Friday, October 31, 2014

Comfort for Savannah Jane

Isaiah 40:1
Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.

Our second granddaughter, Savannah Jane, turned six-months-old on October 27th.  After a touch-and-go first month of life, this little one is thriving beyond all expectations, and we are all so grateful for the progress she has made, and for the incredible bond she has forged with her dad, John, her sister, Virginia Rose, and, especially, her mother, my daughter, Sarah.

As we watch her grow and change, we marvel anew at the stages infants tackle in their journey to become mobile toddlers.  Savannah can now roll over on her own, sit up with the aid of her special seat, and is even exploring the new and tasty world of solid foods.  And, her chuckling, contagious laugh?  It's music to our ears!

Several days ago, Sarah sends me a text which has me reeling in utter surprise.  It seems, she had gone to take a shower, leaving Savannah under the watchful eyes of John and Virginia.  Savannah, content in the moment, suddenly grows anxious and begins to search frantically about for her missing mother.

"Mama!"  she cries out.  "Mama!"

First word!!!  And, not the one we would expect in the least, being a difficult one to sound out at six-months!  John is beside himself when he hears Savannah calling for Sarah, and tells her about it the minute she emerges from the bathroom.  Of course, once Savannah sees her mother, all pleas cease.  Mom is here.  Mom will provide.  Mom knows best what I need and want.  Mom is here!

Savannah Jane has yet to repeat this one episode of verbal expression.  She has no need to in light of her mother's constant presence.  Savannah knows the love and comfort only her mom can provide for her and she rests in that promise.


Are you resting in the love and comfort which only our Father, our Abba, can provide?

Prayer:  Father, we too often forget that we are Your children in need of Your lap, Your comfort, and the warmth of Your loving arms.  We think we know it all and can do it all until we discover we have strayed from Your will for us.  Help us to daily cry, "Abba!"  Let us cling in faith to You, our only true source of strength and comfort.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. wow,what a post! As cute as little Savannah! And her 'granny's joy is just spilling over! Well,' Mom is here. Mom will provide. Mom knows best what I need and want. Mom is here!' -these are of course the best lines 'cause not only little Savannah but I too always feel the same way.
    Yes, we should always pray to our real provider, and much more 'cause He's given us His bundle of love in form of mother. At least I feel so.

    1. So glad you enjoyed this post, Portia!
      And, yes, He is our Father, but Mother, too; always ready to give us the love and comfort we need. What a marvelous gift that is!!!
      Love and blessings!

  2. What an amazing and precious post, Martha. Savannah is a great example of complete trust--how we all should relate to God. Once again, I am reminded of how much we can learn from the youngest of children.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, yes, how much we can learn from the little ones, Kim! Time and again, my grandchildren remind me of Jesus' many teachings which center around the innocence and trust of children, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
      Love and blessings, my friend!

  3. She is adorable and knows where her comfort is.

    1. Thank you, Fran! I think she is kind of adorable, too. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. Beautiful post Martha, love and hugs to her <3

    1. Thank you, Privy! I will see Savannah today, so will give her an extra hug from you. :)
      Love and blessings!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. This is thoughtful post, which tugs. I suspect Savannah knows where comfort can be found and only hope your words have give others a little encouragement.

    1. Brenda, I always hope and pray that I'm giving encouragement and hope to others through my blog. That would be my greatest joy!
      Love and blessings!

  7. That is awesome. Too bad your daughter didn't get to hear her calling for her. Tugs at the ole heart strings. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy! Sorry to be so late in responding, but honestly, I didn't see your comment until just now though I check my comments frequently. On top of that, we've been out of town all week and I didn't have access to my blog. Please forgive!
      Oh, and a postscript - Savannah DID say "mama" again when we were all there to hear her! :)
      Love and blessings!

  8. She is beautiful Martha! Oh, to miss God so much to cry out for him like she did for her mama.

    1. Oh, yes, to call out to God as His child . . . What could be better?
      I think she is beautiful, too. I am so blessed to have my two granddaughters.
      Love and blessings!


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