Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Loaves and Fishes

Mark 6:41-42
Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied.

Pot-luck dinners at church are the best! Everyone, it seems, brings their favorite, crowd-pleasing recipe to share, and brings it in abundance. I'm not one for seconds, but at these affairs, I almost always go back for one more bite of that irresistible brownie, that mouth-watering fried chicken, or, that ultimate comfort food, macaroni and cheese. (If you didn't know it already, I'll bet you've guessed by now that I live in the south!) Everyone eats until full and satisfied; no matter how many people show up or how many dishes are served, there is always plenty left over to be wrapped up and taken home.

The miracle of Jesus' feeding of the five-thousand is nothing short of astounding. He took the loaves and fish that someone was willing to share, blessed them, broke them, and more than generously fed the overwhelming crowd. I'm certain no one left there that day hungry either in body or in spirit. God has graced us with prolific resources on this earth and has provided everything we need. It is when we are willing to share what little or what plenty we have with others that His bounteous gifts multiply ten-fold, a hundred-fold, a thousand-fold.

How can you share food with others in a way that will grow God's kingdom? Can you fix and take a meal to a family in need? Can you, even if these tough economic times are trying your budget, donate one box of cereal to a food pantry? Could you organize a pot-luck dinner at your church and invite friends and neighbors who don't attend to join you for food and fellowship? Perhaps, you could remember to pack a sandwich for that bedraggled, homeless man you pass every day on your way to work. Whatever you choose to do, know it is in the sharing that miracles happen.

Psalms 61, 62 or 68:1-20 (21-23) 24-36
2 Samuel 3:6-21
Acts 16:6-15
Mark 6:30-46


  1. I love this line, "...it is in the sharing that miracles happen."
    Would I have guessed you to be from the south Martha? All that food reminded me of homecomings at our church when I was growing up.
    Dishes spread out a mile long on tables pushed together… Everything you could want (at a homecoming meal anyway), everything your tummy can hold: catered-by-Wilbur’s barbecue and fried chicken with corn sticks and slaw. Pimento cheese and chicken salad sandwiches and deviled eggs. Chicken stew, BBQ chicken, chicken lasagna… You can’t go wrong with chicken – any kind of chicken - at a homecoming! Which may tell you I’m from the south too.
    There’s nothing quite as meaningful in life as food with good fellowship.

  2. Wow! Now, you are making me hungry! :) Yes, Jesus knew the importance of food and fellowship when He gave us the Last Supper as a way to always remember Him and the sacrifice He would make for us. We are so blessed!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...