Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Great De-Tangler

Proverbs 4:11
I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, has extremely fine, curly, and slow-growing, hair.  When her mother, Sarah, washes it, trying to comb out the tangles, even when conditioner is applied, becomes a Herculean task.

I can relate.  My hair is not only fine, but color-treated, too.  When I visit my friend and hairdresser, Donna, she recommends an amazing product to use in place of traditional conditioners.  It is called "Uniq One," and, no, I'm not being compensated for promoting this product.

Donna, along with the other stylists at the salon, has nicknamed this potion "liquid gold."  It's earned that status because it works.

It really, really works!

So, last Wednesday, when Virginia is visiting with me, I note the jumble of tangles in her beautiful blonde hair and decide to get to work using this magically restorative hair tonic.  While she is playing contentedly with her Crazy Sand, I spray the concoction generously on her snarled, frizzy clumps of hair and work the potion through before placing a comb to her head.

Virginia doesn't even flinch.  The liquid gold massaged into her locks immediately releases the matted snags, and I am able to comb through it all, leaving this sweet girl with a head of hair which looks smooth, healthy and nourished.

With the help of Uniq One, I've made this path straight.


With the help of God, the Unique One, all the tangles and snarls in our lives which threaten to overwhelm us, can be overcome.  And, with all the bad news battering us from every direction these days, we need to feel the Lord's presence and grace more than ever.  I draw comfort and strength from the Great De-Tangler.  The One who will always set the path straight before us.

The One who will never leave, nor forsake us.

The One whose great love has overcome the world.

The One who will ever be the only gold, liquid or solid, we need in our lives.


How are you allowing God to de-tangle your life and set your path straight?

Prayer:  Father, we are living in times of great upheaval and uncertainty, yet in You, we know we can find the way of wisdom and the straight path you have prepared for us.  May we ever trust in Your salvation and lean upon Your Word when snares and snarls befall us.  May we do Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of Your name.  Amen.


  1. The Great Detangler. now that is a new name for God! just love this! You make me smile

    1. I'm glad this made you smile today, Jean! I love how God can take our mundane, seemingly unimportant experiences, and inspire us to point those moments in His direction. And, He's certainly detangled my life over these many years!
      Love and blessings!

  2. It is amazing that when we choose to trust God, things have a way of working out. Things untangle. That sounds like a killer product! Awesome!

    1. Yes, on God's watch, things DO untangle, Kathy! Thanks for stopping by today!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Amazing imagery, Martha! God the "Great Detangler"--He certainly does get out all the tangles of our lives. I smiled as I read your post this morning. So thankful for God and His diligent work in my life. It's not always pain free, though.
    Love and Blessings!

    1. God definitely has had to work hard on me, too, Kim, but I'm glad He's never given up on me, nor any of us for that matter. Yes, the process can be painful, especially when our snarls are massive, but He has endless patience with us, thank goodness!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I always appreciate your real life parallels to the mysteries of life, Martha. You are a sage.

    1. Thank you, Brenda, you are too kind! It's just the way I'm wired, to see God at work in the smallest of things.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Oh Martha, What a wonderful analogy! Now if I can just sit still and trust God to detangle my life without squirming a fidgeting. :-)

    1. I know . . . without squirming or fidgeting, that's the challenge for most of us, isn't it? I'm grateful for Virginia being so patient as I worked through her mass of snarls. That taught me a lesson, too!
      Love and blessings!


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