Monday, February 15, 2021

Everlasting Bond


I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.  Instead, I have called you friends, for everything I that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. ~John 15:15

I adore this photo of granddaughter, Virginia Rose, and family cat, Henry.  Their joy and contentment radiate for all to see, and I can't help but smile whenever I gaze upon this duo.  Yes, Henry may only be a kitty, but to Virginia, he is a best friend, too!

And I'm sure that all of us, who have ever owned a pet, have experienced the unique bond that forms between human and animal.  There's nothing like it!  Dissimilar from human friendships, your cat or dog will never talk back, never turn its back on you, and will love you unconditionally.

Now, that's what I'd call a genuine BFF!

Such a shame that our friendships with other people don't come with the same guarantee.  One reason I leave Facebook is precisely because of this.  People whom I trust, think highly of, and yes, even love, part ways with me because of differing opinions.  As a person who values dialogue and the healthy exchange of ideas, I find this mind boggling.  Shouldn't friendship create the ties that bind?

In an ideal world - yes!

But that's something we won't realize until Jesus returns.

In the meantime, we can take comfort in the knowledge that Jesus already calls us friends, just as He did His disciples.  He is always present to listen to our prayers, to provide a welcoming lap into which we can crawl up and feel safe, and will love us eternally and completely when we believe in Him.

The Lord doesn't hold our transgressions against us, but forgives us every time we earnestly repent.

I couldn't ask for a better friend that that.  Could you?

Henry is up there in years.  It will be a devastating day for Virginia when he crosses over the rainbow bridge, but not even death will erase the deep connection they share.

Just as nothing can separate us from the love that God, the Father, has demonstrated by giving us His precious Son.

That bond is everlasting.



  1. Good post, Martha, and a great reminder of Christ's love for us.

    I'm glad of our friendship through the Internet.

    God bless.

    1. I'm glad for our friendship, too, Victor!
      Love and blessings!

  2. I count on that everlasting bond. Nothing will separate me from the love of Christ. nothing.

    1. Amen, Bill! Nothing but nothing can separate us from God's love.
      Love and blessings!

  3. A beautiful picture to jumpstart today, Martha!

    And I hear you about the ways social media has amplified already challenging and unsettling circumstances ... and in the process, destroyed relationships, divided churches, and made each other the enemy.

    There is only one enemy of our souls and he rubs his hands in glee at the mayhem he has caused.

    But greater is He that's within us than he who is in the world.

    Okay, I'll get down from my soapbox now.


    1. Hey, Linda, I enjoyed your soapbox moments - well said! I'm glad you did enjoy the post and the photo. It's definitely a source of joy for me.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Such a sweet picture. And yes, relationships are turning sour here and there due to all that is happening. But the friendship Jesus offers us is everlasting. Amen. Good post.

    1. Thank the Lord for His everlasting love, Marja! Glad you liked the photo, too. :)
      Love and blessings!

  5. What a sweet photo of Virginia Rose and Henry! I hope they have many more years together.

    1. Thank you, Martha. I sure hope they do, too!
      Love and blessings!


  6. Sweet picture. Bill whose post you read had a great message for today. Kind of ties in with yours. good post Martha.

    1. Yes, it does, Betty. Such a coincidence, or is it a God-incident?
      Love and blessings!

  7. Precious! I am with you. When I can no longer express my opinions because my "friends" will unfriend me, it is a sad day! What in the world could be so important that you would drop a friend?

    1. I know, Loralu, that is such a frustrating situation, and one I think many will come to regret. Let's hang on to those true friends, and hang onto Jesus!
      Love and blessings!

  8. It has been a couple of sad years because of this division in our land, actually several years. I haven't left FB, but I haven't been there much either. I have avoided anything political for a while and am trying to only comment on things that are uplifting or family oriented, etc. I've tried to maintain friendships/family relationships regardless of our political stance, but it hasn't been easy. I'm the one who has had to reach out with the olive branch mostly...not backing down on my convictions, but realizing that relationships are more important than opinions. If they leave me because they don't like who I am or what I stand for, then they definitely have a problem, and all I can do is pray for them, which I do. Yes, Thankfully Jesus is a friend forever...the best friend forever we could ever have. I want all my loved ones to have this friend too. Just keep praying. Love this post. Virginia is such a sweetheart.

    1. That's truly how one has to navigate Facebook these days, Pamela, and I find it so sad and disheartening. It's harder still when members of one's family don't see eye to eye on certain issues. That is true in my family, too, and I'm usually the one who tries to bridge the gap, offering peace, not war. However, like you, I hold to my convictions and to my faith. Relationships, as you say, are much more important than opinions shared, and like you, I do pray for family and friends, especially the ones who don't know the Lord.
      And I think Virginia is a sweetheart, too! :)
      Love and blessings!

  9. You can certainly see the love between those two. She will always remember the bond they shared. Let us never forget the bond and love we have for Jesus. He is always there right beside us. Just reach out, and he will take your hand... love and blessings.

    1. I know, Nells, the love is absolutely palpable. Virginia will never forget her bond with Henry, and thank goodness, nothing can break the bond of love we have with Jesus!
      Love and blessings!

  10. What a great picture! While I still miss Caraleigh terribly, I have to regard our years together as a gift from God. In fact, for the most part, I think our fur-babies most closely embody His love. Dumb animals? I think NOT!

    1. Yes, Mevely, we never stop missing our pets, and I agree, they are little, furry gifts from God. My Maggie (a Norfolk terrier) gave me so much comfort in the years after my husband died back in the 90s. And I don't think they're dumb at all, either! They can read us like a book.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I can surely understand why you left facebook. I am continually amazed at all the people who have turned against me because of my stand for righteousness and refusing to succumb to satan's agenda. This is all satan's work - to divide and conquer. During this difficult, God is sifting the holy remnant from the remnant, He is sorting the wheat from the chaff, and those who aren't firmly rooted in the cross of Jesus Christ will be revealed to be imposters and hypocrites. It may sound harsh, but that is the reality of what is happening. If you dare to stand for God, you will be spurned and hated, but Jesus said if they hate us, they hated Him first. He also said because inquity would abound, the love of many would wax cold. It is happening. It is here, and it is surely an eye-opener as to who is wheat and who is chaff. Only those who cannot be shaken will remain when this is all over.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl, for sharing this all important observation and giving those who haven't yet opened their eyes to the reality of what is going on in this world, the chance to examine their hearts and repent of their sins if that's what is needed. It is satan's work, no doubt about it. But like you, I do believe that God's remnant will come through this, tested through the fire, to be a stronger force for Him than ever before.
      Love and blessings!

  12. I adore this picture! So precious. 🐱❤️

  13. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Virginia Rose with her beloved Henry are precious and yes, a perfect example of unconditional LOVE!
    We could all learn so much from our pets...
    Guess these times is also a good kind of weeding out the 'fake' friends. Sure not all ought to be alike but one can differ in opinion and still respect each other!

    1. Oh, that more people could differ in opinion, but still love and respect one another, Mariette. But I guess this is just a time when the Lord is separating the wheat from the chaff. And yes, Virginia and Henry are such a great example of unconditional love!
      Love and blessings!

  14. What a beautiful post and oh so true, Martha!

  15. What a beautiful picture of Virginia and Henry. Henry is the name of one of my grandsons. I am so sorry to read about your friends on FB. I do have several friends who have much different political opinions than I do. We have managed to remain friends and respect each other's views. I am very grateful for that. I know of many friendships that have been disrupted. I pray for reconciliation for you and your friends, dear Martha!

    1. Laurie, I'm so glad to hear that you have been able to sustain friendships in these divisive times. That speaks volumes! Henry was also my grandfather's name, so it is special to me. Thanks for sharing that your grandson is a "Henry." :)
      Love and blessings!

  16. always love seeing your grandkids! such a good message

    1. Thank you, Jean! I love seeing them, too.
      Love and blessings!

  17. I understand your decisions about "anti-social" media; and I both respect and honor those choices Ms. Martha. I think Satan is delighting in the fact that as his time draws nearer, he has succeeded in dividing even God's people so sharply that there is little, if any, middle ground left. Instead, there is only a chasm between someone's beliefs and how wrong everyone else is who doesn't accept them. Please continue blogging ma'am; because your voice is one that this world sorely needs.

    1. J. D., I so appreciate your words of affirmation and confirmation that the words you and I share on our blogs will reach out to those who need the word of the Lord more than ever. Satan's goal is to divide us and to reap hatred and distrust. We can't let that happen! May we unite under the flag of Jesus Christ, remember who we are in Him, and have the courage to fight the good fight will love and forebearance.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...