Monday, September 5, 2011

My! How You've Grown!

Philippians 1:6
I am confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Babies grow so fast! I hadn't seen my granddaughter in over a week when she visited with me the other day, and I couldn't get over the new skills she had acquired during that brief period of time. She is now saying "mama" and "dada" with frequency, emits a delighted "mmmmm" when I feed her a spoonful of food, is fitting her duplo blocks together correctly and, albeit not very lady-like, laughs every time she "toots" in her diaper! She has been pulling herself up on anything and everything for several weeks, but now, she is beginning to take those first sidling steps toward actual walking. Best of all, when asked, "Where's Papa?" or "Where's Gammie?", she points directly to Danny and me with full recognition and a contagious smile which lights up her precious face and brings us such unspeakable joy.

While it's easy to discern the almost daily changes in a growing baby, it's difficult at times for us, as adults, to see the changes, though small, constantly occurring within. Even when we feel stagnant, repeating the same, customary routines day after day, God is subtly, quietly working within each one of us to guide us into the fullness of the good work He has ordained for us to accomplish in our lifetime. Reflect upon where you were a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago; how have you grown and changed for the better? How has God moved you forward in His desire to make you complete, to bring you closer and closer to perfection in Him? Can you see the transformation? Trust, then, that today, even if you don't feel it happening, the Lord is leading you, molding you, renewing you in spirit and in truth. Know He will be faithful to complete the good work He began in you!

Psalms 41, 52 or 44
1 Kings 13:1-10
Philippians 1:1-11
Mark 15:40-47


  1. Martha, I can really see huge changes in myself, and not in the physical form. LOL! I'm more peaceful, playful and daring. I can do all things. Phil. 4:13

  2. Ditto!! The more am transformed, Martha, the more i see my shortcomings that He wants me to work on....and then He fills me up some more...but I never get full as it is an ongoing filling and your precious sweet baby here!!

    May the Lord bless your day, sister!

  3. I can definitely see changes in me especially in over last 3 years. But I must admit I get challenged more and at times a lot. I am by nature very impatient but one of the things God taught me was patience :)

  4. Martha, my 16-year-old and I read this devotion together and discussed the questions presented in the last paragraph. I asked her how God has moved her forward in his desire to make her complete. One of her responses was that he has created in her heart a desire to lift her friends’ spirits when they are down and out. And in fact, she’s leaving now to go comfort a friend who’s been the object of ridicule and name calling.

  5. Wow!!! How amazing to hear about all the good works He has begun in all of you and how you are continuing to discover ways in which to grow closer to Him and fulfill His destiny for you. These were so uplifting for me!

    Thanks, my friends, for stopping by and taking the time to leave such personal and meaningful reflections on being perfected, a piece at a time, in the Lord!

    Blessings always!

  6. This was such a good post today. This past year has been one of change for me, too, and I'm amazed at it all. I found a new church with a refreshing life that has just transformed my own in ways I never thought possible. And with that has come a new thirst to grow. I love all the comments above me. Isn't it great how God works in different ways in all of our lives when we let Him?

  7. Cora, yes, it is marvelous to see how God truly looks at us as individuals, knowing our needs before we ask, and working uniquely with all of us.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a great comment! Hope you will not be a stranger here. :)


  8. Ever since I started my yoga practice I have seen very subtle and prominent changes within myself... it has been an interesting journey to see the self mold or adapt slowly....

  9. Savira, I used to do a daily yoga routine, but now substitute the gym instead. You've made me want to get back to it again; there is something about the grace and peace of the movements and positions and breathing that connect us to our souls and to the God who gave us life.

    The changes within are amazing, are they not? :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by! God bless!


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...