When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
Children frequently ask their parents for things which are not good for them, but their desire for a third cookie or a second helping of ice cream inspires them to brave the "no" they will most likely hear in the hopes that, this time, mom will relent or dad will cave in. Parents who want the best for their children learn early on how to stand by their "no" despite all the tears and remonstrations on the part of the child. If they fail to do so, as their children grow, so do the demands; Susie has to have those overpriced, too-tight jeans because all the girls are wearing them, or Johnny has to have the latest cell phone because all the kids at school have one. It is a lose-lose situation: Children think they can have anything they want when they want it and their permissive parents shake their befuddled heads, pathetically wondering how they ended up with such selfish, demanding brats.
When we ask God in prayer for something to be, or change, or happen in our lives, often we are just like children who don't know what is best for us. When He doesn't answer us in the affirmative, we react by throwing a mental temper tantrum, not understanding that His "no"means we have either made our request from the wrong motive, or He has other plans for us which are so much better than we could ever conceive of if we will wait upon Him. He wants us to develop a gratitude attitude, not succumb to instant gratification. Whether we hear, in answer to our prayer, a "no", a "yes", or a "not yet", we need to trust that God hears our pleas, knows our hopes and dreams, and, as our loving Father, wants only the best for us. Will you pray with me?
Heavenly Father, you give me all good things in your time and season. Help me to be discerning in my prayers, knowing that you have my best interest at heart. Help me to be patient in waiting for your answers. Create in me a heart of acceptance for whatever your answers may be. Grant me the grace to know, in all times and in all places, that you hold me close in your steadfast love. Amen.
Psalms 37:1-18 or 37:19-42
1 Kings 11:1-13
James 3:13-4:12
Mark 15:12-21
You dont always get what you want but sometimes you get what you need!! Always loved that lyric. Your post reminded me of it. To many of us treat god like a baseball manager when the team wins we think it the player but when the team loses we blame the manager!!!! Good post as usual!!!
God certainly knows what we need in life and he will provide those things as they're trued needed. I would love a million dollars to fall from the sky but I'm not expecting it anytime soon and as you said we often desire things which are no good for us. It's been a long time since I've asked God for material items instead I thank him for what he has given me and to watch over my family and friends. I always thank him for bringing Erin into my life and to enjoy her company. Blessings :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Martha. Get in agreement with what God wants for your life and your prayers will be answered every time.
ReplyDelete(BTW, to post a comment, I had to enable "accept third party cookies" on my Firefox browser. As soon as I did that, your blog knew who I was.)
Thanks, all, for the great comments! Jim, I wish I had used that lyric for my title - love it! David, I find myself doing the same thing - giving thanks for all my blessings. Hank - hooray! You finally entered comment land! :)
ReplyDeleteSometimes what we want or desire is not what is planned for us... So we enjoyed that cookie and loved the feeling it gave but to go for that extra cookie well... the feeling could change from yum and delicious to stale or a feeling of overeating....
ReplyDeleteI agree, Savira. God knows what is best for us even when we don't, and I am so grateful for that!