  Her monthly columns appear in one of Holland's biggest Christian magazines.  Together with her husband, she is the founder of Traveling Light, a non-profit organization that seeks to provide practical, financial and spiritual encouragement to Christian initiative all over Europe and the Middle East.


  1. Thank you Martha for this review; and for your support of Christian writers. Thanx.

    God bless.

  2. Sorry to come back and pester you ... the link to Marja's website does not work. It links back to your website at this page. I've clicked it several times and my head is spinning.

    God bless.

    1. Okay, I've tried to fix the link. Here is the direct one:
      Thanks for letting me know!

  3. Replies
    1. Here is the direct link, Bill, although I did try to amend this on my post. This new blogger is driving me nuts!
      Love and blessings!

  4. It sounds like a wonderful book. Thank you for your review. I will head over to check out the website. Have a blessed day Martha :)

    1. It is quite remarkable, Martha. Hope you enjoy it!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Hi Martha, wow, thank you for your kind words about this book and for taking time to write a review. I am glad the message in the book spoke to you. It is funny that you wrote about reading it too fast and wanting to read a second time, i get that from readers... a lot :) Maybe I should pause more as I write.
    My website is indeed but the books are available on Amazon as well, I just submitted the paperback edition today.
    Thanks again, I appreciate your kindness.

    1. So glad you liked today's review, Marja, and I certainly hope many of my readers will order your wonderful book. Yes, I made sure I edited the post so that your actual website is "written out" long hand. I'll be ordering more of your books soon!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I always appreciate your reviews and your point of view! xo

    1. Thanks, Terri! Marja truly is worthy of a read, so I do hope you will order this book.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Thank you for introducing me to Marja! We've just begun War Room, but I'm going to share this with my Bible study ladies for a future study.

    1. Oh, I think the ladies will love her, Mevely! You can check her out on Amazon, too, in the Kindle section. She mentioned above that the paperback edition is now available, too.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Good review, Martha. Thank you. I love the questions she asks - "Are we bringing honor to His name? Do we have a genuine love for His name? And most of all, is everything we do and say then, done in His name?" Surely ones we need to search our hearts with, aren't they? Love and blessings to you!

    1. Yes, Trudy, Marja poses such wonderful challenges as to how we are revering, seeing and worshiping Him. I know my eyes were opened to her fresh insights.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, thank you for reviewing Marja's book. It does sound interesting. There's so much we can learn when we dig into the Word of God.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Amen, Kim, the learning never stops! Marja is so insightful and inspiring. I know this would be a book you would enjoy.
      Love and blessings!

  10. It sounds like an uplifting book. Thank you for sharing your review with us, Martha. When you want to read something a second time, that is a marvelous tribute to the Author...

    1. Yes, a reread is such a tribute to the author, Nells, I totally agree. I'm thinking of going back to it as a daily devotional during the Advent season, as we prepare to receive the Christ child into the world.
      Love and blessings!

  11. This sounds like a great book. Thanks for sharing with us, Martha! And thank you Marja.

    1. It most certainly is, Beckie. I know you would enjoy it!
      Love and blessings!

  12. In My Name sounds like a wonderful read that leads to response and renewal. Thanks you for the enticing review, Martha. I'm putting this book on my TBP list right now! I'll soon be immersed in a Jen Wilkin study on 1 Peter with my Bible study group, and our whole church will be studying Genesis 1-11 together, in preparation for Sunday sermons. That series starts this week. Perhaps in the new year I'll be able to do justice to Marja's book! I sure hope so.

    1. Wow, Nancy, it sounds like you are filled to the brim with Bible study material at the moment. Glad you will put Marja's book on your list for future studies. I guarantee, it will be well worth it!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Wow, I had a LOT of catching up to do. I forget that you are such a prolific blog writer. But I have to say it was enjoyable to just devote some time to reading post after post -- so much variety. I am impressed by your musical side. And of course I love all those photos of the girls. Glad y'all are doing well.

    1. Thanks, Galen, for swinging by and letting me know you've enjoyed catching up with the posts. Yes, I blog twice a week, so it's easy to lose track of how many posts are up and running. :) I do so appreciate your kind words!
      Love and blessings!

  14. I think I just found another to add to my "To Be Read" list. Thank you ma'am. Appreciate the introduction to Ms. Marja. I love meeting new writers I've never read before.

    1. I love meeting new writers, too, J.D.! Glad you've added Marja to your list.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Boa noite Martha no Livro de Êxodos vemos grandes milagres de Deus na vida do seu povo.

    1. Oh, yes, we do, Luiz! His miracles are still happening in our day and our time, that's for sure. Marja is translating her book into many different languages, so I do hope one is Portugese.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Marja's biographical information is very interesting. She's clearly made good use of her skills and relationship with the Lord. Thanks for sharing this book with us.

    1. Her biography is extremely interesting, Barbara, and I'm amazed that she is so fluent in English, being raised in Holland. She gets the nuances of our written words that many native speakers could not even hope for.
      Love and blessings!

  17. I strongly agree that it is not easy to carry the name of God carelessly. I am sorry to hear many people pronounce the name of God in their jokes.

    I will visit Marja's blog.
    Thank you for the recommendation.
    Jesus blessing

    1. Yes, that is such a shame when people treat the name of God with such disrespect, Himawan. Thanks for coming by, and I hope you will enjoy Marja's book!
      Love and blessings!

  18. Beautiful review Martha and you excited me into exploring her book and site. Thanks for sharing!

  19. What a wonderful review! I am so glad you introduced us to it. It sounds like a God-glorifying book, the very best kind. Sending hugs your way, sweet Martha.


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