Monday, February 1, 2021

A Great Start


Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it. ~Proverbs 22:6

The 2020-2021 school year has been anything but easy to navigate.  I don't know how parents, who are both working, have managed to keep their children afloat in these rough waters.  I can't blame them for pushing school districts to open up their doors safely, and allow the kids to return to the classroom full time.  If I were in their shoes, based on the science available, I'd be doing the same thing.

Fortunately for my daughter, Sarah, and her three girls, Virginia, Savannah and Alexandra, learning at home has been working for all of them.  They actually have been attending school two days a week, with masks, of course, but on February 8th, they will finally, finally be able to go in person five days a week.

Here are some photos of what learning at home looks like:

The girls seem really happy, don't they?  And yes, they ARE actually doing all their lessons and making progress.  Savannah, who is in first grade, is reading like a whiz!  Although I can't share the video here, Sarah sends us one so we can listen to Savannah reading aloud.  Seems she loves books as much as her Gammie does!

Sarah, though, is a bit worried about how Alexandra will adjust to five days of actual school.  She is in kindergarten, and has yet to experience the full-meal-deal of classroom instruction since the school year began.  I assure Sarah that, with lots of encouragement, Alexandra will do just fine.  Kids are so much more flexible than we set-in-our-ways adults.

And Virginia?  Just what I'd expect from a fifth grader.  She isn't looking forward to getting up at the crack of dawn for five days a week instead of two.  I describe to her how early I had to rise for years when I was teaching, and suggest that she will adjust to her new routine before she knows it.  I'm not sure, though, whether this is enough to convince her.

But I am convinced of one thing:  Because of Sarah's and John's involvement with their education during these months, the girls have kept up with all their lessons.  No ground lost here!  And working on their own, they've also learned so much about self-discipline, a trait that will most definitely serve then will in the years to come.

Yes, I'd say my grands are off to a great start!



  1. Indeed they are off to a good start. We pray for you and all your family, Martha. Great post today. Thanx.

    God bless.

    1. I'm so proud of them all, Victor! Know I pray for you, too, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  2. That is wonderful to hear! Apparently your daughter and her husband have had good examples set for them by you and have passed on their knowledge and skills to their children. As awful as this pandemic has been, it also has had its good side in that families have been forced to slow down and spend more time together, learning together as well as playing together. People have learned to be more focused on the Lord in a personal way because they can't be in church and be spoon-fed their faith...they've had to reach out and exercise faith that may have laid dormant in their hearts...Yes, your girls have been given a good start, and hopefully they will continue with the good things they have been learning and apply them to the new schedule of life as it comes. God is with them wherever they go!

    1. Yes, as awful as this pandemic has been, Pamela, there have been bright sides to it; I believe, like you, that it has served to strengthen so many families, and increased our faith in the Lord. I know I find myself praying more in these days than ever before, and that's saying a lot! :) I'm so grateful my young ladies are off and running in the right direction.
      Love and blessings!

  3. We have been really fortunate here in our town. The school has offered either/or to the students. Some opted for home learning online but many chose to come to school. Our rate has been low relatively speaking, although there has been some quarantining due to exposure (but not getting it). Meanwhile, some schools have closed all year. Travesty and Tragic. Braden's school has a hybrid of 2 on and 3 off. Least they are going. I agree with the father who told the unions and school district to "figure it out!" He is absolutely right. The unions have way too much power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Many of them don't give a rip about the kids. It is all about them and their money and power grab. Stop the money flow and watch what happens. I'm happy for Sarah's conscientiousness in teaching the girls. You done good Gammy. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing, Bill, how the schools in your area are doing. Like Braden, the girls have been doing that two day on/three day home learning for some time now. And I must agree with you absolutely about the teachers' unions. When I taught, I saw them for what they were and refused to join. They are tools of the Democrat party and vice versa. They care more about themselves than they do the children, and that's evil as far as I'm concerned.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Glad you enjoyed this, Regine.
    Love and blessings!

  5. They are so cute and it's fantastic that they are off to a good start learning from home. They will all adjust to the regular school days before you know it!

    1. I think they will adjust fine, too, Martha. And you have to know, I think they are pretty cute and fantastic, but that's the Gammie talking. :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Oh, how fortunate all are for starting back to full time school again as nothing can replace the true interaction! Glad they managed on their own but for lots of kids there will be a lasting gap due to lack of motivation, stimulation or whatsoever. Also, not all rural areas do have Internet available...
    You all can feel blessed!

    1. I know, Mariette, that other children in different parts of the country and with special needs have suffered greatly during this time. Oh, how my heart goes out to them! I can't begin to thank God enough for the girls' good fortune.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Beautiful young ladies!! I am glad they are all doing so well, navigating remote school. Alexandra will adjust to 5-days a week kindergarten. Kids really are more resilient that we think. Keep us posted on their progress as they all go back to school! xo

    1. I will certainly keep everyone posted on their progress, Terri. I'm excited for them, actually, that all three will get to taste what a real school year looks and feels like.
      Love and blessings!

  8. What beauties! Self-discipline is sure not something that can be taught. Sounds like a silver lining, doesn't it? Oh I never tire of hearing of the girls' adventures! I'm looking forward to reading more!

    1. I never tire of their adventures either, Myra, and I think they are all beautiful in their unique way. Self-discipline is a silver lining, indeed!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I love how often you write about your grandchildren. Mine are a source of encouragement and motivation for me to keep going.

    1. The girls are that for me, too, Betty. I miss them so, and can't wait to see them again. Keeping up prayers for being able to do so during their spring break.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Always love to read good news; and this post definitely provides plenty of that; and reasons to praise of course. Thank you Ms. Martha Jane!

    1. I love being able to deliver good news, J.D., as there is so much disheartening and sad news in the world today. No matter what, we always have a good reason to praise the Lord!
      Love and blessings!

  11. How wonderful that the girls are going back to school! Praise the Lord!

    1. Praise the Lord, indeed, Beckie! It's about time, don't you think?
      Love and blessings!

  12. Love the photos, Martha! And Virginia is getting so big! Glad they get to go back to school and have a regular schedule again!

    1. I'm so glad for that, too, Karen. All the children in our nation need normalcy and routine. Yes, Virginia is growing so, and I think by the time I can see her again, she will be as tall as I am. That's hard to digest!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I helped with virtual school for six weeks for my kindergarten grand. I am happy to report she and I were only at odds one day of the entire six weeks. I count that as a win! STRANGE TIMES!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. That sounds like a win to me, too, Loralu. I sure wish I could have been a help to Sarah at this time, but actually, she has done just fine without any Gammie interference. Lol!
      Love and blessings!

  14. This has certainly been a school year like no other! My oldest grandson used to go to school in-person 2 days/week and have virtual learning the other 3 days. He is now going in-person full time, as is his younger brother. My youngest grandson has been learning virtually all year and will probably continue for the rest of this year. What a mish-mash!

    Bless your little granddaughters. They have to be flexible. Your little reader is so precious!

    1. Oh, yes, Laurie, a school year like no other! I'm glad that two of your grandsons are returning to full time school, but sorry to hear that your youngest one won't realize that privilege. The only good I can see coming out of this (take Chicago Teachers' Union for example), is that parents are waking up to the fact that the unions decide their child's education. They need to speak up and speak out before it's too late.
      And thanks so much for your kind words about the grands. Oh, how I miss them!

  15. Having homeschooled for 13 years, I can vouch for the amount of discipline required for stay-at-home learning, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I cherish those memories more than I can say. I know your girls will do just fine when they go back and their lives are richer for having had this special one-on-one time with their parents. God bless you all!

    1. I think their lives have been enriched by time spent with there parents, Cheryl. I wish Sarah would homeschool them, but I can't make that decision for her.
      Love and blessings!

  16. glad they are getting back to in person. Locally here our schools have been in person since last "August. The kids do better than adults with masks and social distancing. Kids are so resilient. We can learn from them. My daughter a teacher is so thrilled the year has gone well. we will all get there!!

    1. I'm so glad to hear your schools have been holding classes in person for such a long stretch of time, Jean. How wonderful for the kids, and for teachers like your daughter, who have persevered through these tough times. Kids are resilient, and they do have much to teach us.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Yes, I do believe your granddaughters are off to a solid start--taking responsibility for their learning. Going back to the classroom, while good for socialization, likely won't be good for learning.

    Your Scripture from Proverbs is a good one--training children in God's Word, as well as in other disciplines reap amazing dividends in the future.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thanks, Kim. I believe they are, too. Sarah just sent me Virginia's report card today - all As and Bs! So proud of her!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...