Thursday, September 23, 2021

Happy Fall, Y'all!


He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others.  He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. ~Daniel 2:21

The first day of fall here in Georgia is usually marked by the calendar only.  Warm summer temperatures are known to linger on through October, not without a chillier day here and there, but the invitation to break out the warm and cozy sweaters is a long time coming.

Not this year!

Precisely on the advent of autumn, the day begins in the 70s.  It is cloudy and humid, typical of summer weather this time of year.  Then, out of the blue, a cold front descends, heralded by brisk and gusty winds that drive rain before it with urgency.  I step outside in my short sleeves to listen to my wind chimes ringing in the playful breeze.  Ahh!  This is wonderful!

I return to our deck an hour later, still in my summer garb.  WHAT???  I jump back inside and scramble for my jacket.  In sixty minutes' time, the temperature has plummeted from a balmy 74 to a chilly 63 degrees!  Fall arrives with a precision I've never before experienced, and I'm truly astonished.

But should I be surprised?

It is God alone who changes the times and the seasons as He sees fit.  He doesn't go by human calendars or expectations.  Yet, I believe that the Lord takes great pleasure in delighting His children with the unexpected, the unprecedented, the unpredictable.

We are reminded, once again, that God is the One in control, always and everywhere.  And in all humility, we should worship and praise Him for all the good things He has done, and all He will bless us with in the future.

So, in my long sleeves and comfy sweater, I welcome fall with warm and open arms, just as God's arms are ever open to embrace us.



  1. People may forget it often, or ignore it even, but God is always in control.

    It is getting a little chilly over here too.

    God bless, Martha.

    1. Amen, Victor! Knowing/acknowledging that God is in control should free us from so many worries and cares we needlessly harbor. Chilly over there, too? Greet fall with open arms!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Unfortunately, we are experiencing the same here. The mornings have certainly been cooler. It is that "I have to start out the day with this on but will have to take it off sometime this afternoon" time of the year. As you know, I like the warmer weather. This signals a slowing down of my cycling time and having to wear cool weather gear. But this is His day...

    1. Yes, Bill, I know you are a warm weather guy due to your love for cycling. And I do hear you about starting the day "bundled up" and having to shed the layers as the day goes on. It's 48 here this morning, but a high in the 70s is predicted. It's the seasonal roller coaster!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Same thing here in st. Louis. I walked outside to get the newspaper, and discovered 55 degrees.

    1. Wow, Glynn! Yes, it was 48 degrees here this morning when I got up. Can't believe how quickly things changed, but God . . .
      Love and blessings!

  4. "Delighting his children with the unexpected" ... I love that explanation, Martha! Here's something that tickled my funny bone. From our Chief Meteorologist: "The temperature's gone from 90 to 55 like it just saw a state trooper."

    1. Oh, that's a hilarious quip, Myra, and I'm so glad you shared it here. Love it when a TV personality has a sense of humor. And aren't you glad the temps have dropped? Hooray!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I’m so glad to know that our Mighty God is at the wheel steering us toward the path of righteousness. How would we ever be surprised by a dip in the weather or a beautiful rainbow if we were in control? Hugs and blessings for a glorious Fall, Martha

    1. Like you, Nells, I'm so grateful to know that God has the wheels of our lives in His hands. Let's just sit back and enjoy the ride!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Happy Fall Ms. Martha. Am praying that this is perhaps the last season change we experience. Maranatha sweet friend.

    1. Happy Fall to you, too, J. D.! When the Lord Jesus comes again, it will be glorious! May we stay steadfast until that time is revealed.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Same here in East TN, Martha! Fall came in the same way, very unexpected. And it's only been in the 40's the last 3 nights. Happy Fall to you!

    1. I was sure Tennessee took the same hit, Karen. Lows in the forties? Wow! You are a lot cooler than we are, but I'm enjoying every breath of cooler air just south of you.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Yes, even WE are enjoying some cooler crisper air right now, here in Florida! I am so happy, just in time for my B.d. tomorrow (thank you very much for you know what! You are so thoughtful) I just hope the fallish weather will stick around for a while. I have a feeling we'll have summer like weather again soon, but not for long. Fall is absolutely my most favorite season. Please take care, and God bless you dear friend!

    1. I hear you, Pamela, about the greeting! :) Glad to know that fall even happens in Florida. I do hope that the lower temps will stick around with y'all for a while so you can enjoy the outdoors you love so much.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Autumn is making a dent in our weather here in North Central Florida, too, although not as decidedly as you're having. Cooler weather is certainly welcome at this time of year!

    I agree with you, our Lord is in charge and we do well to trust him.

    1. Yes, Barbara, we do need to trust God in everything. Sometimes, I admit, I scratch my head and wonder when He will topple all the evil influences that have infiltrated our nation, but then I know that I must trust in His timing. His is always best. Maybe, this latest is only making it more true and real?
      Love and blessings!

  10. We had the same thing occur, only a few hours earlier. So thankful for this respite from the heat. I am certain more warm days are coming, but hopefully the oppressive heat is done!
    Blessings, Martha!

    1. I'm sure that Hero, the Wonder Dog, is grateful for the lower temperatures, too, Lulu! He might just find more energy for his walks and "hunting" bunnies. :) Enjoy this fall preview!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I believe each of us related to this post in different ways. This is my favorite time of year and especially after the long, hot summer.

  12. Fall is my favorite time of the year, too, Carol. As the leaves understand that their usefulness has passed, the depart with glorious colors, reminding us that every life, well lived, is a treasure beyond measure. Summer - be gone!
    Love and blessings!

  13. Great illustration. Happy Fall to you too!!

  14. We'd think 63 not bad!
    Thankful that in all things, including weather and climate God is in control.

    1. Amen, David! God is always at the helm.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Oh my goodness! It JUST SO HAPPENS I'm working on a post for the week after next with a similar theme: Our God takes pleasure in performing the unexpected and unusual. Of course, I'm headed in a bit different direction than your post. Our God takes delight in creativity and variety too!

    1. I'll certainly be looking forward to reading your post, Nancy! Yes, God does take pleasure in showing us moments of His creativity and, might I even say, whimsy. What a glorious and delightful God we serve!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, unexpectedly it turned chilly here as well and I've even changed the airconditioning to 'heat', for taking the chills off in the early morning and at breakfast time! Feels good and guess no more need for running the fan... will make for quality sleeping time. I've added a blanket over my Caribbean down duvet. Too early for changing that to the winter version.

    1. We've made similar adjustments here, too, Mariette. Oh, how I adore these cool mornings, sipping coffee out on our deck!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Here in the Huntsville area we are getting the same beautiful fall weather as you, Martha. It's fabulous! I am really a summer girl, but even I have to admit this weather is welcome. :) God is indeed good to us.

    1. Lisa, I must confess, that summer without air conditioning is a distressing situation for me. Give me fall, winter, spring, and I won't complain! As you say, fall is fabulous!
      Love and blessings!

  18. Boa tarde meus queridos amigos. Deus está no controle de tudo. Controle de nossa vida, família e dos amigos que ele nos deu. Desejo uma semana com muitas bênçãos de Deus sobre a sua família.

    1. Indeed, Luiz, God is in control, and we do well to always remember that. I wish you and yours a God blessed week, too!
      Love and blessings!

  19. We have some cooler days and chilly nights. Snow in the high country. I hope your weekend is wonderful and filled with many blessings.

    1. The cooler days are so welcome, aren't they? May you have a marvelous weekend, too, Anne!
      Love and blessings!


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