Monday, February 22, 2021

Talent on Loan From God


"After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them.  The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five bags of gold.  See, I have gained five more.'

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master's happiness.'" ~Matthew 25:19-21

Rush Limbaugh, the greatest talk show host of all time, has passed from this earthly veil.  My heart is broken, shattered by his loss for so many of us, the loyal millions of listeners, who depended on his uplifting messages, inspiration, and unapologetic love for America to see us through the good times and the bad.  I wonder how many tears the Lord is now busy catching in His eternal bottle?  I'm sure it's more than the grains of sand on the shore.

I know there are some of you reading this who either didn't like Rush, or were indifferent to his opinions and observations solidly planted in reality.  I feel so sorry that you missed out on hearing America's Anchorman communicating honest, clear, and yes, sometimes humorous messages to his audience.  Truth be told, I've learned more from Rush about both sides of the existential battle between conservatives and liberals than I could have possibly hoped to glean from any other media outlet.  He understood liberals think better than they do themselves, and he was never reluctant to call out so-called conservatives when he though they strayed from the founding principles of our country.

Rush was an equal opportunity offender, and I loved him for that!

Yes, there are a plethora of memorable stories out there about Rush's career, how he got started in the business, and how he persevered through the tough times to build his EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) Network into a force to be reckoned with.  I don't choose to make this the focus point of my post today.  Instead, I want to highlight the time when I'm on the receiving end of Rush's generosity toward the members of his audience.

I would send Rush personal messages from time to time via his website, letting him know how much my granddaughter, Virginia, was enjoying his Rush Revere series, how the little grands loved their Liberty stuffed horse, and assuring him that he was in my thoughts and prayers for healing from the cancer.  Much to my surprise last summer, a package arrives at our door.  It's from the EIB Network!

I know I didn't order anything recently, so I'm overwhelmed with curiosity as to what this parcel contains.  When I open it, these gifts are revealed.

Three T-shirts that actually fit me, though how Rush and his dear wife, Kathryn, could have known is beyond me.  This commemorative photo of Rush wearing the Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded at President Trump's last State of the Union address.

I will always cherish this . . .

God has taken our dear Rush into His heavenly arms much too soon, but who are we to question God's timing?

And it gives me great comfort to know that Rush, especially in this last year of his cancer battle, was never shy to share that he had a personal relationship with Jesus.  One could tell that by his day to day demeanor on air, but it became crystal clear in 2020, and he wanted his listeners to know about Jesus' saving grace.

Yes, Rush, you were always right to acknowledge that your incomparable talent was on loan from God, reminding us that all our talents and gifts are the same.  You are now walking side by side with Jesus, and I can hear Him saying, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Rest in peace, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III.



  1. My he rest in peace. Never seen him on UK TV; but from what you say a rare person indeed. Over here not many would speak freely of their Christianity on TV.

    God bless you and yours, Martha.

    1. Rush was definitely one-of-a-kind, Victor, and he will be sorely missed by so many here in the States. He was mostly on radio, by the way.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Nice tribute Martha. I was not a listener simply because I seldom listen to radio and seldom find myself in a vehicle to listen when he was on. But I respected him for his love for Jesus and his unswavering love for America. Well done indeed in more ways than one. but most definitely in the one which counted.

    1. Rush's love for this country and for his Father in heaven will live on in his listeners, Bill. I always tried to tune in to Rush in the afternoon while doing chores around the house. His presence and his wisdom will be sorely missed.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I wasn't a fan; I rarely listened to his broadcats. But he changed broadcasting and radio/TV commentary forever.

    1. He certainly did, Glynn. Rush wasn't called America's Anchorman for nothing! I really will miss him.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Phobes! Yes, Rush was an incomparable individual who inspired millions of Americans.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, Rush was the GREATEST as he never budged but went on to speak the TRUTH! He knew that by speaking the truth you create many enemies and he didn't care and in the end, that became his biggest success.
    So deserving for receiving the memorable presidential award of freedom!
    Your gift is a lasting memory of this larger than life man with great morals and no doubt he will be rewarded for that. We, cannot comprehend many things yet, but it might be that Rush right now has far greater impact than before...

    1. Perhaps, Rush is having a greater impact now than ever, Mariette. What a positive, uplifting thought that is! And we need people in this day and age to speak the truth without fear of rejection or being misunderstood. I will miss Rush so much!
      Love and blessings!

    2. Well, a soul never dies and that's where he remains powerful Martha Jane!

    3. Yes, Mariette, our souls are more powerful than we know. May Rush's linger on to affect all of us to do the Lord's will for this nation.

  6. What priceless gifts! I, too, am brokenhearted at the loss of this great patriot. Trying desperately, not to lean on my own understanding.

    1. Rush was such an amazing patriot, Mevely, that's for sure, and he truly cared for his audience, more than we will ever know. He will be missed!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Our nation has been blessed to have had Rush's powerful voice throughout these years of so much turbulence. He will be missed by so many. He reminded me of the late Paul Harvey, only in that he told the truth and didn't apologize for the truth. I hope and pray God will raise up another to fill the airwaves with truth in these days of so many falsehoods in the media. Our conservative voice is getting drowned out and that is hurting our country in more ways than we realize.

    1. We absolutely cannot allow our conservative voices to be silenced, Pamela. Rush has passed the mantle onto his audience, and we must speak up in truth for everything this nation means to us. Rush will be greatly missed as a pioneer and patriot. I don't think anyone can fill his shoes.
      Love and blessings!

    2. None need to fill his shoes Nartha, as the Lord raised up another even greater one to take up the mantle of a Elijah in the person of Elisha, so He can do again.. another servant of the Lord for a changing scene and times. Lord bless sis. X

  8. Love that Martha.. talent on loan from God. So true if all of us and what have we done with it? As I’m from Oz and can’t hear that network, I’ve not go my knowledge heard this dear man, but I’d heard of his passing in conservative media over there so know of the cancer and his sad loss but that is all.
    Heaven will have plenty of time for catch up on those where we’ve never met as well as those we’ve known. Lord bless and comfort all who are feeling His loss and how I pray each day for Gods keeping on your nation and ours.
    Sad times.
    One day it will be worth it all...
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Shaz. Yes, this is a sad time for so many (millions) of listeners to Rush's show. If you go to YouTube, there are probably some clips of Rush there, in case you want to hear him for yourself.
      Love and blessings!

    2. I never really listened to him, but do know from others that he was a good man. Great loss to those who loved him. Blessings and love, Martha.

    3. Yes, Nells, a loss that leaves a gaping hole in the hearts of so many. It will take time to grieve and to accept, but Rush will never be forgotten.
      Love and blessings!

  9. So very well said Ms. Martha. Mr. Rush would have been proud. I know I am. God's blessings ma'am. We can't know when God will call each of us home, but we can begin preparing the legacy we leave behind now. Well said ma'am.

    1. Thank you so much, J. D., for your kind words here. I do hope Mr. Rush would be proud; it's hard to write about such a legacy to our culture and health as a nation. May we all leave a legacy of love to the generations yet to come.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Bom dia Deus conhece a nossa vida melhor do que ninguém e principalmente o nosso futuro.

  11. Any man-no matter what their political ideology, who openly professes Jesus has my respect!

  12. You have written a beautiful tribute to one of your heroes, Martha. Well done!

    1. Thank you so much, Laurie. I will really miss this great and patriotic man.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Our family has dearly loved Rush for many years, and it felt like losing a dear loved one when we heard the Lord had called him home. When I was expecting our son, I had to stop working in my 7th month of pregnancy. Every afternoon, I would listen to Rush during the 2000 election fiasco. Mom used to tease me that our baby's first word would be "Rush!" He has gotten our family through so many hard places and his common sense was such a comfort to us. We will miss him terribly. So thankful he is now with Jesus and isn't suffering anymore.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl, for sharing here what Rush meant to you and your family. All of us who were in his audience will miss his common sense approach to all that's going on in our nation. What a perspective he had! Yes, Rush is in the best place now, and no longer in pain, but we will all be grieving for a long time.
      Love and blessings!

  14. You expressed this so well, Martha. It's a great tribute to a great man. My husband and I listened to Rush often. I like how you said, "I've learned more from Rush about both sides of the existential battle between conservatives and liberals than I could have possibly hoped to glean from any other media outlet." Yes! That's true about him and grateful he was not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

    1. I'm grateful, too, Karen, that Rush wasn't afraid to share his faith with others when he deemed it appropriate. I'm glad both you and your husband enjoyed hearing him over the years - he did teach us so very much! I don't think a day will go by when I don't miss him.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...