Thursday, February 4, 2021

Overflowing Hope


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~Romans 15:13

In a recent post, I describe my frustration in not being able to be on the same timetable as my husband, Danny, when it comes to getting the Covid vaccination.  But wouldn't you know it?  The very day this blog posts, Danny finds me a shot at our local health department for the following Monday.  Talk about elated!

This is a drive-up-stay-in-your-car type of arrangement.  When we arrive, we can't believe our eyes.  Hundreds and hundreds of cars are in line ahead of us.  They are snaking around and around on a cone guarded path, edging ever closer to the finish line.  Think queues at Disney World when it comes to the most popular rides.

Once in this line, there's no escape; we just have to stick with it until the bitter end.

And believe me, it is a bitter one!

After almost an hour of inching along, we at long last reach the location where actual health workers visit your car and ask for your paperwork.  I comply, and a lengthy list is checked for my name.  "I'm sorry ma'am," says the man not bright enough to wear his mask properly.  "There was a glitch in our online system.  It registered 3,000 people when we only have 800 vaccines.  Don't worry, we'll be in touch."

Ever have the overwhelming urge to choke someone?  Yep!  All that time in a sinuous line with nothing to show for it.  Why in the world were these folks not checking people at the entrance, when those not qualifying could easily be turned away?  Oh, but wait, that makes sense, and this is the government.  I'm reminded of these words of warning:  "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."  Yeah, right.

My hope is momentarily dashed, but we refuse to give up in our quest to secure a vaccine for me.  I'm trusting God has a better plan as to where and when to get the shot.  Because even if the health department does contact me, I ain't goin' back there for love or money!

Hope reinvigorated by the knowledge of how many waiting lists Danny has placed me on, how thrilled we are to see that Publix is opening its registration window Tuesday of this week.  The only catch?  It starts at 6:00 a.m.!  That means getting up by 5:30 to be at the ready to dive in the moment an opportunity presents itself.

Danny and I are both on our computers, watching the site refresh about every minute, when he gets the go-ahead we've been waiting for.  Excitedly, he enters my information, and voila!  I'm in!  Pretty good considering there were only 210 slots available in our county.

So, on the day of this post's publication, I'll be receiving my first vaccine, with a second one already scheduled for March 5th.

And my hope is overflowing!


As most of you know, I am no longer on Facebook or Twitter.  However, please feel free to share any of my posts on those venues, or send by email to family and friends.  Your support is so appreciated!


  1. Oh, I hope and pray everything goes well for this shot today? Be sure to let us know! We haven't gotten ours yet. The list is long here too and we are waiting. Our Dr. said he hopes to have it available for patients soon, so we wait, letting those at higher risk get theirs done first. Praying this works and soon this virus will be eradicated! God bless you dear friend. I hope soon you will feel safe to visit your family again. (((hugs)))

    1. I sure hope so, too, Pamela, and will definitely let you know how it all turns out. Praying you all can get your shots, too, and soon! It's going to do so much in liberating all of us.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I sure hope today goes more smoothly than the last time! So glad you are able to get it this soon and to have your second dose scheduled as well!

    1. I'm so grateful for that, too, Martha. Yes, here's hoping!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Wishing you all the best, Martha. I understand your problems and frustrations. Believe me.

    God bless and good health.

    1. Thanks, Victor! Yes, this vaccine roll-out is craziness, but I'm very grateful to have secured this one. Here's hoping it all pans out!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Way to go God (and Danny). :) Sso glad you were able to "ride it out" and finally find a way. I'm still trying to find out if I should get one since I had Covid in December.

    1. I wish I had the answer to that, Bill, but it seems to me that you should now have the immunities in your system after having the virus. I'd just check with your doctor. And yes, this has been one long ride!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Wow, after that awful waiting in line for a poorly organized vaccination, so happy you got yours this morning. Hoping all went well so far.
    We were so lucky on January 14 as they were extremely efficient here in handling a huge crowd and no problems whatsoever. On the 18th it is our 2nd.
    Big hugs,

    1. Mariette, my appointment is at 11:30 this morning, so we will see how everything goes. So glad your health department was much more efficient and organized. Such a blessing!
      Love and blessings!

    2. Keeping my fingers crossed for you Martha Jane!

  6. WONDERFUL! What deeply concerns me are the MANY who have no computers, are not tech knowledgeable, and on and on. We need a better system!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Amen to that, Loralu! Ironic is what I'd call that situation. Danny was, fortunately, able to get my 92-year-old mother signed up for the vaccine. She would never have known what to do or how to do it. She's already had her first shot, so is well on her way to the second dose, thank goodness!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Replies
    1. Not sure what the ??? mean, but thanks!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Congratulations, Martha!!! I'm tentatively scheduled at a nearby County Health Department next month -- trying not to read too much into their disclaimer: "Doesn't guarantee inventory, ya da da da..." Better I take a page from you and focus on the God of hope.

    1. Thanks, Mevely! Yes, all went smoothly today, and I am so very thankful. Glad you are on a schedule, be it a tentative one. Let's both pray it's God's plan that this will work out for you.
      Love and blessings!

  9. So glad you got scheduled!! Excellent news! Just for other's information, when we got our first one, there were about 10 people waiting outside for the day to end (9:00-4:00) and were hoping to get theirs with whatever was leftover. The vaccine can't be put back in the freezer, so those willing to wait could get in at the end of the day. It is most likely the same everywhere.

    1. That's great info you've shared here, Terri, and I hope other folks will look into that alternative. I'm just so grateful that I could get mine today - easy peasy! The folks at Publix are so professional and polite. I actually enjoyed getting shot in the arm!
      Love and blessings!

  10. I went to the health department to register my name weeks ago; I have heard nothing from them. They would not allow me to register my husband, because he is younger than I am. Too late to worry about it right now. We both have covid with pneumonia. Trust me, you DO NOT want this junk. This is our second week of it and we are only beginning to feel some better. Please pray for us. I will be scarce with posting for a little while. I read all your post though. God bless you. I am delighted you have received your first shot.

    1. Oh, Nells, my heart is breaking to hear of this news for you and your husband! May the Lord keep you both strong and heal you completely of this affliction. Yes, I will keep you both in prayer, of that you can be assured. No one wants to suffer from this virus, but I'm glad to hear you are slowly coming out of its devastating effects. May God surround you with His love, healing and peace.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Anytime the "government" is involved, it's more costly, less organized, and certainly more frustrating. Oh, what we've created! :-) I'm so glad to hear that you you're getting/have gotten your vaccine. Am praying it brings you the peace of mind and confidence you need to be able to reconnect with family and friends again in the public eye. God's blessings gentle friend.

    1. What you've said here about the government is spot on, J. D. Yes, I was able to get that first dose; arm is a bit sore today, but nothing worse than it would be with the flu shot. That's good news! So happy to be on the road to normalcy.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Boa noite meus amigos. Que Deus abençoe o sábado de vocês.

    3. Boa noite meus amigos. Que Deus abençoe o sábado de vocês.

    4. May God bless you, too, Luiz!
      Love and blessings!

  12. What a frustrating experience that was!!! I'm glad it appears to be resolved now.

    1. Yes, Barbara, it is! I did get my shot on Friday with no residual effects. I am so thankful for my experience with Publix.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I am so sorry you had to wait but isn't is so wonderful we finally are getting to this step, Our local health department too was overwhelmed the first couple of weeks. They are so tired and overstretched. I decided to give them grace and heard this week that clinic were going quite smoothly now and people are being called with appointments as vaccine comes in. We Americans are an impatient people aren't we and even more so with when faced with limited resources. Hope you get your vaccine soon.

    1. Jean, I did get my vaccine at Publix on Friday as scheduled. Praise God for that! And yes, it's a miracle that we are at this stage at all. If it weren't for President Trump's Operation Warp Speed, we'd be facing a depressing and debilitating future. I do think agencies will finally get their acts together and figure out how to fairly distribute the vaccine.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Wow, Martha, what a crazy experience! And you had me both sad in your delay of the vaccine and smiling at your humor and candor. Glad you finally got the first dose and hope and pray you are doing well with it.

    1. Thanks, Karen, I AM doing well with it - no more soreness than getting the regular flu shot. Glad the post made you smile, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  15. I am SO sorry you had to endure that long wait for nothing, especially when a little common sense and effort could have saved a lot of people a lot of time! Not every vaccine delivery site is so poorly managed. We were very impressed with the efficiency of our drive-through, vaccine-in-your-car arrangement here. Appointments were set so the line never grew too long. Love how you were able to turn a very frustrating experience into a humorous post, Martha!

    1. Yes, Nancy, that wasn't a fun day, for sure, but glad to know things are better organized where you are. Since then, I have gotten the first shot at Publix, and the second one is scheduled. Hooray!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Good for you, Martha! I am so glad you were able to get the vaccine. My sister had to wait in line for 3 hours to get her first vaccination. She is scheduled for her second one this week. It will be a while before I will be able to get vaccinated.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that you will have to wait a while for your vaccine, Laurie. Hope it comes sooner than later!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Martha, as frustrating as things like this can be, it really may have been for the best. Perhaps, God has a better plan?

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, I think He does, Kim. In fact, I KNOW He does!
      Love and blessings!


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