Friday, October 24, 2014

Like Little Children

Matthew 18:3
And he said, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

It's so exciting to see Savannah Jane, my second granddaughter, growing so fast and learning so much.  Unlike her big sister, Virginia Rose, Savannah has the added advantage of a sibling to help her develop skills and confidence.  I love to see, in these photos my daughter, Sarah, took, how marvelously these two are getting along!

Being almost four years apart, I envision a future of spats between these two, no matter how famously they are bonding at the moment.  Virginia, at age twelve or thirteen, will label her younger sister as a pesky pest and a know-nothing.  Savannah, heartbroken, will cry to mom and dad, and not understand why Virginia will no longer play dolls with her or allow her to enter her bedroom.

There will be differences.  There will be fights.  There will simply be the amplitude of years and maturation which create a divide.

Yet, my prayer remains:  Lord, let them always know they are sisters in love and grace, even while their eyes and emotions are clouded by doubts and uncertainties. 

I will keep and treasure these joyful photos exactly for those times when my granddaughters find themselves at odds.  They will serve to remind them of the sheer bliss little children share, a happiness which is too often lost in adulthood when we neglect to nurture our inner child.

These photos, for me, are a glimpse into the kingdom of heaven.  I pray they are for you, too, my friends.


What are you doing today to nurture that inner child in you?  The one who enters the kingdom of heaven?

Prayer:  Father, we give thanks to You today that you have claimed us as Your children.  May we never lose sight of our inner child, that part of us filled with wonder, awe, kindness, and abounding in love, that we might enter Your kingdom with rejoicing.  In Jesus' precious name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Martha, I appreciate you sharing your granddaughters. I'm sure they will have their fights when they are older; yet at the same time, they would defend each other to the death.

    Oh, for a child-like faith as an adult! Many times children have a better concept of God than we adults do. It really is simple: Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.

    I've begun to realize my need to nurture my inner child--doing little to nothing in that regard at this point. As for how I could possibly do this? Color a picture, buy and play with Play-dough (or make my own), play with my vintage Lite-Brite.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, I love your suggestions as to how to nurture the inner child. We all need to play and do things which make us happy even when we are feeling overwhelmed with the demands of life.
      Yes, I do think children, with their innocent trust and faith, grasp Biblical truths so much faster and easier than we who have been trampled and jaded over the years. I think this phrase you quoted above is all we will ever need: Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Right now, I can't remember which theologian said exactly this when asked a question about why he believed. Simple, but powerful. That's how God responds to us!
      Love and blessings always!

    2. Martha, I think the theologian you are referring to is Karl Barth.

      Love and blessings!

    3. Thanks for the clarification, Kim! It certainly was Karl Barth!
      Love and blessings!

  2. These photos made me smile. What joy. How beautiful!! You are blessed

    1. I am blessed, Jean, and I know it! Thanks for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  3. So sweet! Shakespeare wrote 'Ripeness is all'. I would say,'Innocence is all'!

    1. Yes, Portia, I like your take better than the Bard's!
      Love and blessings!

  4. First, sweet pictures of the kids. Second, what I am doing is not so much an inner child activity. I am pondering the larger purpose of my creative self.

    1. And, that, dear Brenda, is a big challenge with potentially great rewards - the larger purpose of your creative self. May the force be with you! :)
      Glad you liked the photos, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos, Martha. You know all too well the fights and disagreements these two will have but now, today, all you can do is enjoy the two of them and appreciate their sisterly bond. And after they get through their teenage years, they're likely to be closer than ever to each other and hopefully grateful for each other's company. It was definitely this way with my brothers and I. We fought a lot and argued a lot til adulthood but now are the best of friends.

    1. Same with my brother and me, Vishnu! We often fought like cats and dogs, but are best friends as adults. I'm sure it will be similar for Virginia and Savannah.
      So glad you enjoyed the photos, too. It surprises me how well the Iphone camera does.
      Love and blessings!

  6. You know Martha me and my brother fought like crazy as teenagers and today we are each others best friends. Perhaps that is what siblings are for, to fight, to crib, to cry, to love and to have <3

    I am sure with you and their lovely parents they will appreciate each other .

    Love and Hugs

    1. Perhaps, dear Privy, that's exactly what's intended. If you read my response to Vishnu, my brother and I did the exact same thing, but I would not trade him for the world! He's the best brother ever, and I know I am so blessed to have him. I know you now feel that same blessing, my dear!
      Love and blessings!

  7. What darling little girls! And I love your prayer for them Martha, and for us. To remember to look at life and our relationships through the open heart of our inner child. Beautiful reminder!

    1. Thanks so much, Deb, and glad you loved the prayer. I know I truly delved into my inner child when writing The Glade Series; it's an amazing place to be because you are open to all the wonder and possibilities of God's creation.
      Love and blessings!

  8. The photos are so delightful Martha! My nieces are five years apart - and as the elder one was totally pampered for five years, she just wouldn't accept her little sister. They went through years of rivalry and then, when they were teenagers, became friends overnight. Now they're best friends.

    Hugs! Thank you for visiting my blog!

    1. Oh, Vidya, what a happy ending this story has for your nieces! Gives me hope, indeed, as do your inspirational posts!
      Love and blessings!


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