Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?

John 15:5
"I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing."

I hate shopping.  I really do.  But, upon a recent perusal of my wardrobe, I note how worn and faded most of my jeans, my pants of preference, are looking.  I have no choice but to seek out replacements.

So I don't have to navigate through Hades the mall, I surf the web instead.  I find two pair of jeans with whose cut and style I am familiar and feel confident they will fit.  They do!

But, there is one problem . . .

The button clasp at the waist of one pair is faulty.  I can slide the button into the sewed loop without too much of a struggle, but getting it back out?  This baby won't budge!  I feel panic rising within me (I'll leave it to your more than capable imagination as to why), until I remember, thankfully, that my husband, Danny, is working at home today; I'm sure his fingers, much stronger than mine, will pry this stubborn button loose.

"Should I snip the button hole to make it larger?"  I ask Danny when he finally, and not without some effort, frees the button from its hold.

"No, don't do that," he advises.  "You'll only unravel the sown edges."

"But, how am I supposed to manage when you're not around?"

"Just keep trying to stretch the opening with your fingers.  In the meantime, leave the button undone and cover it up with your belt."

Yes!  This tactic works!  But, I know I'll have to remind myself each time I wear the jeans to work on widening the button hole and to not make the mistake of fastening the button unless Danny is around.


When all the "buttons" in our lives are sliding in and out properly, it is tempting to think we're tackling challenges on our own just fine.  But, when we find ourselves in a jam, the first thing most of us are inclined to do is turn to God for help.  But, Jesus clearly tells us there is nothing we can accomplish apart from Him.  This means, of course, that He is right smack dab in the middle of it all.  Good times and bad.  Rough seas and smooth sailing.

Shouldn't we be just as mindful of God's presence and His grace in our lives on the sunny days, not just when the storms are raging?

After all, He's the One who's got the button . . .


How do you stay grounded in and connected to the Lord on a daily basis?

Prayer:  Father, help us to remember to remain in You as You are ever within us.  Just as branches cannot grow without the support of the vine, we wither when we think we can do things on our own without Your presence and help.  Be with us, Lord, sustain us, and let us always do Your will to the glory of Your Name.  Amen.


  1. When all the "buttons" in our lives are sliding in and out properly, it is tempting to think we're tackling challenges on our own just fine - so true. What a great illustration. You made me smile but I am one who does love shopping. lol
    How do I stay grounded? Starting my morning with prayer and Bible reading. Memorizing scripture. Talking with the Lord like a good friend. listening to him. watching for his surprises each day. Reading wonderful blogs like yours.

    1. So honored you include my blog in your readings, Jean. Yours has become one of my absolute favorites, too. And, I love how you stay grounded with God. Those are such good and positive practices.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, I so appreciate your imagery in your writing. It's helpful to see things from a different point of view. It adds to my devotional reading in a most positive way.

    I stay grounded with God by sticking with my daily time with the Lord--prayer, reading/studying the Word, and worship. In some way, I'm thinking worshiping with music may enhance my spiritual walk. Hmm...I probably shouldn't continue to neglect my own writing too.

    Currently, I'm pondering throughout the day my pastor's Sunday sermon--there's a lot in for me to process. He brought together a couple of concepts that I had thought about separately. Clearly, there's something in that message the Lord wants me to "get". Just need to figure out what that is!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, Kim, if you are feeling that need to process and bring together the messages, I pray it is God's will for you! Be patient, my dear friend, and He will help you put all the pieces together.
      I speak this from many years of inner turmoil, uncertainty, and questioning. God has been so gracious through it all. Sometimes, I couldn't feel nor see it, but the hope He instilled in me would never let go. I am eternally grateful for this!
      I do think staying grounded in God is constant Bible study, reflection, and writing down our thoughts. Don't stop doing the latter, dear Kim. He has given you a gift to share with those who need to hear the Good News. You can do it! :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. Love the quote from John and the way you illustrated your message! When things go well, how quickly we forget that all we are and do is of Him! Blessings!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Martha! Yes, when things are running smoothly, we are inclined to forget His blessings in it all.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Yep, who’s got the button alright! I like the way you illustrated your point by using Danny (God’s little helper ;-) You’re right about that: we can do nothing, absolutely nothing, on our own. And of all people in this world, I feel like I’m the most dependent. You can’t even imagine.

    My heart’s desire is for unbroken communion with Him. Some days I start out “practicing the presence of God,” only to forget that he’s there – until I NEED him. That’s when I remember - oh yeah - that he’s always there.

    1. I hear you on that, Debra! I, too, can so easily forget He's never left my side, even for one minute. Today at church, we sang "Never Once" by Matt Redman. If you've never heard it, look it up on YouTube. :) It is an excellent reminder that God is always with us.
      Love and blessings!


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