Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Desires of My Heart
Psalm 37:4
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Thank goodness that our states are finally opening up, with precautions in place, so the vast majority of Americans can leave the coronavirus lock-down behind them, and get back to living their lives as close to normally as possible. For my husband, Danny, and me, however, it's a different story. Danny's pre-existing heart situation convinces us to wait at least a few weeks longer before emerging from our self-induced cocoon of quarantine.
There are so many things I'm longing to do out there in the real world! First and foremost, I would love to see my mother again, and then take a trip to South Carolina to see daughter, Sarah, son-in-law, John, and of course the precious grands. These are my top priorities!
But there are other desires of my heart activities that I miss. Here are just a few.
Haircut!!! Since my stylist and dear friend, Donna, highlights and trims my hair at approximately three-month intervals, and my last visit to her was this past January, you can just imagine the state my hair is currently in. I hoped to make an appointment for the first week in April, but then, Covid-19; you know the rest of the story. And no, I'm not posting a photo of my shaggy ends and two-inch roots!
Church! If you could have seen granddaughter, Virginia's, mournful countenance when I tell her during a Face Time chat that our church has cancelled VBS and all summer camps, you would have cried, too. She was so hoping to come stay with us for several weeks this summer, and to indulge in these activities she so loves. And I miss simply being with my church friends, worshiping as one, with joy and abandon. Online services have been a stop gap, but they are a far cry from fitting the bill. We all need community!
Eating out - No, this is definitely not because the fare at the Orlando Cafe, provided by Danny, is anything less than excellent. It always is. But he could use a break here and there. My birthday, our wedding anniversary and Mother's Day all pass without a restaurant meal. Now, the way things are going, it looks like Father's Day is off the table, too. >Sigh<
Travel - Memorial Day would have marked my first time flying with Danny to visit his son, Giovanni, and wife, Hope, out in New Mexico, where he is stationed at an air force base in Albuquerque. We haven't seen them in ages! Honestly, I don't know when Danny will ever feel comfortable boarding a plane again. I've never been at ease with flying, but that has nothing to do with the virus.
Those, in a nutshell, are the activities I'm missing the most. Yet, I'm reminded each and every day to be thankful to God for all the blessings I have right here in front of me. The time will come, down the road, when the Lord will make a way to fulfill all of my heart's desires. Until then, I will delight in Him, and wait patiently in hope and trust.
Is your life back to "normal?" Are there still activities you would like to do, but don't safe as yet to indulge in them? Please share in the comments!
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Grace for the Race
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the lig...
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. ~Matthew 5:16 I know, I know. Ma...
I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to dest...
Let's see: haircut. Jo does mine. Not hard to take clippers and zip it. :) Church: well, I'm the pastor so I showed up every week. Some weeks only 4 came. But you are right. Online was a stop gap. It sure is good to see folks coming back. Eating out: Jo cooked more in the last 3 months than in years. We did carry out a time or two but it wasn't the same. We have hit a few restaurants since things have laxed here. Travel: we had no plans anyway. Glad you and Danny are doing well and being safe.
ReplyDeleteGood to know what you all have and haven't been doing during this shutdown, Bill. We have clippers, too, so I've been helping Danny cut his hair - his looks a lot like yours. :) However, that won't work on mine, that's for sure! I'm glad you've been able to finally get out and eat at a restaurant, too. I sure hope one day we won't look back at this time of confinement and realize it wasn't really necessary.
DeleteLove and blessings!
We're slowly, tentatively moving forward here. Let's hear it for haircuts, libraries that are slowly opening, churches that are meeting outside with everyone 6' apart, families beginning to reconnect, takeout food.
ReplyDeleteThis has been a trying time and my concern is that there's not quick end in sight. We live in a tourist area and hundreds of thousands of people are beginning to arrive from all over. We're not quite sure what that's going to do to our fragile healing space.
One day at a time. Alot of common sense. No quick decisions. And acceptance that we need to be careful even amidst the progress.
And yes, how this has all affected the children in our lives is something we might not see the fruit of for awhile. I find that concerning.
But God!
Like you, Linda, my brother and his family live on the coast here in Georgia, and they've expressed the same concerns as tourist season gets into full swing. Intellectually, I know we have to continue to be cautious, but my heart cries out daily for freedom, as I can tell by your thoughtful words here that yours does, too. We will take it one day at a time, one prayer at a time.
DeleteLove and blessings!
I do hope you will be able to enjoy those activities again soon. Praying for you both, and for Virginia...how disappointing to not have VBS, etc. So many children are missing out on these wonderful opportunities to learn more about Christ and how much He loves them. That is a terrible loss. We are missing our church services so much. Not a fan of online church. I need real people and to feel the Presence of the Lord in the Sanctuary with His saints gathered round. I am hoping it will be in a week or two, but that is probably the biggest loss for me. I do need a haircut too. It hasn't been this long since I was a teenager! But somehow I do not look like I did back then. LOL. Have a blessed day my friend.
ReplyDeleteLosing those summer church activities is an absolute disappointment, Pamela, no doubt about that. VBS, and most recently, Performance Camp, were things Virginia looked forward to all year long. That just compounds the fact that I miss her and the entire family so deeply. I hope your church will open safely soon, and that you can get that haircut sooner than later. Mine reminds me, too, of how long I grew mine as a teen. Nope! Sure don't look like one anymore!
DeleteLove and blessings!
So glad to hear you and Danny are keeping well and safe. Yes, we all miss family and friends. In the meantime, we do our best to contact by phone or other technological media; and hope for better times when we can meet in person. I love families, don't you? If it was not for families I would have to argue with complete strangers. I don't like that. I don't know where they've been.
ReplyDeletePraying for you and your family, Martha. Keep well and safe; and don't worry about your hair. I'm sure it's fine. Ask Danny.
God bless.
Lol, Victor! Yes, if it weren't for families, we'd be ticking off a bunch of strangers, that's for sure. But all joking aside, the waiting is getting tougher by the day, and sometimes, by the moment. Thanks so much for your prayers, and know I'm praying for you, too, my friend.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Yup, it's fine
DeleteThanks, Danny!
DeleteI'm headed to the beach for the day with my daughter and her kids. Definitely looking forward to a change of scenery and some ocean air! Beginning to see some friends for tea or to take a walk. My martial arts school might open back up next week for in person classes -- it's all been on Zoom since the shutdown. It will be interesting to see how things unfold as we venture out. (I'm with you about flying -- I haven't been on a plane in 10 years!)
ReplyDeleteSounds like your life is slowly regaining its normalcy, Galen, and that's fantastic news! I'm sure you'll have a marvelous time with your daughter and the grands at the beach. That's one thing I'm thankful for with regard to Sarah and her family - they are only 25 minutes away from the beach, and try to go every weekend. That's something they could never enjoy here, and it gives them such wonderful exercise, fresh air and family time.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Oh my heart's hurting for Virginia. She's soooo creative; I wonder if she might lead an on-line camp? Yep, like you and Danny we're still steering clear of restaurants -- even curbside. I'd be happy never to fly again (hated it even before the "C" word), but Tom's pretty disappointed at the probability he won't be flying back to Phoenix this summer.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree, Myra, that Virginia is creative, but I don't think she's quite mature enough to put something like that together. :) It's a drag not being able to eat out once in a while, and I do hope that Tom and you can do so soon. And there are a few folks here who don't care for flying, either, so we are not alone!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Oh, I hope you'll get to see your mother and other family soon, Martha. That's the toughest things to go without. I have begun seeing my granddaughters again and it's made a huge difference for me.
ReplyDeleteI finally got my hair cut last week and my stylist was a little shocked at its appearance. ha. It's a good thing I'd not been seeing people much the past few months.
Our church has reopened but I'm not going back until a few more weeks. With so much social-distancing and so few people returning, it's not going to be the same for awhile. :( For now, I'm enjoying our online services still, but you're right that it's not the same. I miss community too.
I'm hoping I can see them all sooner than later, Lisa, and as I've mentioned before on your blog, I'm so, so elated that you and your husband can see your precious granddaughters once again. What cuties they are!
DeleteGlad to know, too, you were able to get your hair cut. I'm sure my stylist is taking every precaution known to man, but I know if I go too soon in this cycle, Danny will be as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. No need to go there! :)
Love and blessings!
We are getting back to some kind of normal here. We got haircuts last week and we have eaten out, in a restaurant, twice so far. We have some friends who are fine visiting and others who aren't just yet, which we understand and respect. We wear masks when we have to but don't generally. Joe and I both think we had the virus back in December/January. We were diagnosed with sinus infections and given antibiotics but the coughs lasted for two months (or more) and we both lost taste & smell for about three weeks. I will be interested to do an anti-body test when they are more readily available. I tested negative before my surgery last month for active C-19 and want to keep it that way! We have church this coming Sunday and I am so excited to see everyone and worship together. Your word... community is what we miss! I hope you get to visit your loved ones soon, Martha Jane! Do keep us posted!
ReplyDeleteYou know, Terri, you may be absolutely right about having had the virus back in December as those symptoms seem to match up. What a blessing that neither of you got so ill that you required hospitalization, although Florida was certainly prepared for that! And I'm so happy that your church is opening this coming Sunday, and that both of you feel comfortable in attending. What a joy to be in community with believers once again! Praying that all these protests and riots won't make the virus explode again; Danny and I have waited long enough, and want to play our "Get Out of Jail Free" card. :)
DeleteLove and blessings!
I am in desperate need of a haircut but worse, my dentist has put off cleaning teeth, which mind was due mid May, until what they ordered comes in which is more protective things. Who know when they will take me in. You are right though that we need to be thankful for the blessings we do have. Regular communion will feel so sweet once this passes. Looking forward to your joy when seeing the grands again😀❤️👍🙏
ReplyDeleteValerie, thank you for sharing your heart and your concerns here. Like you, I've put off recommended dental evaluations, and at my age, that does not make me comfortable. I simply wish to stay healthy, as all of us do for the sake of everyone. Let us pray that the threats of the virus will pass quickly, and that we can all get back to being the people God created us to be.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Wk and I have gradually started going out in the town with protection of course. We had our first meal out last week. I have to say it was awful. The food was less than pleasing, and the poor little waitress was struggling to keep up. She was the only one there. With social distancing, she was running around like crazy. She did not act impatient or frustrated. She handled it like a champ. Wk and I made a special effort to thank her verbally and tip. My hat is off to her kindness and patience. I will forget about the food not being up to standard, but I will not forget her. Blessings to you and yours. Thank you, Martha.
ReplyDeleteOh, Nells, what a wonderful and inspirational story you have shared here with all the readers! She is doing her job, a job that she longs to keep for the time being. She is serving those who have been afraid to make a physical appearance, but wants to make them feel as comfortable as possible. A waitress cannot control the kitchen, she can only hope that she makes patrons feel as comfortable and welcome as possible. Continue to pray for this kind and caring soul!
DeleteLove and blessings!
A remember your blog last year on VBS. I know this is sad for sweet Virginia Rose! I miss meeting at church,too. Things are gradually opening around my neck of the woods. We finally got to visit our first grandchild!
ReplyDeleteIt is so sad for both of us, Beckie, as VBS was always the highlight of our summer. As soon as it ended, Virginia would begin asking when we would do it again! I'm glad things are beginning to open up where you are and that you were able to see that precious Luke again. Hooray!
DeleteLove and blessings!
I definitely miss going to the gym. I've been taking walks around the neighborhood, but there's nothing like pushing, pulling, and grunting under all that weight... Well, I tend to push, pull and grunt in the mornings as I get out of bed...but that's a different story. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to push, pull and grunt getting out of bed, too, these days, Ed - lol! We miss the gym, but have decided to get a treadmill for the house, along with some weights, so that we can work out in the comfort and safety of our own home. Very glad Danny made that call! I think, once it arrives, I'll exercise even more.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Many years ago my eldest son and his wife were stationed at that same AF base in Albuquerque. We lived in Denver at the time, so the 7-hour drive down to see them was always a delight.
ReplyDeleteWe continue to trust the Lord in these challenging times and thank Him for the progress that is made.
How cool is that, Barbara? Yes, for us living in Georgia, were we decide to drive out, that would be one long trip with lots of sightseeing along the way. Maybe, we will get that chance later in the year.
DeleteYes, all we can do is to continue to trust in God, knowing He will get us through these trying times, and be grateful for everything He graces us with.
Love and blessings!
I am missing all the things you are, Martha. Except maybe a haircut. My hair is a little bit shaggy but I stopped highlighting it when I retired, so I don't have different colored roots. Luckily, I can see 2 of my grandsons who live nearby and I hope to go to Colorado to visit my other one for his 5th birthday in July. fingers crossed! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, Laurie, fingers crossed for that trip to Colorado! I know you are longing to see this other grandson. The current hair situation has made me actually wonder if I even want to go back to highlights. I probably will, but the hair is so long, it's ponytail time every day now.
DeleteLove and blessings!
It is just heartbreaking to hear of how the news affected Virginia, bless her little heart. Changes are everywhere we look, and I believe it is time to lift our heads, for our Redemption is drawing nigh. What a day of rejoicing it will be when we are all together with Him forever, and none of us will ever be "socially-distant" again!
ReplyDeleteAmen, Cheryl, that will be quite the day, indeed! Yes, poor Virginia was so crestfallen, and we still aren't sure when we will feel comfortable traveling so the we can visit with them. Just praying this is all behind us soon.
DeleteLove and blessings!
ReplyDeleteI simply long to be able to get and give hugs (my entire being is craving hugs). It's so hard to go out with people so on edge (I seem to absorb others' emotions). It's not the virus I fear--I fear someone acting out and me being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Social distancing is hurting people in many ways. How much protection does it really give us? Why was nothing said about social distancing and mask wearing with all the protests/riots? Suspicious?
I doubt that things will ever be "normal" again.
As for VBS...my church is doing it on-line via FB. Children and families are doing activities at home and posting photos on the group page (it's private!). I wonder how many other churches are doing something similar? I can only imagine Virginia's heart-break. :'(
Love and blessings!
Wow, Kim, what innovation your church is showing by offering VBS online to children and parents! I wish our church had thought of something like this because even Virginia, as far away as she is now, could log in and be a part of it all, as could many children all over the country. If you know the link, will you send it to me so I can pass it on? I'd be so appreciative!
DeleteAnd yes, it's all suspicious at this point. Social distancing, especially for people not in high risk groups, has been, I believe, unnecessary and damaging emotionally. Wish so much we lived closer, because virus or not, I'd be the first one to give you lots of hugs! Hang in there!
Love and blessings!
Hi Martha
ReplyDeleteWell I'd say a hearty Amen to everyone of those.. we are blessed here, very in Oz, but not opened up. Church only limited numbers. Ours is big church and too many for space available .. so I said no thanks, watch live stream as my health is very variable and may nkt be able to go and another misses out.. yes, do have hair appt next week.
Flights.. if you buy the medically protective level of safety in masks, and use lots of sanitizer should be ok.
However regular masks no.
PRAYING much for your nation, your leaders, your left wing media (like ours). Much more prater needed esp poor nations so much suffering.
😊 .. soooo slow to comment. Days are simply tooo short!
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X #26
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Thanks, Shaz, for sharing where you are right now in all of this craziness. Thank you so much, too, for your prayers for our nation - yes, we are going through some frightening and unsettling times, and we need all the prayers we can get. I'll be praying for yours, too, my friend!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Honestly Ms. Martha, there's been very little impact (other than church) to my life with all that's been happening ma'am. I still work when needed. Take care of my ranch each day; and do my best to take care of my bride. As for haircuts, it only takes a minute to run a washcloth over the baldness my friend. LOL I'm glad life is returning to some semblance of normalcy for you ma'am.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is in the same boat as you, J. D., when it comes to the hair. A cursory run of the clippers, and he's good to go! Being on a ranch is probably one of the safest and sanest places to be right now. I'm so happy for you in that regard!
DeleteLove and blessings!