Friday, June 19, 2020

Our God Has Promised

Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of bondage.

Life and liberty
Pursuit of happiness
Guaranteed, or is
It compromised?
What will you do?
What will you say?
To undo done
By those unhinged?
Common sense slain
Can rise from grave
Resurrect the hope
Our God has promised



  1. We live in difficult times all over the world, Martha. We need to pray more for our fellow beings, for our countries and for ourselves.

    Lord have mercy.

    God bless.

    1. Sorry Martha I did not comment on your lovely poem. It's message reverberated in my mind and focussed me on the sad state of the world right now. Good writing my friend.

      God bless.

    2. We do live in difficult and trying times, Victor, that's for sure and certain. More prayers, not fewer! And may our loving God have mercy on us.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Our nation needs to repent and turn to Christ...that is the only way for healing of the great divisions in our land. Praying every single day for our President and our country as a whole.

    1. I hear you, Pamela, as I am doing the same. Our nation absolutely needs repentance and revival. Let freedom ring!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Help us Father to look to you for wisdom and guidance. May this nation never rob us of the freedoms which it was founded upon. Truly a time to seek the Lord, repent, and change any area that is not pleasing to Him.

    1. Amen, Valerie! Let us continue to pray for this great nation, that we may all turn our hearts to God.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Yes, it sure feels like our life and liberty is being compromised. It's so hard to swallow my anger; not to engage the unhinged! Thankfully, I feel blessed to be surrounded by like-minded folks here.
    Praying hard!

    1. Every day does seem so tenuous, Myra, with so many folks running wild in the streets with seemingly no concept of what it means to live in this great country. Yes, let us pray!!!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I have joined many others in a 9:00 pm EST prayer chain to pray for the USA. I have my alarm set. These times are so hard for so many.

    1. Oh, yes, Terri, they certainly are. I think that's so cool that you are with a prayer chain that prays specifically for our nation. Prayers are of the utmost importance, especially at this trying time. May God hear the prayers from repentant and contrite hearts!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Beautiful poem Martha! As many others have already stated our country (and the world) needs Jesus. There are prophecies out there that talk of a great revival during the end times (this happens simultaneously with a great falling away).

    As we pray for another Great Awakening in the US, we need to be prepared for the changes that it will trigger in how we worship. Moreover, we need to be prepared for some extremely hard times that will follow. Previous Great Awakenings were followed by the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, wow, Kim, I never made that historical connection! Thank you for sharing this here, as it is so meaningful, and serves as a true wake-up call. There will be changes, no doubt, and some will be startling and gut-wrenching. As long as we cling to Jesus, in faith and hope, there is no doubt that He will see us through any and every mess and heartache we encounter. May our Star-Spangled Banner ever wave!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Replies
    1. Amen, Beckie! It's the best thing we can do.
      Love and blessings!

  8. "those unhinged" -- good description of what's going on of late. Our Lord is of more comfort than ever before as we trust Him through the strange times thrust upon us.

    1. Yes, Barbara, unhinged is the only word that came to mind to address this anarchist mindset. How we need God's comfort in such times as these!
      Love and blessings!

  9. So enjoyed your words Ms. Martha. Have been honestly conflicted these past few months (maybe years). I see "Rome burning" and the Nero-like publicans seem to be either supporting it or sitting idly by why it happens. I know that nothing happens without God's approval (not to say He causes bad things, but He allows them to bring His people to repentance, etc.) Still, Acts 5:29 rings more and more in my heart and my ears as I pray about what to do. As a former soldier, I took an oath to defend this nation and its Constitution. As a Christian, I gave my life to Christ. If I've already laid my life down, how can I take it back up to defend my nation; especially when it does not seem to want to defend itself?

    1. Your thoughts here, J. D., have certainly given me pause for reflection as to the condition of our nation, and our roll as Christians in the midst of it all. I do pray that God is using the ugliness and hatred surrounding us as a wake-up call to pray for repentance, salvation for the lost, and revival. Lord knows, this nation could use a heaping helping!
      Love and blessings!

  10. amen. thanks for the beautiful reminder

  11. is it getting closer, the rapture of the church???????? It sure feels like it at times but I sure don't want to be found sitting idle. Still so many lost, so many dying without Christ. Great reminder .

    1. Yes, so many souls are lost, Betty. Let us pray that they would be found sooner than later. God loves them, too!
      Love and blessings!

  12. This is one of my favorite verses, Martha! How it must grieve Him when we don't embrace the freedom and joy that is found in Christ.

    We are free indeed. How blessed ...

    Sabbath joys to you, friend.

    1. I'm sure the Lord does grieve, Linda, when His children fail to embrace the freedom found only in Him. Let us pray for the lost!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Oh, how true, Martha! SO, so true. It is literally heartbreaking to sit and watch the monuments pulled down, our freedoms being eroded, and our world becoming completely "unhinged" as the other commenter said. It is infuriating to any God-fearing, patriotic American. I, too, pray SO often for our President, and how I praise God that it is him in the White House right now. Surely God raised him up for such a time as this, and I know I may be overstepping boundaries here, but I will say it anyway. I am praying earnestly that God will let him be re-elected in November. I cannot even imagine the opposite happening. Dear Lord, have mercy up on us, and even so come quickly, Lord Jesus!

    1. Amen, Cheryl! With you, I believe God did raise up President Trump for a time like this. I can't envision any other leader being able to withstand all the pressures he's had on him, and always come back strong for the American people. I can't imagine that the Lord would let him lose in November. There is still so much more to do to get this nation back on track.
      Love and blessings!

  14. It fills like the whole world has gone crazy. God is our only hope. I enjoyed your beautiful poem. God bless you, Martha.

    1. I hear you loud and clear, Nells. God absolutely is our hope. Glad you enjoyed the poem!
      Love and blessings!

  15. "Common sense slain, Can rise from grave" I believe it Martha, I believe it so!

    1. Amen, Marja, I believe that, too! If I didn't, all hope would be lost.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Beautiful, Martha. I remember reading Francis Chan saying the reason this verse says for freedom we were set free..., is because freedom must be maintained. I want to stay yoked to Jesus and Him alone. Thanks and blessings, friend.

    1. Yes, freedom must be maintained, Karen, and our souls have full freedom from bondage in Jesus alone. Let us keep praying for this country!
      Love and blessings!

  17. "Resurrect the hope
    Our God has promised"
    Galatians 5:1 is one of my favorite verses. So thankful for the freedom we have in Christ!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...