Thursday, January 7, 2021

Wait for the Lord (And the Order You Placed!)


Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. ~Psalm 27:14

It has literally been years since my husband, Danny, and I have exchanged Christmas gifts.  Historically, our gift to each other has been a get-away to a cabin in the mountains.  The arrival of the China Virus alters any hopes for travel, and on top of that, we've been pretty much isolated and insulated in our own "cabin" in the woods for all these long months.  Any trip we will take in the after-vaccine future will be to spend much needed time with the people we love.

That being said, we decide to exchange gifts in Christmas 2020.  Now, friends, you have to understand that Danny is one of the hardest people to buy for.  If he sees something on the internet that he perceives as a want, he goes ahead and orders it, as long as it's in his budget.  It's difficult to play one-up-man-ship with him on the best of days!

As November is winding down, I keep my antenna poised to discern any hints that might drop into my lap.  We are watching Fox News one evening, and Pete Hegseth's latest book, Modern Warriors, is featured.

Danny isn't much of a book reader, but he declares that this might be one he'd enjoy.  Duly noted!  I'm also conscious of his frustration in discovering new dishes to try as he is the ultimate chef at the Orlando Cafe.  So, after seeing some cooking segments on Fox by Steve Doocy, I decide that ordering his wife's and his latest, The Happy in a Hurry Cookbook, might fit the bill.

How convenient it is to order both of these gifts from the Fox News Shop!  That's what I surmise at the outset.  But, oh, how I am mistaken!

I place my order for both books on December 4th; that's got to be plenty of time to arrive for Christmas, right?  And to make it for Danny's birthday on the 19th?

Guess again!  Luckily, Modern Warriors shows up in good time, but the other book?  MIA!  Panicked, I turn around with fresh hope and order a T-shirt for Danny for good measure.

Hooray!  The inconsistent and unaccountably late mail does pay off with this order.  At least Danny has a birthday and Christmas gift just in the nick of time.

A few days ago, in giving up hope for the arrival of the cookbook, I turn to Amazon for a second shot, guaranteed to be delivered in two business days.  As Fox Shop has no tracking, I've lost confidence in the knowledge that the original gift will ever arrive.

I should have held out with the hope I've committed myself to this year.

Monday morning, January 4th, the long-awaited book arrives.  The order from Amazon is scheduled to get here the following day.  Oh, how I should have waited upon the Lord, trusting that He is at work in all things, and would see this through successfully!

So, in all of this, what have I learned?  I must never give up hope, even when circumstances say otherwise.  I should be content to wait upon God's timing in everything, knowing that His plans are for the best.  It is never advisable to act precipitously because something we've hoped for hasn't yet arrived, but to simply wait with patience and trust.

And what will I do with the second book?  Save it for my daughter, Sarah, as a future birthday gift.  Nothing is wasted in God's economy!



  1. Great advice at the end of the post. We should always have hope and trust in God. Here too, the post is a little erratic at the moment.

    Wishing you both happiness and good reading. God bless.

    1. Thanks, Victor! Finally, the mail here seems to be settling down, but it has taken forever to do so. Hope that issue never happens again!
      Love and blessings!

  2. What a terrific illustration(s)! That had to be enormously frustrating. Good to know about Fox News not providing tracking information. How disappointing! I've about come to the conclusion, if my on-line order isn't shipped via UPS I'll go elsewhere. They seem to be the only carrier on which I can depend.

    1. Yes, UPS is very reliable, Myra, that's for sure! The only thing the USPS seems to get right is Amazon orders. Think there might be a little money passed under the table? That's anyone's guess. Glad you enjoyed today's post!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I had that same experience with Christianbook Martha. I ordered a Bible and a study book for Tami on Dec. 4. (maybe that day is bad?) It didn't come and didn't come and after calling several different times, they put a new order in with 2 day shipping. The USPS brought it 3 days later. Meanwhile, somewhere between Christmas and New Year's day the original order arrived. They told me to keep it and/or give it away. I gave both books away. Least two others were blessed. I ordered Pete's book from Amazon for a friend who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. It arrived earlier than predicted. Is it any wonder why people use Amazon? Good point about waiting.

    1. Thanks for sharing your delivery dilemmas here with us, Bill. I'm sorry to know you had to go through the same kind of nightmare, but happy everything turned out okay in the end. When Danny is finished reading Pete's book, I'm looking forward to reading it myself. Hope your friend enjoys it!
      Love and blessings!

  4. You are so, so right, Martha. Never give up hope, but perhaps it was in the plan for that second book to be given to your daughter all along! Happy weekend!

    1. I think so, Terri. God is good all the time, isn't He? He will always make sure everything turns out right in the end.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, learning to wait is anything but fun. However, in waiting we can learn. The Lord's timing is so different than our timing. Mail, on the other hand, is a completely different story!

    Love and blessings!

    1. I know, Kim. Waiting can be frustrating, especially when we want a gift to arrive on time, but we can learn many lessons during those times of waiting that are invaluable. God is the best teacher!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Happy New Year Martha and Danny!
    Yes, nothing is wasted in God's economy.

    1. You are so right, Beckie! Happy New Year to you and Scott, too.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I'm sure glad to know I'm the only one who is impatient sometimes. Sadly, I'm guilty of being that way with God too. Praying Mr. Danny enjoys his gifts and you enjoy your newfound confidence. God's blessings ma'am.

    1. No, J. D., you are definitely not alone when it comes to the patience department! I think we spend our lifetime learning the importance of that virtue. Yes, Danny is enjoying the books, and has already found some recipes he wants to try. Good news!
      Love and blessings!

  8. I surely do understand your impatience with the waiting. I have been held captive in God’s waiting room for a few weeks now. Every time I begin to think of solving things on my own, I try to remember to pray first. So far so good. I guess misery loves company, because I am glad to know that I am not alone in my impatience. Love and blessings, Martha.

    1. No, Nells, as I mentioned to J. D. above, you are not alone in the impatience realm. And the best thing we can do before making a decision is to stop and pray - always, and without exception! The question is: Will we do so?
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, I love that Bible verse and this analogy. The books and the t-shirt look like great gifts. Even the USPS was behind this year, we received several Christmas cards just recently. There are always lessons to learn when waiting...especially when we wait upon God!

    1. So glad you loved the Bible verse and the analogy, Karen. I hear you about the Christmas cards, too. We just received two a day ago. Talk about slow! Thankfully, Danny likes the books and the T-shirt. :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. God's timing is always best! This is a truth I have "known" all my life but this past year it was a fresh lesson from the Lord and now I can truly say I KNOW God's timing is always best. What a peace I have found in the waiting in difficult circumstances that God will take care of it all exactly when he needs to in the perfect way he sees fit.

    "It is never advisable to act precipitously because something we've hoped for hasn't yet arrived, but to simply wait with patience and trust." Amen!


    1. I agree, Annie, that God's timing is always perfect! It is we who can become impatient in the waiting. May we all take a deep breath, say a prayer, and trust full in the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  11. We can always be thankful for divine wisdom!

  12. What a great lesson in this post, and also I hope both books have lived up to their expectation! Oftentimes, we THINK we know what we want, and we do everything in our own power to make it happen, only to discover that wasn't what God had in mind for us after all...and He always knows best! I have learned the hard way through the years to wait on God for those "things" I thought I just had to have or do. When God says "No", it's always for a good reason!! And like the title of my blog, when God closes a door, He always opens a window that is even better than anything I ever hoped for!!

    1. Yes, we so often think we know what we want, but God always knows best, Pamela. That's a lesson I think most of us spend our entire lives learning, but it is a must! And I agree that when He closes a door, He's opened a window for us. How amazing is His love!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I saw that book by Pete Hegseth, too, and it sure looks like a great one. We have stopped watching Fox News, as since being taken over by the liberal Disney they have become very anti-conservative, except for a few shows. But, we absolutely like Pete and Rush Limbaugh will always be one of our favorites. SO sad to know he is so sick. He will be so sorely missed. Glad all your orders have finally arrived and trust you and Danny will be richly blessed in this new year. I found it interesting that Danny's birthday is the 19th. My brother-in-law, Danny's birthday was also 12/19, and for many years, we would always celebrate his birthday when we would all get together for Christmas. Happy memories!

    1. So many changes at Fox, Cheryl, I agree. I've been watching Newsmax instead recently, and that has helped. Thanks for sharing the story about your BIL's birthday - what a coincidence!
      Let's keep the faith!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Perseverance! We learn it in daily life :) That cookbook... :)

    1. Yes, we certainly do, Marja. Perseverance is key as is our hope in the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Does Sarah read your blog? Don't want to spoil the surprise!

    1. She reads it sometimes, Loralu, but we've already told her the story of the double order, so she knows the book will be coming to her soon. She's excited as she has really gotten into cooking!
      Love and blessings!

  16. I'm discovering some things we have in common, Martha: husbands who quickly order what they need or want (with an eye on the budget, of course), husbands who also cook, and Fox News as our current events source. Not many gifts could be just as appropriate for a daughter as a husband, but that cookbook will work perfectly. Hallelujah! (They can even compare notes as they fix the same recipes!)

    1. Wow, Nancy, we do have so much in common! That's a sweet surprise, for sure. :) It is pretty amazing about the cookbook, too, being appropriate for both husband and daughter. God really worked things out for the best!
      Love and blessings!

  17. You came up with a good solution for the extra cookbook. It's a win-win. Your daughter gets a cookbook out of the deal and your hubby does too! I mailed my son's Christmas package out to Colorado on Dec. 1, thinking that was plenty of time for it to get out there. It was supposed to be delivered Dec. 8. It actually arrived Dec. 24. Whew!

    1. Oh, my, Laurie! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to have issues with Christmas deliveries. Good thing your son's gift arrived in the nick of time. And the extra cookbook is definitely a win-win.
      Love and blessings!


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...