Monday, January 18, 2021

The Time is Near


Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. ~Revelation 1:3

One of my greatest joys during this pandemic is our weekly Face Time chats with my daughter, Sarah, and the three grands, Virginia (pictured above), Savannah and Alexandra.  While it can never be as satisfying as in-person connections, it certainly has been a comfort since we can't travel to be with them.

Our conversation the other week turns to my word of the year:  Hope.

"Have you ever heard of choosing one word for the New Year?"  I ask Virginia.

"No," she confirms.  "What word did you choose, Gammie?"

When I tell her, she responds without skipping a beat.  "What was your word for last year?  Apocalypse?"

Oh, how we enjoy some hearty laughter over this quip!  I don't even think I knew the word "apocalypse" when I was Virginia's age, much less how to use it in context.

And she is right.  2020 was a disaster on so many levels, not just for our country, but for the entire world.  Plagues (Covid), locusts, earthquakes, fires, cities destroyed by rioters . . . the list could go on, but you catch my drift.  Many Christians watched and waited.  Are these end times?  Is the apocalypse upon us?  Will Jesus soon return?

I look up "apocalypse" at  Here is the definition in the way Virginia has implemented the word:  any universal or widespread destruction or disaster.  Yep, that fits the bill for 2020.

But there is also a biblical definition, one of hope and promise:  a prophetic revelation, especially concerning a cataclysm in which the forces of good permanently triumph over the forces of evil.

Did you catch that?  The forces of good permanently triumph.

I don't know about you, but that's the kind of apocalypse I want to experience!  And it will only happen when Jesus returns to claim His own.

John tells us the time is near.  But since God's time is vastly different than anything our human understanding can grasp, we cannot know the day nor the hour.

So, let's keep the faith.  Let us walk in love and pray for one another.  Let us trust that God will fulfill all His promises and prophesies when His time is right.



  1. A great reflective post today. Thanx Martha. I like especially "So, let's keep the faith. Let us walk in love and pray for one another. Let us trust that God will fulfill all His promises and prophesies when His time is right."

    God does not ask much more of us.

    God bless you and your family.

    1. That's exactly what God asks of us, Victor, and with His help, we can do this. Glad you enjoyed the post!
      Love and blessings!

  2. A good definition of courage is "walking in hope."

    1. Amen, Glynn, it truly is a great definition. May we all walk in hope.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Thanks Martha, curious the subject for today as was reading one post on those who have a list of things that must happen before Jesus can come as being unbiblical as Jesus said of the time of His coming knows no one but the Father, and He said behold I come quickly..
    Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
    For a change I’m not late, I’m writing another post and saw your blog just published on my sidebar. Mine is not finished yet, nearly though, I think ... Your daughter and granddaughter are beautiful indeed, inside and out!
    Thanks for Sharing, may our Lord God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    {Wonderful Words of Life - God has not given us a Spirit of Fear}

    1. Here is the article I was reading in case you’re interested Martha.

    2. Yes, Shaz, we certainly cannot know the day nor the hour of the Lord's return, but let's continue to love and serve Him with all our hearts, souls and minds until that day comes. Thanks, too, for your kind words about Sarah and Virginia, and for including a link to the article. I'll try to get to it soon!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Such a beautiful photo, they look so much alike! Sure sounds like Virginia is very smart. I wouldn't have know that word or used it appropriately at that age either. I think probably anyone who has ever read the Bible has thought about the book of Revelation more than once over the past year, I know I sure have!

    1. Thanks for your sweet words about Sarah and Virginia, Martha. I think they are beautiful myself, although I'm certainly biased. :) And I know you're right about people reflecting upon the book of Revelation in the Bible during these times. It's something I certainly couldn't ignore.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Let us hope that the good will win from all the evil!
    Prayers no doubt can be very strong.
    What a lovely way for doing FaceTime with your loved ones.
    Never will forget that I did FaceTime with my Mom, courtesy of my youngest and very close brother who lend her his iPhone. She caressed my face he said... Touching and he keeps that iPhone as a memory of her being alive and loving.

    1. Oh, what a sweet and touching memory you have shared here, Mariette! Face Time is the closest we can come right now to being present in person, and I sure am thankful for that. Hopefully, the vaccine will become more and more available so we can all be together again.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Yes Martha Jane, let's hope this crazy time will soon END!
      Forgot to mention that we did FaceTime with Mom in The Netherlands...

    3. Face Time is the best when you can't actually be face-to-face!

  6. Oh my gosh! I nearly spit my coffee at Virginia's well-timed quip. Thank you for sharing this Biblical definition. I'm trying not to 'lean on my own understanding' but instead, keep the faith.

    1. I'm glad Virginia's comment made you laugh, Myra, but sorry about the coffee! Lord knows, that's happened to me before when she's come up with some unexpected zingers. And yes, let us keep the faith and not lean on our own understanding.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Yep, leave it to the grandchildren to hit the nail on the head!

    "What was your word for last year? Apocalypse?"

    She made my day. And she could be closer to the truth than she realized. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

    1. Out of the mouths of babes, Linda, right? Our grandchildren are never ending sources of unexpected wisdom and perception. And yes, she could be closer to that truth in so many ways. May our Lord have mercy on us and this nation.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I believe Jesus' return is very near, and what a day of rejoicing that will be for His saints who have faithfully endured to the end. God bless you today.

    1. Amen, Cheryl! So much rejoicing among His saints in that day.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I hold tight to the fact that God is in control. Virginia's come-back was right on, for sure! I trust that good will triumph!! Thanks for this!

    1. I'm trusting that good will triumph, too, Terri. We may still have battles, but Jesus has the victory! Glad you liked Virginia's comeback, too. :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. Very thoughtful reflection, Martha. Thanks. :-)

    1. I'm glad this spoke to you, Frank.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I love Virginia’s response! She’s getting so big.
    I agree, let’s keep the faith. No one knows the day of Christ’s return, but we should be living every day for Him nonetheless.

    1. Each and every day, Beckie, living for Him and putting Him first in our lives. Glad you appreciated Virginia's response, too!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Oh my goodness, how Virginia has grown and is becoming a beautiful young lady like her mama and her "Gammie". And so intelligent too!! Wow! I didn't know that word either until there was a movie named that...(which I did not like). But yes, the biblical definition is what we are looking forward to, and I do believe the time is drawing very near. So much is happening to line up with the prophecies foretold...but like you said, no man know the time or hour...only our Heavenly Father. But we must keep our lamps trimmed and burning brightly as we await the coming of our Bridegroom to take us all home. What a glorious day that will be. Until then, let us keep hope alive and keep on "believing". (my word is Believe). Amen.

    1. And hope is my word, Pamela. Yes, let's keep hope alive and keep on believing in Jesus' promise that He has overcome the world, and that He will one day return for His own. And thank you, too, for your kind words about Virginia and Sarah. I think they are two beautiful ladies, but then again, I'm biased in that department, and not ashamed to admit it.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Thank you so much for this encouragement! It's so needed today!

    1. You are very welcome, Eddy; glad you enjoyed the post.
      Love and blessings!

  14. "Hope" is a great word to choose, and a much-needed manifestation of our faith. Like you, I can't know when He's coming, but my faith tells me He will come. My hope tells me I can hold on until He does. And His love sustains me until that day. What a great conversation to have with your family Ms. Martha. I think we all need to have that conversation before it's too late.

    1. Yes, J. D., it's a conversation we should never put off having. Hope will see us through until Jesus comes for His own, whatever time that might be.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Hi Martha! Sorry I'm late to this party. Whenever I think about prophecy and those predicting "this is the time" I keep remembering the words Jesus told His disciples: "No one but the Father knows." Al I know is I am looking forward to the day of Jesus' return. As they say: "I read the end of the book and know we win."

    1. Absolutely, Bill, we do win in the end. Jesus has made sure of that! In the meantime, we cling to Him with faith, trust and hope.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Virginia sure has a likeness to her mom, Martha. Beautiful photo. And she is still showing such wisdom in her words. :) I'm sure your heart aches to hold your grandkids in your arms, but I'm glad you can at least FaceTime talk to them. I love your last paragraph. Yes, let's love one another and pray for each other and trust God's way and timing. More than ever this past year, I have cried out, "Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!" Love and blessings to you, my friend!

    1. Trudy, if you saw Virginia's dad, you might say something different; we all think she favors him more than her mom, but yes, they do have some similar features. This photo was actually snapped during one of our Face Time chats, so I thought it was perfect to use here. And yes, my heart is aching with hugs I long to give them, but praying that will be sooner than later. In the meantime, let's all keep our prayers lifted to our Lord!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Ha! Your granddaughter is so perceptive! Apocalypse would have been the perfect word for 2020.If only we could have known in January how the year would turn out! I like your word for this year better, though. I think of this verse from Jeremiah: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. "

    1. That verse from Jeremiah is one of my all-time favorites, Laurie. God will always give us a future and a hope, and my word of the year, I find, comes to mind multiple times a day, assuring me that it was the right choice to make. And yes, if hindsight was the year 2020, apocalypse would have made the perfect word of the year.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Love that your word is hope this year, Martha! You know I'm a hope girl who knows the real Hope-Giver! And I can see why "Apocalypse" got some laughs! It really felt like that many times in 2020!

    1. Yes, it sure did feel like an apocalypse was coming in 2020, Karen. And we can always depend on our Hope-Giver to come through for us.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Your story made me smile. Yes God is good. All the time and will triumph without politics!

    1. I'm so glad this brought a smile to your face, Jean! And yes, God will triumph, no matter what.
      Love and blessings!

  20. Hope springs eternal. May we all remember God’s love and promises, for Hecalways does what He says - so, yes hope does spring eternal. Love and Blessings, Martha

    1. Yes, Nells, let's always remember God's promises and love for us.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Great post Martha! Now is the time to draw ever closer to the Lord and to continue meeting with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Encouraging each other as things draw us ever closer to the end...

    Love and blessings!

    1. Amen, Kim! May we be prepared for the day and hour of Jesus' return, and pray that others are saved before that time comes.
      Love and blessings!


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