Monday, October 26, 2020

You Can't "Beet" This!


Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought with a price.  Therefore, honor God with your bodies. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Oh, how I love coffee!!!  I'm convinced I could not survive any morning without it.  I'm sure many of you feel the same way, and wouldn't trade that dark, rich, caffeinated wake up call for anything in this world.

For many years now, I've enjoyed an additional cup of iced coffee in the afternoons.  We even have a dedicated pitcher in which to store it.

Over the last several months, however, I've noticed that this afternoon pick-me-up isn't settling well with me.  Not that it makes me feel ill, but it triggers my appetite, encouraging me to snack more than I should.

There has to be a solution to this.  As I state in a former post, I've already gained weight during this Covid mess, and I don't need to pack on any more pounds.  The answer arrives when I decide to take the plunge and order some Super Beets.

I confess that I've wanted to try this supplement for a while now, as it is touted as a product that both improves circulation and boots energy levels.  Lord knows, I can use both!

The good news is, Super Beets seems to be living up to its claims.  Not only does the black cherry flavor make it enticingly delicious, but I actually do feel a renewed vigor in the afternoons.

So much so, that I've switched my work out routine from morning until about three in the afternoon, after downing this drink around two.  My endurance and stamina are noticeably better, and I no longer experience the slump I endured when I thought a shot of coffee was my only hope.  And instead of making me hungry, this amazing concoction fills me up!

Now, please understand, I'm in no way recommending this product, nor am I compensated monetarily for promoting it.  It's just when I discover something that truly works for me, I like to share it with all of you.  After all, it's so important to keep our bodies strong and healthy, even when so many of us, who are at high risk to catch the "plague," have to stay mostly confined to our immediate environs.

Our bodies serve as temples for the Holy Spirit.  Let us treat them carefully and lovingly, that they may always be worthy receptacles of His precious presence.



  1. I've not see Super Beets over here. Is it beetroot extract? Does it taste sweet like beetroot?

    I agree that too much coffee has an effect on on. It makes me restless.

    God bless, Martha.

    1. I believe it is an extract, Victor. It comes in powder form, and you mix it with water. It has a black cherry flavor, so is truly delicious. Sorry that it's not available across the pond!
      Love and blessings!

  2. I think my computer needs some Super Beet. It keeps making typing errrors as in my previous comment.

    God bless.

    1. Your computer could use a dose, Victor! Maybe, you'll be getting a new one in the future?
      Love and blessings!

  3. I'm glad you found something nice and healthy that works for you. I really need to do something too, I've gained 14 pounds since March - yikes!

    1. It's that Covid-weight-gain syndrome, Martha! For years, I was the same weight, but like you, beginning around March, the pounds seemed to come out of nowhere. Not good! Anyway, the Super Beets are doing the trick for me. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. How interesting! I never heard of Super Beets, but I'm off to research it -- hopefully, this is something Tom can take to ward off his fatigue.

    1. Who knows, Myra, it could help! I just went to my gyn today, and my blood pressure has also lowered quite a bit; I credit the Super Beets for that, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Hmmm. I'm always on the lookout for something that will help my cycling or workout give results (besides making me tired). I'll have to research this. Thanks for the recommendation. I especially need something about 2-3:00. And I don't drink coffee...ever.

    1. Wow, Bill, how do you stay so energized without your morning joe? Lol! Yes, I'm finding this to be a wonderful addition to my diet. Hope you will do the research. :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. Such a good recommendation, Martha Jane. I have been including red beet powder in my weekly rotation of nutrient-dense powders in my morning smoothies. Beet root is on Friday’s.

    1. That's an excellent practice, Barbara! Beets are truly so good for us, even though they've never been a vegetable favorite of mine. But the juice? It tastes great!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Great Martha, much healthier than coffee. I keep coffee to two cups in the morning, after that it is water or green tea.

    1. I limit myself to two morning cups myself, Marja. They seem to do the trick. I'm not a big tea fan, but I do drink LOTS of water throughout my day.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I have heard about this and now will investigate further! Thanks always for your recommendations!

    1. It just made me feel so good, Terri, I had to share the good news with all of you. I hope it will be something you'll decide to try.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Fascinating!

    Black cherry? Yes, please!


    1. It is yummy, Linda, that's for sure!
      Love and blessings!

  10. I'm not sure there's such as thing as "too much coffee" Ms. Martha Jane, but I applaud your efforts to find substitutes and life a healthier lifestyle. God's blessings ma'am.

    1. I certainly hear you, J. D., when it comes to coffee. I could not face my mornings without it, that's for sure! But this substitute is working well so far, and the benefits are too good to pass up.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Thank you for sharing this, Martha. It's wise for us to take good care of our bodies. Natural is so much better than what man concocts. I might have to look into this juice, IF I can tolerate the cherry flavor. (Cherry flavor "screams" medicine to me.)

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, Kim, that's such a shame that cherry flavor isn't your cup of tea, so to speak. :) There is no bitter aftertaste to the drink, so it actually might appeal to you after all. It in no way reminds me of medicine; more like a delicious fruit pop than anything else. And boy, is it helping me!
      Love and blessings!

  12. I've seen this advertised and have wondered if it really is good. Is it expensive? I love beets, but I'm glad to know this isn't a beet flavored drink. Not sure I would like that. I may have to investigate this. I, too, have gained weight and my cholesterol is back up again. I don't like going back on statin drugs, but I have had to. I don't drink coffee, just 1 cup hot tea in the morning, iced tea for lunch, and water all the rest of the time, but I am so draggy in the afternoon, so sometimes I do have a cup of hot tea in the afternoon, but have to be careful that it doesn't keep me awake at night. The super beets might be the trick I need! Thank you!

    1. Pamela, they aren't on the "cheap" side - I think my bill was a tad over $30 for this one canister, but there are lots of servings in it, and the benefits are amazing. I've even noticed a great improvement in my blood pressure, and that's a huge plus for me! Let me know if you decide to try it, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I drink decaf coffee and colas; I have for many years, so I can’t associate with the caffeine boost. I do drink diet Dr Pepper at my noon meal and it has caffeine in it. Hmm, maybe that is why I crave it!!! I hadn’t given it a thought. You have given me new insight on that. Thank you. Be blessed today, Martha Jane.

    1. That could be the reason you do crave that Dr. Pepper, Nells. Caffeine is a must for me in the morning; clears my head of the sleepy cobwebs and energizes me for the day. Maybe, you should switch to having your DP in the morning? Just a thought.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Wonder if juiced up beetroot wiuld work the same... depeneds I guess if they've put in addiditives. Im unwell in morning, and better in afternoon so dont feel flat but do struggle with eating more than should!! Am on cortisone, literally saves my life vut appetite stimulus. Lord knows so I plod on 😃
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. I can't answer that, Shaz, but we all know that beets are considered a super veggie. I will eat beets when they are served, but they've never been my favorites. That's why I'm so grateful for this all-natural beet supplement. It's doing the trick for me so far, and that's good enough for me.
      Love and blessings!

  15. It is quite remarkable that I am reading this today, as we have been considering ordering the super beet chews we saw advertised. I also remember my uncle used to take beet root powder, and he always said how much it helped him. I think the Lord may be trying to get a message across to me. Do you know if it lowers blood pressure? I remember seeing that in the commercial of the chews. Thank you for sharing about this, sweet friend.

    1. Cheryl, it seems that it definitely DOES lower blood pressure. I'm on a blood pressure medication already, but when I went to the doctor's this week, my blood pressure reading was wonderful! Super Beets seems to be helping with both that and my stamina. Hey, at my age, I can certainly use that help!

  16. Thanks for the heads up about the Super Beets. I sadly drink only decaf these days. I used to drink "high test" but then would get a headache if I missed a day. I didn't want to be tied to that caffeine, so I weaned myself off of it.

  17. I definitely hear you, Laurie! I'm quite contented to leave my caffeine fix for the morning these days. The Super Beets are helping me in so many ways that I can't begin to describe. I feel sure it would give you more energy for those runs you committedly do.
    Love and blessings!

  18. I appreciate you sharing what is working for you, Martha. It might be just the thing that someone else needs to try too! I've put on a few extra pounds this year as well and I'm not comfortable with them. I attribute some of it to going through menopause but likely it also has to do with 2020 anxiety eating. ;)

    1. If you've put on weight, Lisa, you are definitely not alone! This Covid has really messed with all of us to some degree or another. I'm thankful that I decided to try the Super Beets as they are working so well for me. Maybe, they'll work for you, too!
      Love and blessings!

  19. wow never heard of this and I am interested. I will have to try it. This mid-afternoon slump is wearing me out.

    1. I hear you, Jean! The only other alternative to the afternoon slump could be a nap, but I'd much rather use the Super Beets instead.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...