Thursday, September 10, 2020

It's a Hairy Situation!


Matthew 10:30
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Yes, the photo above is my hair, which hasn't seen a touch-up of highlights or a trim for over six months.  And what are my fingers marking?  That's the usual length of my locks under normal circumstances.  But what is normal anymore?  I'd love nothing better than to be able to pay a visit to my hair stylist, and good friend, Donna, but the risks of entering a salon, at least for me, are still too high.

Yet, I'm amazed that my hair hasn't shown more wear and tear over these months.  Only now am I beginning to be aware of the ends threatening to fray and split.  I'm hoping these guys will hang in there in the interim.

No, I'm not being compensated for showing you this product, Uniq-1, but I truly believe that this has been the deciding factor in my hair's relatively undamaged look.

After I shampoo, I spray this on my wet hair; it works as both a conditioner and a detangler, hence a deterrent to losing hair when combing it out as it protects the ends.

I must make a confession here:  Although I'm not particularly vain about my looks, or lack thereof, my hair has always been the exception.  And on more than one occasion, I've asked God to forgive me for this unhealthy fixation.  You know what?  I think He has wisely chosen this time of isolation and hair growth to do just that!

As I'm unable to change anything about it just now, I've come to accept, and appreciate, my hair for what it is.  Just another aspect of the physical me.  Nothing special.

Yet, knowing that God cares enough to number the hairs on all of our heads, reminds me how deeply He loves and cares for us, even in the smallest of details.

No matter how we might appear to others, we can rest assured that, in God's sight, we are precious!



  1. Your hair looks nice. Don't worry about it. The current world situation these days has made us all think and do things differently. I'm lucky to have the gardener trim my hair. He uses the hedge trimmer whilst I stand very still ... very very still.

    God bless you and your family always, Martha.

    1. The hedge trimmer . . . what a hoot, Victor! And thanks for the compliment as to how my hair looks. So reassuring, my friend, and yes, we will get through these crazy times and emerge better and wiser from it.
      Love and blessings!

  2. You have beautiful hair, Martha! Thank you for the good hair care tip (the last thing I expected when I read your blog)! :)

    1. I know, Laurie, that would be the last thing I'd expect, too! And thanks so much for the compliment. :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. You have gorgeous hair Martha! I wear mine long too and although it's a bit scraggly, I think it's easier to go without visits to the hairdresser than for those with short styles. Thanks for the product tip, I'll check it out :)

    1. Thank you, Martha, for your kind words! Yes, we with longer hair can "get by" so to speak in these times. You can find this product on Amazon. It's well worth the $$.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Thanks for the suggestion!! Im one with similar issues I'd say!

    1. Nice to know others are in the same boat, Jerly! Hope we can all get back to "normal" sooner than later.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I have often wondered about the fact that God has counted our hairs (I have a lot of hair, like you!).

    1. I think this was Jesus' way of telling us that God is in the details, always, Marja.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Unfort, my short THIN hair requires trimming every 4 weeks. Hardly anything I look forward to, but take all the precautions and trust that she does, too. Thanks so much for the tip; I'm going to look for that!

    1. I hear you, Mevely, and I'm sure your stylist is doing everything with caution and safety in mind. That's the tough part about having a shorter hair style. Let me know if you decide to use Uniq-1. :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. I love that God knows the number of the hair on our heads. He cares about us that much!

    I finally went and got my hair cut professionally for the first time in over a year! I trimmed it myself during quarantine back in March. I hope you will be able to go back to the salon soon! But honestly, your hair looks beautiful to me. That product you are using seems to be doing a really nice job. :)


    1. It is doing a great job, Annie; my hair dresser was the one who introduced me to it, and I've been a loyal customer ever since. So glad you were finally able to get your hair cut professionally. I'm looking forward to when I can, too! And thanks for your kind words about my hair. :)
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, it's comforting to know that God knows everything about us, including how many strands of hair we have on our heads, as well as how many come out when we brush. What an amazing God!

    By the way, your hair looks amazing!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thanks, Kim, for your kind words about my hair - so reassuring! And yes, it gives me such amazing comfort to know God cares about us in such loving detail, not missing one aspect of our lives. What a mighty God we serve!
      Love and blessings!

  9. You have pretty hair. I think we are all a tad vain about something. My vanity comes out in the form of shoes. I hate to admit that I love shoes and I buy Way too many of them. I had to give up my Stilettos at age 69 and I whined over the loss for two weeks. Thank God, He is a generous and forgiving God. I have found that I look just as nice in lower heels and feel much more comfortable. Thank you, this devo hit close to home and stirred a desire to work on following my passions less. Bless you. Hope you can see your hairdresser soon, but no need to worry your hair look great.

    1. You are so sweet, Nells, for giving my hair compliments. Now, I just hope that doesn't ramp up my vanity again - lol! But truthfully, I think all of us are vain about some aspect of our being, and it is something we should strive, with God's help, to overcome. Thanks so much for sharing your own vanity journey, and I must admit, I admire you for even being able to wear heels; even the low slung ones throw me off. I recall wearing two-inch heels to my daughter's wedding, but bringing flats with me for the reception so I could dance. :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. Boa noite. Parabéns por apresentar um maravilhoso produto capilar. Bom final de semana.

    1. Thank you, Luiz! Know I really love the tours you are giving us of the beauties of Brazil. God does bless us in so many ways when we take the time to realize them.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I agree with all above that your hair is beautiful!!

  12. I think you have beautiful and young looking hair. I have to try that product!

    1. Jean, it has been a lifesaver for me. Donna, my hair dresser, called it "Liquid Gold," and it has more than proved its worth. Let me know if you decide to use it!
      Love and blessings!

  13. You have lovely hair. You are blessed to have such nice long hair. I cannot seem to grow mine very long. It drives me crazy when I let it get too long. But my last haircut was a little "short", and I am adjusting to it. Thankfully, we don't go too many places where people really care what my hair looks like! LOL.

    1. Thank you, Pamela, for your kind words about my hair. Everyone certainly has a preference for hair length, and what looks good on them. At least when one haircut is too short, we can know that it will grow out eventually, and that's a certainty!
      Love and blessings!

  14. I'm pretty sure your Mr. Danny will agree my friend; your beauty comes from the inside. There's such an abundance of it within that it emanates through your smile, your sparkling eyes, your gentle touch, your kind words, and your giving nature. God's blessings young lady.

    1. J. D., you are so very kind, and I'm humbled by your words here. Yes, Danny is a great guy who loves what is inside me, not what is on the outside. And he sees nothing wrong with my hair!
      Love and blessings!

  15. I'd say "I'm jealous" but I wouldn't be totally honest. Truth is: I like not having to worry about my hair. Actually, it is lack of it. What used to be a pretty full head (although always with a high forehead), has now become...well, let's say God has no trouble counting the numbers of hair on my head. :) Thanks for the good lesson today. Personally, I like long hair.

    1. Your comment here, Bill, is exactly what Danny said as he is in the same boat as you! His hair is easy to keep under control with the electric clippers we have. It is a lot less muss and fuss, isn't it? I, too, love long hair, but this is getting just a tad out of hand. :)
      Love and blessings!

  16. Oh, but you ARE special, sweet friend. Everything about you is special, and you are an enormous blessing to us all. I haven't tried this product, so thank you for recommending it. My hair is long and it falls out so much, it is concerning. Maybe this will help. God bless you today!

    1. Cheryl, my hair is fine, and before this product, it was disengaging too much for my liking. As we get older, our hair naturally falls out too prolifically, but when we can find something that helps, it's worth the investment. Thank you for your all too kind words here about what I try to do to encourage others through this blog!
      Love and blessings!

  17. I love your hair and its length! My hair was almost that long about 3 years ago until I returned to my usual much shorter length. I wish I had left it long.

    Yes, there are a myriad of lessons our loving Father is teaching us this year, and dealing with our appearance is just one of them.

    1. Barbara, our wonderful Father always has lessons in store for us, and this one has been powerful for me. I recall that when my son was young and nursing, I stopped wearing earrings, and clipped my hair short. During my pregnancy with my daughter, I decided to grow it out and never make that mistake again. Since then, I've never regretted keeping it long and ultimately manageable. These times might help you to do the same!
      Love and blessings!

  18. I too waited a long 6+ months to get hair cut! So many stages it goes through. So glad God keeps record of the intimate hair details of our lives showing us He cares immensely.

    1. I'm glad you were finally able to get your hair trimmed, Valerie. I know it must feel good! And yes, it's such a comfort to know how much God cares for us, even in the details.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Great you are taking such good care of it, meanwhile. It is strange when finally going in for a haircut. I really have never had a true hairdresser. I am on the cheap and have on occasion cut my own hair. I will confess, the last time I went I have to wonder if I could have done a better job. Somehow, the mask does get in the way. Delightful post!

    1. I sure do wish I had the skill to cut my own hair, Ellie, but even if I could, I get the whole high light thing done when I'm at the hairdresser, and I would NEVER trust myself to do that! Lol!
      Thanks for visiting today.
      Love and blessings!

  20. So true! So different these days just to do the most ordinary things that we took for granted last year.

    1. I know, Caitlin and Megan, so many things we took for granted before these days hit. One thing that has gotten me through has been a "gratitude attitude;" I count my blessings every day.
      Thanks for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  21. I'm super impressed with how healthy your hair looks, Martha! Unfortunately, I'm usually discontent with my hair which is not a good thing for a child of God to struggle with (I feel so shallow!). :( I've always had thick, unruly hair and I'm always looking for an easy style that will work. I returned to my stylist two months ago, but I wear a mask even while she cuts my hair.

    1. Thank you, Lisa! As a child of God, too, I've always felt guilty about "treasuring" my hair. We need to let be what will be, but easier said than done. I've often wished for thicker hair, like my children got from their father, but I'm learning to accept things as they are, as I'm sure you are. Glad you were able to get your hair styled!
      Love and blessings!

  22. Martha, your hair is beautiful, dear friend! And I confess to be the same way. That's why I love "hair" days when I get to go to the salon. They were closed for 3-4 months but are open now following all the safety procedures. I call when I arrive, they unlock the door, take my temperature before I can enter. Everyone must wear a mask, only a few clients are schedule at one time and spread out. Only color clients receive a shampoo and they can't blow dry because of guidelines.

    1. Sorry, Karen, for being so late in getting back to you! Thanks for filling me in on all the precautions your hair salon is taking. I feel I would be safe to see Donna, my stylist, but Danny is still too jittery about it, so I'll just dig into a deeper supply of patience. Thanks, too, for your kind words about my hair.
      Love and blessings!


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