Friday, October 10, 2014

Gratitude Attitude

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

On Monday, I wake up feeling like I didn't sleep well.  I'm tired and dragging.  Even my morning coffee, which typically charges my drowsy batteries, isn't doing the trick.

Then, it starts . . .

First, the nose runs.  I'm sneezing.  My eyes water.  Good grief!  And, I think  Am I coming down with a cold?  I can't afford to be sick!  I'm supposed to be back in the gym today.  What?  The last tissue???  Is this a joke?

Hoping it's allergies and not a full-fledged cold, I grab the Claritin off our medicine shelf and pop one down.  It works.  Sort of . . .

Bleary-eyed and fuzzy-headed, I resort to using toilet paper to blow my nose as the Kleenex is gone.  My nose thinks it's a faucet opened full-throttle.  I feel myself beginning to slide down the slippery slope of self-pity, a place which I  know all too well will make me feel like this Grumpy Cat.

Not good!  Having a bad attitude will only make things worse.  I know this from years of trial and error.  And, I don't want to go there.  I want to look like this not-so-Grumpy Cat!

So, what do I do?  I decide to be grateful instead of crabby.  After all, I'm always promoting a gratitude attitude here at Meditations of My Heart.  Why not take my own advice?

As the day progresses, here are some of the things for which I give thanks:

  • I don't have a fever.
  • I'm not so sick I can't drive to the store for more Kleenex.
  • My head may be too stuffy for writing, but I can still read and catch up on some favorite blogs.
  • It may take me twice as long to do simple chores like laundry and making the bed up, but I can still accomplish those tasks.
  • It's a cool, sunny fall day.
  • At least, I am sick at the beginning of the week, and not the end as I have a huge book signing on Saturday.
  • Band practice is moved from Tuesday to Thursday; I should be well enough by then to participate.
I know these are simple things for which to be grateful, yet, just as a wall is built one brick at a time, it is in the small blessings, recognized and appreciated, which add up to create the sturdy foundation for a gratitude attitude.

As St. Paul says, "give thanks in all circumstances," good and bad, for God's will is working through it all.

Amen, Paul, amen!


How are you practicing a gratitude attitude today?

Prayer:  Father, it's no fun to be sick, but knowing You are with us always gives us great comfort.  Let us give thanks to You in all circumstances, rejoice always, and pray without ceasing.  In Jesus' name, amen.


  1. Love the cat photos! They make me smile. I am teaching the kids on Sunday the song about Rejoice in the Lord always and was working this afternoon on a sermon about thankfulness. Your words refreshed me!

    1. I'm glad you liked the cat photos, Jean, (I love me some Grumpy Cat!) and that my words refreshed you. Hope your lesson with the children on Sunday goes beautifully!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha,
    It's certainly a process to learn to be thankful IN ALL situations. In some way that is different than being thankful FOR ALL situations. A dear friend mine, at a fairly young age, began to learn to be thankful for each day, each situation no matter how challenging.

    Just pondering...wondering if learning to be thankful in all circumstances isn't some how "connected" to dying to self, crucifying the flesh, being lead by the Spirit?

    As for today, I'm thankful for a meaningful and deep conversation with a mentor, a cool but nice (even if not sunny) fall day, for intuition that is protective, and for the ability to many tasks on my own.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I love your take on this, Kim, that being thankful in all and for all situations is a form of "dying to self." That makes perfect sense to me; you've helped me to see my gratitude attitude in a whole new light. Thank you, as always, for your inspiring comment!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Looking at the bright side of things is mindfullness. Glad you stayed positive.

    1. Yes, it is, Janu. I learned so much during the days of illness, both about myself and God's love. Wouldn't trade it for the world!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Very overwhelming ... it is so beautiful to see that you choose to see the positives despite everything else!

    Hugs <3

    1. Privy, I think, in the long run, we have no other choice. We sabotage ourselves and those whom we love when we allow negativity to rule the day. Taken me many years to learn that, but it is a lesson I now treasure.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I hope you are feeling better soon Martha. Whether looking on the bright side or not, it is no fun to be sick!

    1. I'm 100% better, Kathy, thank goodness! And, you're right, it's no fun being sick even if we keep positive. :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. Very nice. Liked it very much. Yes, we must be thankful even for every breath!


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