Thursday, January 28, 2021

Love Your Neighbor


He answered, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" ~Luke 10:27

Last December, right before the yearly ritual of Christmas baking arrives, our Thermador oven goes on the fritz.  This is a top-of-the-line appliance that we splurge on because Danny, being the chief chef in the house, has put up with a run-of-the-mill Maytag for decades.  Yes, it is a definite upgrade, and one that gets lots of use and appreciation.

We purchase the stove in April of 2019.  A renegade fault is the last thing we expect with an appliance so new.  To make matters worse, the oven dies when Danny is preparing to bake pizza for our dinner along with a loaf of bread.  The inconvenience couldn't materialize at a more crucial moment.

We freeze the bread/pizza dough, and Danny immediately phones Best Buys where the unit was purchased.  Turns out, when they return the call, they are unauthorized to repair any Thermador product within the first two years of purchase.  We have to contact Thermador personally.

Once we do this, we are greeted genially, and guaranteed a visit from a service tech promptly.  I'm encouraged by this, but I'm also thinking how grateful I am that this is one Christmas when we won't be hosting loads of family members.  There is no timetable as to the oven's recovery, but we can at least rely on the stove top burners to work while we wait.

When Sheila, our service tech, arrives, she determines that, indeed, our heating element in the oven has failed.  She will have to order a part for it. >Sigh<  More waiting!

The part arrives in a couple of days, but when Sheila returns to install it, lo and behold, it is faulty!  Probably damaged in transit.  Now, it's back to the drawing board once more.

Two days before Christmas Eve, Thermador calls to tell us the heating element has arrived, but it will be after Christmas before it can be installed.  More disappointment!  I am so hoping to be able to bake at least one traditional Christmas favorite, a variation on the classic cheese straw, but hope is growing dim.

Then comes an unexpected and welcome call from Sheila.  "I will be more than happy to come on Christmas Eve morning to replace the part," she tells us.  "I can't bear the thought of anyone not being able to cook their Christmas meal."

Godsend!!!  Good as her word, Sheila arrives promptly the next morning, and our oven is saved!  We are so touched by her willingness to sacrifice her Christmas Eve for her customers, we hastily prepare a gift bag with the first two books of The Glade Series, plus a bonus check as a thank you.

Sheila certainly demonstrates what it means to love one's neighbor, and we pray that God will continue to bless her and her family.

May we all be that selfless.

And do those cheese straws (squares) get baked?  You bet they do!



  1. I love good customer service. It makes you willing to put up with some inconvenience for the greater reward. I'm glad to see you also "rewarded" her for her special effort. That was a phenomenal gesture on her part. Those cheese straws sure look yummy.

    1. You can't beat good customer service, Bill, that's for sure. We were just so grateful for Sheila's selfless heart in all of this. And yes, the cheese straws were delicious! I'm thinking of making more soon.
      Love and blessings!

  2. How wonderful! She deserves a promotion! So nice of you to give her that special thank you of appreciation. I hope she enjoyed the books! I am sure she did. I don't know what "cheese staws" are. Now I need to look that up as they look delicious. Are they like a cracker? This was a nice story that shows us that good people are still out there doing their jobs, and even going above and beyond the call of duty! Very heart warming (and oven warming too! LOL).

    1. Yes, Pam, she certainly does deserve a promotion, and I, too, hope she enjoyed the books. If you'd like the recipe I use for cheese straws, let me know, and I'll send you an email. Danny and I had one heck of a time trying to follow "traditional" recipes that left the dough crumbly and too dry; our modifications, however, have worked.
      Love and blessings!

  3. What a wonderful story! How heartwarming that she was willing to come fix it on Christmas Eve and so nice of you to bless her with a gift bag. I'm so glad your oven was fixed in time to bake the delicious looking cheese squares - yum!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this story, Martha. Yes, we were overwhelmed with gratefulness that Sheila was willing to help us out at our time of need. And yes, the cheese squares are simply the best!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Why is it appliances break down when you need to use them. You switch on the kettle, or toaster, and you find it has broken down there and then. You switch on the light, and the bulb has died. Why can't they break down in their own time rather than mine when I need them?

    "Turns out, when they return the call, they are unauthorized to repair any Thermador product within the first two years of purchase. We have to contact Thermador personally." Here in the UK, by law, it is the seller who has to deal with the problem and not the manufacturer.

    A great enjoyable post today, Martha. Thank you.

    God bless.

    1. That is an interesting fact you've shared here, Victor, about the seller being solely responsible to fix the item purchased in the UK. It never ceases to amaze me how different countries have different rules and regulations when it comes to such things as these. Yes, things always break when we least expect them to. Just glad our tech had a heart of gold!
      Love and blessings!

    2. I don't know how you paid for your oven when you bought it, Martha. Here in the UK, if you bought it by credit card you have extra protection. The credit card issuing bank (e.g. the bank who gave you the card) will take up any issues with the seller if things go wrong. The purchase must be over £300 and under £10,000. I had such a problem years ago. A plumber overcharged for work done, and would not refund. I told the credit card, and they refunded me the whole amount and took the dispute with the plumber themselves. This protection does not apply if you pay by debit card or cheque or cash. Only credit card.

      God bless.

    3. That's so interesting, Victor. It doesn't work that way here, although we are free to dispute a charge on our card if services weren't rendered or something we ordered wasn't delivere.
      Love and blessings!

  5. How disappointing when a new appliance hiccups! We experienced that shortly after purchasing our "Made in the USA" new washer and dryer. Like our serviceman observed, they're not making them like they used to.
    Yet! What a blessing, having Sheila be the tech assigned to your 'case'! And in turn, I'm sure she felt blessed by your generosity. Thank you for sharing this timely example of 'good will toward men'!

    1. Yes, Myra, it's always disconcerting when a new appliance goes south unexpectedly. And I guess you're right when you say they just don't make things in the USA like they used to. Sheila was a blessing, indeed, and we will always be grateful for her kindness.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I absolutely love this! How God used this opportunity to surprise you, to use this woman to minister grace to you, to give you this opportunity to encourage her spirit.

    But what I really love most is that your husband cooks!


    1. I'm so glad this post spoke to you, Linda. I always hope and pray that my words will cheer someone else. And yes, I'm grateful that Danny actually loves to cook!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, they are the best, Regine. :)
      Love and blessings!

  8. Glad Sheila saved your holiday. I hope they know what a gem they have in their employee!! Those cheese squares look delicious!

    1. I'm so glad Sheila came to the rescue, too, Terri. We need to contact Thermador to give her a rave review if Danny hasn't already done so. And yes, the cheese squares are awesome!
      Love and blessings!

  9. wow how gracious of Sheila to do this and inspirational for the rest of us to go that extra mile, Thanks for sharing this story, Martha. It made my day,

    1. So glad this story made your day, Jean. Sheila is such an inspiration to all of us to go that extra mile, just as Jesus asked us to do.
      Love and blessings!

  10. It's amazing when a customer support person takes "ownership" of your problem, and goes out of their way to help achieve customer satisfaction. Despite the "red tape", "protocol", and "problems", Ms. Sheila's integrity saved the day for you and Mr. Danny. It did my heart good to read of case where goodness is found yet in this world. Thank you ma'am,

    1. Oh, yes, J.D., we are in such dire need these days of feel-good stories like the one Sheila inspired here. May we all, in spite of these dark times in which we are living, shine the light of Jesus, just as Sheila did, into this hurting world.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Dearest Martha Jane,
    That was excellent service by Thermador!!!
    As often in life, it depends mainly on one person's attitude and this was a caring one with the highest courtesy. Lovely story and you bet, you BAKED for or on Christmas Day.
    Sheila no doubt was thrilled for receiving a meaningful Christmas gift in return.

    1. Excellent service, indeed, Mariette! Sheila is definitely a treasure, and I do hope she enjoyed her gifts - best we could do at the last minute. And it's wonderful to be able bake again.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Good Morning, Martha. What a beautiful stove! My son is a chef and would salivate if he saw it. What a blessing Shelia was to you. Yes, she definitely loved her neighbor. Happy cooking to you and your husband!

    1. I didn't know your son is a chef, Diane. Yes, he would most certainly love this stove - it's such a beauty, especially now that it's working. Sheila will always hold a treasured place in our hearts.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Powerful analogy, Martha. I've never heard of a Thermador oven before. But so glad Sheila was willing to be a good and loving neighbor by coming out on Christmas Eve. Those cheese straws look yummy!

    1. Thermador is a top of the line appliance company, Karen, so this was an indulgence for us, but so worth it, especially when folks like Sheila service them. She truly saved the day! The cheese straws are delightful; I'll have to bake more soon.
      Love and blessings!

  14. What a great story!! I'm so glad it turned out well!

    1. I'm so glad it turned out well, too, Barbara. Sheila to the rescue!
      Love and blessings!

  15. The Lord is faithful in providing for us.

  16. Beautiful words as always dear Martha and it reminded me of the promise, Jehovah Jireh.. thd LORD will provide.

    Just as the Lord provided a lamb to Abraham, so He provided for your family..
    He has His hsnds to do the task as required .. He faileth not. Zeph 3..
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. I'm so glad this post spoke to your heart, Shaz. Yes, God will always provide for us, and sometimes, in the most unexpected ways.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Boa tarde obrigado por vocês alimentarem os nossos olhos e o nosso coração. Deus é com vocês, quem me dera um dia conhece-los e abraçar grandemente.

    1. Wouldn't it be fun to meet in person, Luiz? I do hope that for all my blogging friends.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Oh my goodness, that was just in time. And Martha, those cheese squares.... send me some, please!

    1. I wish I could, Marja, but I'm sure they'd be stale before they arrived. :)
      Love and blessings!

  19. What an ordeal and trial you have been through! So thankful for people like Sheila who are so caring and kind.

    1. What would we do without wonderful folks like Sheila? They truly embody what it means to love one's neighbor, and I'm so grateful.
      Love and blessings!

  20. What a silver lining Sheila turned out to be in the dark cloud of an oven on the fritz! She was a very good neighbor.

    1. She was, indeed, Laurie. A proverbial silver lining in the dark clouds of disappointment.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Martha, this is a great illustration of loving your neighbor. It's encouraging to know that great customer service is still available.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Isn't that a blessing, Kim? We were so thankful for Sheila's attention to detail and to us.
      Love and blessings!


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