Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Best Friend

John 15:14-15
You are my friends if you do what I command.  I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.  Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father, I have made known to you.

Our eldest granddaughter, Virginia Rose, cannot recall a day in her life when the cat, Henry, wasn't a part of it.  Even through several moves, the latest one being to South Carolina, Henry has been a constant and devoted companion to everyone in the family.

But especially, Virginia.

I remember the countless times I would travel to pick up Virginia to spend the weekend; she was always adamant about saying good-bye to Henry, assuring him that she would be back soon.  I would always smile to myself as she talked to the cat, believing with all her heart that he understood every word she said.  Didn't we all, as children, think our beloved pets could translate our sentiments in their hearts?

Recently, Virginia asks her mother to send me these photos, some of Henry lounging by himself, and some with her doting over him.

Virginia truly perceives Henry as a dear friend, someone who will listen to her, love her and console her when she is feeling uncertain or afraid.  And I'm so grateful for this relationship, especially in these times of isolation due to the virus.

When the family moved to South Carolina, Virginia and her sister, Savannah, attended their new school for a mere week before all the schools were shut down.  Hardly time to make any new friends!

So, for now, Henry is friend #1 in Virginia's life.

My prayer for her, and for her two sisters, is that the day will come when they will realize who the One Friend is that they can always count on in good times and bad.

The best friend anyone could ever have.




  1. A sweet post with a good lesson at the end.

    I wonder ... how do people perceive Jesus in their lives? As a companion? As a carer? Protector? Magician ready to solve all our problems? A superman type character at our beck and call? A servant even? Or as a friend, who laid down His life for us.

    What is our prayer to Jesus? Speak Lord this is me listening. Or, listen Lord this is me speaking?

    God bless.

    1. Glad you enjoyed this post, Victor, and you pose some great questions here. How do we see Jesus in our lives? How do we respond to His presence and love for us? I much prefer, "Speak, Lord, this is me listening." Jesus, himself, assures us that we who love Him are His friends. What could be better?
      Love and blessings!

  2. What a precious story. I am glad that Virginia has her sweet "Henry" to love and care for. I also pray she will know that Jesus is always her best friend and companion throughout all of life. But I guess for Virginia, at her sweet and tender age, Henry is a good friend to have. I'm sure Jesus approves. Have a blessed day.

    1. I'm sure Jesus approves, too, Pam! Yes, Henry is a sweet companion and comfort during these days. So glad Virginia has him and will keep learning that Jesus is her true BFF.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I hadn't 'met' Henry, but love this so much! My little dogs are, indeed, my best friends; and, as foolish as this might sound, each time I leave I reassure them, "Mommy will be right back." When they cuddle up to me, one on each side, I sip my coffee and 'we' sing "Jesus Loves Me." Perhaps it's a good time to introduce a new song, "What a Friend we have in Jesus."

    1. Oh, Myra, thanks for sharing how you relate to your two precious pups! Pets can be so comforting, and we can talk (or sing) to them, and they never object, do they? That's a blessing - always to have friends who listen.
      Love and blessings!

  4. A sweet, sweet relationship between Virginia Rose and Henry!! She will have the same with Jesus, too, I'm sure. She has a great, strong foundation from you and her parents!

    1. The bond that Virginia and Henry share is, indeed, a sweet one, Terri. So special! And yes, I pray she will come to realize that Jesus is her best friend, here and for all eternity.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Yes Virginia, pets do understand us and can be wonderful companions and confidants. My pal Bubba the Chocolate Lab and I sit under the trees and talk every day. I don't always understand him, but he seems to understand me perfectly. I think God made pets to remind us that when we tell them our secrets, fears, and worries, they will keep them secret, just like God does when we pray. Our pets seem to understand the importance of listening. God's blessings Little One.

    1. Oh, yes, J. D., our pets are such comforting and understanding companions. I do miss my dog, Maggie, so much at times. She gave me such faithful love and devotion after my previous husband passed away. I do believe that pets are just one more way God blesses us. And yes, they never divulge our secrets!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Awe...this post is so sweet, Martha! Pets do add so much to our lives. And I do believe they understand us when we talk to them.

    As you stated, Jesus is the Best Friend we could ever have.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I'm so glad you liked this post, Kim, and that you agree that pets understand us when we talk with them. Henry has been such a faithful companion to Virginia, and vice versa. May she come to know in her heart of hearts that Jesus loves her and will always be her best friend.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Such an important analogy and God has heard your prayer. I have used our pets to teach many lessons to my kids and grandkids.

    1. Yes, Carol, our pets can teach invaluable lessons. God can always speak through "the least of these." Let us give thanks!
      Love and blessings!


  8. I loved this, Martha. Seeing Virginia doting on her best friend brought a tear. This is a good reminder that Jesus wants us to trust and dote on Him too. You must miss this part of your family greatly. I hope you get to see them soon. Blessings

    1. Yes, Nells, I miss my grands and my daughter and SIL more than words can express. With this continuing virus, and Danny's preexisting conditions, the uncertainties are daily in our lives. Jesus certainly does want us to trust in Him always, and cling to Him for hope and faith that He will always be with us.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, you know I'm a cat lover. So, I can relate to Virginia. Henry is one handsome cat! I pray along with you for your sweet granddaughters to love the Lord with all their hearts, for all of their lives.

    1. Amen, Beckie! With all the virus problems, they haven't been able to find a church in their move to SC. It's my prayer that they will once the alarm is lifted. I know that you, as a cat lover, can identify with Virginia and her deep love for Henry. God is so gracious in providing our needs even before we ask.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Such a great cat! Thanks for this story, friendships are important, with people, with animals, with Jesus. He made us all!

    1. He did make us all, Marja, and friendships are of ultimate importance in our lives. Glad you enjoyed the photos of Henry!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I'm not a cat person but I'm touched by VR's love for Henry. Sometimes we need those furry friends to help us get through tough times. Moving away from you and Danny and then losing out on making new school friends is tough. I'm glad for Henry.

    1. I'm so glad and grateful for Henry, too, Bill! There is such a special bond between them, and Virginia sure needs a special friend now more than ever.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Amen and what wonderful memories she will have of her friend. A lifelong remembrance!

    1. It will be lifelong for Virginia, Jean, I'm sure of that. I'm hoping and praying that Henry lives for many more years, as losing him will break her heart.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Love all things with cats. Henry looks like a really large one. I'm glad Virginia has him for a friend. But I say Amen to your hope that she will find Jesus to be the best friend ever and always. No one can replace Him and His friendship.

    1. Absolutely, Diane - no one can take the place of Jesus as a best friend. That is my prayer for Virginia to know and take to heart.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Wow, Henry is a big cat! So beautiful! He reminds me of my sister's cat named Beauregard! Same color and size. They are so precious, and yes, they are surely the best of friends!

    1. Henry is a large cat, Cheryl, but so very gentle. He's Virginia's perfect companion in these days and times.
      Love and blessings!

  15. What a wonderful photo of your dear granddaughter and her cat friend, Henry. He looks like a good companion. Not as good as the Lord, of course, but for a little girl who didn't have time to make friends in her new school yet, a valuable friend nonetheless.

    1. Henry has definitely been a most valuable friend for Virginia, Laurie. Sometimes, the constant love from a pet is the best entrance into knowing how unconditionally we are loved by God. Praying that Virginia will come to realize that one day!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Henry is such a good friend, indeed I was just thinking today how special cats are, and how willing they are to be held and loved on. How wonderful that Virginia has Henry's constant love in her life. These covid times are sure hard on children, and I will join in prayer with you that she finds Jesus as the friend that will never leave or forsake! Wonderfully written post :)


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...