Monday, June 29, 2020

"Doe, a Deer, a Female Deer"

Psalm 42:1
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

A few weeks ago, as I'm finishing my morning coffee, I happen to glance out our kitchen window.  I'm surprised to see a doe laying down on our moss, and all by herself.  That's strange for two reasons - we always see female deer in pairs, and never, ever do they linger on our moss.  They much prefer the camouflaging leaves and bracken of the forest floor.

And the expression in her eyes?  I read it as one of either fear or anxiety.  What can possibly be her problem?  I wonder.  Talk about your proverbial deer in headlights!

I decide to take my shower, get dressed and then check back on the doe when I'm done.  Quietly, I step out on our deck to see if she's still there.  Yes, she is, and this time, she's not alone!  In the brief time I'm gone, the doe has given birth!  The fawn is still moist from its messy arrival, tottering clumsily on new-found legs.  I draw in a sharp breath of amazement.  That's enough to get the doe's attention; once again, the look of trepidation fills her eyes.  Not wishing to cause further consternation for her after what she's just endured, I silently and slowly retreat back into the house, regretting that I didn't have my phone with me to snap a quick, clandestine shot of mother and child.

That chance comes later in the day, fortunately, but it's Danny who takes the precious photos of the not-even-one-day-old baby with its mother.

Oh, what a thrill to witness this miracle of life!  And as I watch the doe treating her baby with such tenderness and care, I'm reminded of how God loves us so incessantly.  He wants us to draw close to Him so He can nurture us, protect us, help us to grow in His mercy and grace.

As the helpless fawn depends on its mother for physical sustenance, God wants us to depend upon Him for spiritual nourishment.  Our souls should ever and always pant for Him as a deer does for water.



  1. What a wonderful post. Thank you, Martha. There is always new hope with every new life that is born.

    I like the hymn, "As the deer pants for water".

    God bless.

    1. Yes, Victor, that is a beautiful hymn. And there is always hope born with every new life in God's creation.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh WOW! As my daughter, Tami, says, "Just WOW!"

    1. Yes, it certainly was a "just wow" moment, Bill. And such a great reminder of how precious all of God's creation is.
      Love and blessings!

  3. What a thrill to behold! Of all God's creatures, the deer hold a huge place in my heart. I love this analogy of His love!

    1. I'm so glad you liked the analogy, Myra, and that you have a soft spot in your heart for deer. Such elegant creatures! I always think of Mr. and Mrs. Prancer when I see them. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, I'm so glad you were able to witness this thrilling event and share it with us. Danny's pictures are beautiful.
    Our God never ceases to amaze!

    1. I'll be sure to tell Danny that you loved his photos, Beckie. Yes, our God is in the business of amazing us each and every day!
      Love and blessings!

  5.! What precious photos and the words to go along with them. As I read the title, I immediately thought of "The Sound of Music" as well as, the hymn "As the Deer".

    Love and blessings!

    1. So glad you enjoyed the photos, Kim, and the message here today. Victor, in his response, put a link to that hymn in case you want to copy and paste. And "The Sound of Music" is one of my all-time favorite movies!
      Love and blessings!

  6. That is incredible, Martha! How beautiful that you were able to witness this miracle. Our God is beyond words.

    1. Our God is most definitely beyond words, Lisa! I'll always be grateful that Danny could capture these photos for all to see, and acknowledge what a wonderful, amazing God we serve.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Yes, AMEN! What a great experience and your photos are amazing! God is SO good!

    1. God is the best, isn't He, Terri? I will always remember this one-of-a-kind experience. I'll be sure to tell Danny that you loved the photos. :)
      Love and blessings!

  8. Oh such great pictures of mother and the baby. You must have a fantastic place where wildlife roams. Great reminder of God watching over us and protecting us!

    1. Our neighborhood has lots of wooded area, and the deer are frequent visitors, Valerie. Yes, this was such a fortunate witness, and I'm so thankful that God allowed us to see such a miracle.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Oh my, Martha! What a blessing to see this sweet precious baby fawn and its mother! Thank you for sharing this with us. I am in awe of their sweetness, and yes, what a beautiful picture of how God tenderly cares for His own. Amen. Beautiful!!!!

    1. It was a blessing, indeed, Pam! And I'm so grateful Danny could capture these wonderful moments to share with everyone here. God does care so tenderly for all of us.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Amen Ms. Martha. If the opportunity presents itself, ask a farmer near you to let you witness and perhaps participate in delivering a foal or a calf. I promise you; it's an experience you'll never forget!

    1. Oh, that would be such a privilege, indeed, J. D.! I've only seen the like on television (think Dr. Pol), but in person, I'm sure it would be awesome.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Oh, how precious Martha, beautiful pictures also!! And the analogy with the love our Heavenly Father has lavished upon is, is great. Thank you for that message!

    1. Glad you liked the analogy and the photos, Marja! God's love for us is truly like no other.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Oh, how wonderful! The marvels of our wonderful Creator never cease to amaze me. What a gift that you got to experience this beautiful event! God bless you, sweet friend.

    1. I do feel so blessed to have witnessed this wonderful event, Cheryl. God is so good!
      Love and blessings!

  13. This experience will stay with you for a long time. Thank you for sharing it so beautifully.

    1. Yes, it will, Carol, something I will always remember. Glad you enjoyed the post!
      Love and blessings!

  14. As the darkness grows darker, this brightens my day. Thank you Martha. I've been away from social media as much as possible, only checking in every blue moon. But when I saw this I nearly cried. I've been on a writing roll and fear being distracted. But I do plan on getting back to blogging and share excerpts from my WIP. Hope to hear from you soon.

    1. It's so nice to see you here, Debra! I hear you about staying off social media - these are bleak times full of ugly distractions that do none of our hearts any good. Glad this post cheered you up, my friend. I'm looking forward, too, to your return to blogging and seeing your WIP.
      Love and blessings!

  15. What a special treasure to witness the miracle of new life being born! How precious this must have been for you to watch so closely! Beautiful pictures taken by your husband! Truly much to be thankful for, in the little things in life that are such treasures!

    1. It is in life's little things where we often find the greatest treasures, Marilyn. I'll make sure to tell Danny how much you enjoyed his photos. Know, too, that I'm savoring your book slowly and carefully, enjoying your words and breathtaking pictures!
      Love and blessings!

  16. mmm ... a beautiful creation you've shared with us, friend! And Psalm 42 ... thank You, Lord, for Your precious Word.

    Happy 4th to you and yours, Martha!

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! May you have a happy 4th, too, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Thank you Martha.. our God is gracious... needed to be reminded. ❤❤❤ shaz. Xx

    1. God is most gracious, Shaz, that's for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  18. What a gift this post is. I literally said oh my and smiled when I read about the birth as my mind was trailing down the rabbit hole that she was injured or sick. So much for looking at the negative instead of hope and possibility A good lesson for me! Happy 4th!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post, Jean! It was such an incredible surprise and an honor to be a witness to this miraculous event.
      Love and blessings!


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