Wednesday, June 14, 2023

We Will Not Be Shaken


But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.  They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who brought them - bringing swift destruction on themselves. ~2 Peter 2:1

Here in the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church, we were denied the ability to disaffiliate from the main body until 2024.  But a lawsuit brought succeeded in allowing that choice to be moved back to the present.  The date set for the vote of local congregations is now July 2, 2023.

For over a month now, my husband, Danny, and I have been attending Shiloh UMC (pictured above) in lieu of our former place of worship, Kennesaw UMC.  We've been nothing but impressed by the vibrant conservative congregation that gathers there each Sunday.  Yes, it is a relatively small church when compared to the weekly gathering at Kennesaw, but the Holy Spirit is palpable.  They joyfully sing the old tried and true hymns, interspersed with some contemporary Christian songs, and aren't swayed in the least by the current cultural opinions whirling around them.

Because that is exactly what they are:  Opinions.

We are currently between pastors, not a comfortable place to be as I'm ready to transfer my membership to Shiloh as soon as possible.  That will have to be put on hold for the time being.  However, we were blessed this past Sunday to host the now-retired former pastor, Bill F., to lead the service.  He is a close friend of Kennesaw's former pastor, Wallace W., and I was genuinely excited to hear him preach, thinking, "If he's half the preacher that Wallace is, he is more than worth my time in the pew.

Pastor Bill does not disappoint!  In fact, makes the best case for why Christ and His teachings should be upheld and followed completely, no matter how the cultural winds are blowing at the moment.  If we stay true to God and His Word, we cannot be shaken or persuaded to listen to the false prophets of our day and age.  The truths found in both the Old and New Testaments should always be our go-to, not just in times when the world's views would have us believe otherwise, but also should be soundly woven into the very fabric of our day-to-day lives.

This was the very breath of fresh air for which my soul is longing.  So I breathe deeply, refreshed, inspired and renewed in my spirit, to face any challenges the future may hold.

The bottom line?  If we listen intently to God's Word, and internalize it, we can never be shaken.


A bit of history:  Shiloh was originally founded in Kennesaw in 1832, making it one of the oldest churches in the region.  It survived the Civil War, being used by Sherman as a hospital.  It burned down once, but was rebuilt on the original site.  When I'm there, I feel not as though I've gone back in time, but that history has entered the present, enriching my spiritual life with the memories of all the saints who have worshipped here.


  1. Martha Jane: I just sent you an email. I understand what you have been through. God is good especially to those who stand for Him.

    1. I will certainly check my email, Cecelia!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Is this vote one of the local church or is it the conference vote?

    1. The vote is being held on the one day. It is each congregation selecting whether to stay in the Conference, or to leave.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Glad you have found a new church and hope you get a new pastor soon.

    1. Thanks, Christine! Yes, our new pastor is supposed to arrive sometime in July.
      Love and blessings!

  4. It is sad when Church leaders change the Word of God to suit modern needs. It is happening over here too.

    God bless.

    1. It truly is sad, Victor. The church should be leading the culture, no the other way around.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I haven't been to church in years but I still pray and believe

    1. We quit going to church when Covid hit, Jo-Anne, although we would follow services on-line. I had to be extra cautious during that time not for me, but for my husband who has a pacemaker. I'm so glad those scary times are behind us!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh, your Shiloh church looks and sounds so much like our little church here! Yes, we are small, but mighty in spirit and love for Jesus! Our pastor preaches the true Word of God without apology! Our people are strong in the Lord. We hope to be able to disaffiliate this fall, as we have to have a special called "charge conference" with the current District Supt. before we can officially do it, but we are ready. I am so happy you have found a church so much like ours! I am so happy they still exist and that we will not be shaken. Praise God!!

    1. Shiloh does remind me of your precious church in Florida, Pamela, one that puts God in the forefront, just as it should be. Preaching God's Word without apology is such a gift to everyone in the congregation.
      Love and blessings!

  7. The pain of leaving a church -- and it's pain -- is one thing. Leaving a denomination is something else. We attend a church in a small evangelical Presbyterian denomination. A few years back, when the national Presbyterians were splitting apart, quite a few of their congregations ended up with our denomination. You can sense there's a winnowing going on, as if we're preparing for something. (By the way, there's another Shiloh church that gave its name to a Civil War battle, this one in southern Tennessee. A church name meaning "peace" was witness to one of the bloodiest battles in American history.

    1. I have to concur, Glynn, that there is most definitely a winnowing going on, and those who are standing on the worldly values of our day and age will eventually be left out in the cold. I pray they'll come back home in time; they will receive a warm welcome.
      And thanks for the history lesson, too. I didn't know the word "shiloh" means "peace." Just another reason to love this modest little church.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, I am glad you and Danny found a church that feels so good for you! This split in the UMC is why Joe and I ended up joining the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) when we left the Catholic Church. I grew up Methodist but sure didn't want the drama we all saw coming. I hope the new pastor will be chosen soon and that he speaks to your soul!! Do please keep us posted!! xo

    1. I will certainly keep you posted, Terri! If you read Glynn's comment above, that must be the denomination that he and his wife joined after their split in the Presbyterian church. There are some days I have to pinch myself to remind me just how gracious God is in leading us to this congregation in this time of turmoil.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Amen to that, Martha! I really believe that if we're attuned to God's voice, the enemy will have a hard time shaking or leading us astray. I love this verse so much because I have a personal experience with it: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27

    1. I love that verse, too, Lux. It is so true!!! I'm so happy that God led us to this particular church, and believe it or not, it's only five minutes away from our house!
      Love and blessings!

  10. So pleased to learn you and Mr. Danny are blooming where God has planted you Ms. Martha. Those "in between" times can be challenging as it seems Satan loves to attack us then. Whether Pastor or church body, if they don't invite the presence of the Holy Spirit, then it's not the place for me and my family. I loved how you stated, "... history enters the present." How profound. We do indeed bring our history with us into everything we do. That should include our churches too. Like us, all of that history may not be desirable, but it is what makes us who we are. God's blessings ma'am.

    1. You are right, J. D. All history may not be desirable, but the truth should be told, no matter how painful or shameful that history might be. If God loves us in spite of our faults, we should seek forgiveness for our failings and live in eternal hope for all our tomorrows. God will be right there with us!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I'm so glad you and Danny have found a church home where you feel 'fed'! I feel that way about our congregation, too. Our disaffiliation was finalized last month ... we're free to be!

    1. I'm overjoyed to hear that, Myra! Yes, being fed spiritually is such a gift, and we can't overstate it enough. Free to be!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Glad that you found a new church that you are comfortable with. It's important to be in a place where you have others than share your beliefs.

    1. Yes, it is, Bill. We are so grateful to God for guiding us to this beautiful and spirit-filled congregation.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Like so many aspects of life now, there has been a lot of change and church is also affected. For those of us who have been a part of church all of our lives, this is uncomfortable.

    1. It isn't a comfortable place to find ourselves, but I know I'm compelled, as many others are, to walk in the light of God's eternal truths and not the darkness of the world.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Martha, you have the sweetest face. Your Shiloh church is beautiful. I love the pews with Hymn books to sing from and like you said, the old tried and true hymns, and especially a pastor who preaches the Word of God. The world is a scary place right now.

    1. I agree, Henny, that the world is a scary place right now and is becoming more so with each passing day. But we have the eternal assurance that God's love and His Word will prevail.
      Thanks for your kind words, too!
      Love and blessings!

  15. My husband was a UMC pastor (for 40 years) before this split began but he saw it coming. Our son, who's been a UMC pastor also, chose to disaffiliate along with the church he serves, and they've already become a Global Methodist Church. It's been a difficult and painful process to say the least. Praise God he's provided a warm and welcoming home for you, Martha, with the church family at Shiloh!

    1. Nancy, your husband was prescient, indeed. It is heartbreaking to go through such a split, but I'm glad your son's church was able to take ashes and turn them to beauty. I still recall with clarity when my father, who was the dean of Emory at Oxford in the 90s was challenged by a gay couple who wanted to get married in the Old Church on campus. He denied their request because Emory was founded by the Methodist Church, and at that time, the church had yet to bow to cultural pressure. Dad received tons of criticism, but praise, too. In fact, Oxford received record endowments because of his stance on this issue. Where has that day gone?
      Let us stand strong with God as our witness.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Glad to hear you have found a new church. Hoping everything turns out great.

    The Style Fanatic

    1. Thank you, Bernie, I hope so, too, though I have lots of confidence that it will.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Bom dia, Martha
    A sua igreja é linda, que bênção é servir ao Senhor com alegria, onde a Palavra de Deus é ministrada fielmente, um forte abraço.

  18. Amen to that, Lucinalva! There's nothing better than serving God with great joy.
    Love and blessings!

  19. The most important thing is that the 'church' is 'the body of Christ on earth', as God does not live in a house made with hands, and our 'teacher' is the Holy Spirit. God bless you with all He has for us in Jesus.

    1. Thank you, Brenda! No, God can't be contained by any human-made structure, but His Holy Spirit certainly can fill the place with His peace and presence.
      Love and blessings!

  20. Dear Martha! God bless you for taking a firm stand for truth. Yes, it will compel us to make changes and draw us out of our comfort zone, but that has been the case for the followers of Christ since the very beginning of His church being established. We must come out from among them and be separate and stand up for His Word. It will never change, and we shouldn't either. I believe you will flourish in your new church, and I pray God sends you the pastor of His choosing who will preach the truth with power and determination.

    1. I'm praying for that, too, Cheryl, and I have the confidence that that will happen. There is no better way to honor and glorify God than to follow His precepts and live them out in the world.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Wishing you a smooth transition to the church of Shiloh! Judging by its pictures, it is lovely both inside and outside.

    1. Thanks so much, Duta! So far, so good with the transition, and Danny and I both feel infused with fresh hope.
      Love and blessings!

  22. Martha, so thankful you and Danny found a church you enjoy and to worship in. God bless.

    1. We are beyond thrilled that God has led us here. I'm sure we have have found the best place to serve others.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Glad you have found a church that feels good for you.
    Thanks be to God.

    Hugs and blessings, Martha

    1. Thanks be to God, indeed, Veronica!
      Love and blessings!

  24. I'm sorry I'm late to this party Martha, but I'm sure you know why. :) But wanted to take a moment and thank you for the history lesson but also the biblical lesson. I pastor a church in a small town. There is much to be said about large churches, but there is also much to be said about small churches in small towns. Strong, biblical preaching churches are needed and desired. May their tribe increase!

    1. May their tribe increase, indeed, Bill! They speak for the vast majority of American Christians when others will not. It's precisely the manna we need to keep Jesus' message alive in this time and place in history. Ironically, Kennesaw is no longer a small town due to the growing college, but this church proclaims the power of our country roots. I can't begin to express how grateful I am to become a part of this Christian community.
      Love and blessings!

  25. Those stained glasses looks great (and tall)

    1. They are simple, yet elegant at the same time, Haddock. They tell the story of Jesus in the way that even children can understand and celebrate.
      Love and blessings!

  26. Goo place. I like this wooden church.

  27. thecontemplativecat here. I enjoyed this post more than you can know. Very well said and the MUC has its problems. My brother is a pastor in Illinois.

  28. It is always good to find a church where you feel comfortable and know the true Word is being taught. Hannah and Jake just found a cute church near their home and although I say cute , because it is small, they have been very welcoming and the pastor reads from the true word of God. They are so pleased with the services. It is sad so many are turning away from God and turning to ways of the world. I enjoyed seeing your church photos and hearing the news about finding this church. Have a blessed weekend.


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...