Thursday, January 14, 2021

Speak Up, Speak Out!


His (Gamaliel) speech persuaded them.  They called the apostles in and had them flogged.  The they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.  The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.  Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. ~Acts 5:40-42

No matter what side of the political aisle you stand on, the shut down of free speech by Twitter, Facebook and Google should shake you to the core.  Maybe, you're one of those who thinks President Trump deserves to be censored.  You don't like him; you never have and never will.  That's fine.  That's your opinion.

But if you understand the First Amendment of our Constitution, you should be profoundly worried and dismayed.  The freedom of speech that protects your opinion is supposed to apply to the millions of other American citizens who don't see eye-to-eye with you.  We are currently witnessing it being maligned and defiled in ways our Founding Fathers could never have envisioned.

There are serious and legitimate questions surrounding the outcome of this presidential election, and the subsequent run-off in Georgia, my home state.  Dominion voting machines, just recently implemented here, call into question, because they can be manipulated, how a traditionally red state flipped blue in both contests.  The vast majority of Georgia residents honor our freedom of speech, integrity of the vote, and the upholding of our Second Amendment.  How did things go so awry for a population that treasures God and country?

The simple answer?  Pre-meditated fraud!  Yes, call me a conspirator, but there is such overwhelming proof, I dare you to deny it.  Doubt?  Look beyond CNN, NBC, and even Fox to find the truth.  It's out there.

The question is:  Are you curious enough to look it up?  Or, maybe a better question would be:  How passionate are you about preserving America as founded?

As President Trump declared, "America will never be a socialist nation."  Do you want socialism?  Communism?  No future for the American Dream?  No bright and better future for your children and grandchildren?  That's what not questioning this election and fighting back will get you.

And if you have somehow been convinced that socialism is best for our country, please leave in the comments and example where this system has worked for any nation that has embraced it.

The apostles willingly suffered indignity, rejection and imprisonment for the sake of the Gospel,  God's truth.  In spite of the flogging and the directive not to preach the Good News, they never backed down.  They persevered in the face of seemingly impossible odds.  They knew in their hearts and souls that preaching the love and saving grace of Jesus was paramount to their mission.  And they refused to be deterred, no matter who it was that told them not to speak up and speak out.

Christians, the time to speak up and speak out is now!  How long have our churches been shut down because of this pandemic?  Will they stay that way in the next administration?  We must persevere, as these apostles did, to ensure the Word of God is not silenced by those who wish us ill.

Twitter, Facebook and Google have no power over God and His people.

Will you stand up for Christian principles?

Will you stand up for our one nation under God?



  1. Hope prevails. Trust in God.

    Let us pray together for peace and understanding throughout the world.

    God bless.

    1. Amen, Victor! Let us never stop praying. God is listening!
      Love and blessings!

  2. AMEN! I'm sick at heart over what's happening, but will be honored to stand with you.

    1. Great to know you are standing with me, Myra. I think millions of other Christians and Americans feel the same way. We're not alone!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I continue to pray about all of this. Praying that the truth will be revealed and that freedom of speech will be restored completely. And I remind myself that whatever He allows . . . He will give us what we need. Blessings to you!!

    1. None of us can afford to stop praying, Deb. God hears our cries, and as you said, if He does allow some of this to go forward, He will give us all we need to get through it.
      Love and blessings!

    2. YES, I will be glad to stand up and speak out. Pray and have faith that we will be heard. God gave us a spirit of boldness, let us not sit meekly and watch this Country slide away. Love and blessings.

    3. God has given us a spirit of boldness, Nells, that's for sure and certain. I'm so gratified to know that you will stand up and speak out with me and millions of others as we fight to preserve our nation and our Judeo-Christian heritage!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I pray for our country every day. Each and every day. I am heartsick at current events and the loss of our freedoms. I have to keep reminding myself that our God is in control. Great post, Martha. You know that I agree with you.

    1. Yes, Terri, we must continue to pray for our country each and every day without fail. Like you, I'm heartsick by all the things I'm witnessing in these times, but we do know that God is ultimately in control. He will hear and honor the prayers of His people!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Amen! We must #StandUpForChrist God's blessings Ms. Martha; as you work out your faith ma'am. We must each one day decide if we're Christian or American. I think that choice will have to be made sooner than many think.

    1. Christian first, American to our core. I don't see, J. D., because of our Judeo-Christian founding that we can separate the two - my belief is that they go hand in hand, with God, and no man, at the true helm. Thanks so much for your insight here, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  6. This is why I stay here and keep sharing God's Word as much as I can, wherever I can. So far Facebook has not shut me down, but I do not talk about politics anymore than necessary. I prefer to let the Bible do my talking for me, and as hearts are convicted by God's truth as found in His Word, people's hearts and minds will be changed and we will begin to see the fruit of our labor that is not in vain when we trust in the Lord and let Him guide our words and footsteps. I strongly believe in the admonition of II Chronicles 7:14. We need to pray, repent, seek God's face, turn away from our sins, and He will hear our prayers and heal our land (my paraphrase). People need to know the Lord before they can change their attitudes about politics. It is a much bigger battle than just over the Constitution and Bill of goes much deeper and our enemies are much stronger than just flesh and blood. We need the whole armor of God to fight this battle...Ephesians 6:11-18. Without His help we are helpless. Keep praying, Be steadfast and immovable; I Corinthians 15:58. Just keep proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel in every place that we can while we can.
    Thank you for your fervor and great love for our country and our God. God will prevail. We just need to stand strong and watch!

    1. Amen, Pamela! We do need to stand up for the Lord and the Gospel each and every day. My fear is that our voices could be silenced by those who do not agree with us that Jesus is the answer for our lives. May it never come to that! Yes, we should all continue to pray, and pray without ceasing. Our God will hear us and He will prevail.
      Love and blessings!

  7. This is very sad, Martha. The drift to intolerant socialism is well underway in my country, especially under the current Liberal party government. :-(

    1. Moving toward socialism is like a boat unmoored, guaranteed to be dashed against the rocks. Frank, I will certainly keep Canada in my prayers as I pray for the USA.
      Love and blessings!

  8. It is a historical fact that socialism never worked anywhere it was. Sad that those who used to live under that banner were never heard. Hidden away. The liberal media and Big Tech got what they wanted, as did China. Now they have a puppet they can control. I have to believe God has this in His hand and in His control and all that takes place is under His watch. If not, I would despair.

    1. Yes, Bill, if I wasn't assured that God's got this - the whole picture - I would despair, too. We must keep praying, and we must keep working for true justice in the land.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, I was nodding my head in agreement and shouting "That's right!" all the way through this post! Now is the time to speak up and speak out!

    1. Amen, Karen! So glad to know you see all that's going on the way I do. Let's never stop praying and keep speaking up and out for Jesus!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Dearest Martha,
    Well being a fellow Georgian, I have to give a BIG & FIRM AMEN to your claim of One Nation Under God.
    The Big Tech are trying to brainwash the younger generations and a lot of others as well, into pushing all moral values off the table.
    It will become a hell for the next generation(s). We have seen it with our own eyes, visiting and working inside Communist Countries. My blogpost has the labels Communism and Socialism.

    1. Thanks for visiting here, Mariette! I've seen your name on Victor's posts, and I will be sure to check out your blog. And yes, brainwashing is an apt way to describe what Big Tech is up to. It is a disgrace, it's shameful and it's evil beyond words. Let us pray that God will expose all the corruption and wickedness in His good time.
      Love and blessings!

  11. It breaks my heart Martha the way the media blatantly lies.. saying there is no proof of corruption and fraud, when no one was ever allowed to present any facts... shut down in courts as well as on Twitter FB etc.
    The media here is so twisted here in Oz the real truth is NEVER put forth... I just turn it off.
    Let God be true and every man a liar... and Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
    Thank you for speaking out. Standing with you and many many others here in prayer.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Yes, Shaz, let God arise and scatter the wicked to the ends of the earth! Let's keep praying because God has got this, I firmly believe. Evil cannot stand against Him. God will triumph!
      Love and blessings!

  12. You already know how sickened I am by all that is going on. If the evil ones legitmately won, we could all surrender this, accept it as God's will, and move on. But, they did NOT win. President Trump won by a landslide - even bigger than 2016, and THAT is what so many of us patriots cannot swallow. Why something isn't being done about it is beyond me, and it is all more frustrating than words. God is angry with the wicked every day, and surely He will rise up in our defense one of these days. I am SO exhausted from the whole fight. It has literally affected my health, and I am doing my utmost to turn it all loose and rest at Jesus' feet, having done all He has asked me to do.

    1. Cheryl, you have done all God has asked you to do, and more! We do know how God hates the deeds of the wicked and satan's lurid attempts to defraud us. I'm still praying that something WILL happen that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the President Trump is the rightful winner of this election. All this gearing up in DC could be because the truth is just about to come out, once and for all. Hoping this is God's perfect timing, but that remains to be seen. Let us keep the faith!
      Love and blessings!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I kind of follow everything from the sideline (The Netherlands) and it saddens me, all of it. The problem we have at the moment is that as a people we are not being heard (the same is happening where I live) because we get ignored, denied, censored, ridiculed, and lied to. Sometimes I really wonder how to proceed. Well, I keep proclaiming His Word.

    1. The huge problem is in not being heard, respected and dignified in our decisions to disagree with the status quo, Marja. Everyone in the world should be saddened that there are those who are blatantly allowed to get away with suppressing free speech, which is guaranteed in our Constitution.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Replies
    1. Amen, Laurie! May we all continue to pray for this nation day in and day out.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Martha, thank you so much for sharing this heart-felt post. You are so spot on correct with what you've shared. Loss of freedom, loss of human rights is never, ever a good thing.

    Praying for our nation...

    Love and blessings!

    1. Loss of freedom and our rights guaranteed under the Constitution is a slippery and evil slope to go down, Kim. Praying that there are millions of brave souls who will stand up for God-given rights and liberties, not just here, but in nations across the globe.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...