Monday, September 6, 2021

Vacation Time!


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ~Matthew 11:28

All of us need time for rest and relaxation in order to stay balanced, mentally, physically and spiritually.  That's why I'm so glad that my daughter, Sarah, son-in-law, John, and the three girls were able to join John's parents and his sister's family for a week's vacation at Corolla Beach in North Carolina.

Let's join them there, shall we?

John, Sarah, Virginia, Savannah, and Alexandra

Enjoying the pool!

L to R:  Virginia, Alexandra and Savannah

Fun at the beach!

Virginia with her Aunt Susan.  Can you see the family resemblance?  I sure can!

A bit hazy, but here's the whole gang.  Susan's husband, Rantz, took this shot of parents, Paul and Karen, Susan, and cousins Griffin and Edie.

The kids really hit it off.  So did Finn and Murphy!

Yes, there are many more photos I could share, but I think this last one of Savannah sums up the marvelous time they all had.

Sheer joy!

I do hope this photo-journal post has lifted your spirits today, my friends.  And remember, when you need a break from this wearisome world laden with burdens, run to Jesus.  He will always, always give you rest.



  1. My how your girls have grown! Hard to believe isn't it? You see someone often and you don't notice it. But let there be some time in between and BAM! You have a great family, Martha, to be proud of. Thanks for sharing your pics.

    1. Yes, Bill, they are growing up way too fast! And if I can't be with them, the next best thing is having some beautiful photos that tell me how happy they are. Glad you enjoyed the pics!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Thank you Martha for sharing. May God bless you and your family always. You have good reasons to be happy and proud. Best wishes to y'all !!!

    1. Yes, Victor, great, great reasons to be happy and proud. Glad you enjoyed the photos (y'all). :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. Our grandsons (and their parents) also headed to the beach - but they went to South Carolina. I asked the oldest yesterday what was his favorite part of the vacation, and he didn't hesitate. "The beach and the ocean."

    1. I'm so glad they were all able to get away this summer, Glynn. The beach and the ocean would be top of the list for Virginia, too!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Yes, that last image is (as 'they' say) worth a 1,000 words! Oh, to experience life through a child's senses once again! Makes me wonder when I grew so serious, you know? Thank you for sharing your beautiful family this morning. Hugs!

    1. As adults, I believe we can still cultivate moments like these in our lives, Myra. Let's have more of that child-like faith and sense of wonder as we go about our daily lives. Glad you liked the photos!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Loved seeing these pictures, Martha! Those girls are growing up TOO fast!

    1. Way too fast, Lulu! I so miss them, but can rejoice with them in the fun they had in the last blast of summer.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Dearest Martha Jane,
    So special for cousins to be able to get together and share some playing time with each other for bonding as a family!

    1. It is special, Mariette. I have great memories of seeing my cousins every summer when our family would spend two weeks "up home" as my mother used to call Massachusetts. I know these kids loved getting to know each other better.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh, it looks like the kids had such a great time with their cousins, etc. at the beach! Those are memories they will remember a long time. Yes, Savannah's picture pretty much says it all! Thank you for sharing this with us. I am sure you were wishing to be there with them as well...I hope it won't be long before you can be together again. (((hugs)))

    1. I was wishing I could be there with them, Pamela, but I'm so happy for the fun times they had and the memories made. And yes, Savannah's photo does say it all!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us! The photos are full of love and joy! Vacations are the best!! xo

    1. Yes, the photos are filled with just that, Terri - love and joy. What could be better?
      Love and blessings!

  9. Envisioning you and Mr. Danny smiling made me smile my friend. So very glad y'all were able to get away and the kids could join in.

    1. J. D., I do wish Danny and I could have been there, but this was a vacation with John's parents and his sister's family. My sweet daughter sent these photos to me, so it does feel like we were right there with them. The day is coming when we will be reunited with Sarah, John, and the grands.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Yes, smiling here as I vicariously enjoy your family camaraderie. Our get-together took place in early August. Thirteen of us (and two dogs) enjoyed perfect weather, hikes, games, a fire pit, fabulous meals, morning coffee on the deck, etc. at a cabin in the hills of Ohio. Life doesn't get any better!

    1. Oh, Nancy, your vacation sounds like a dream come true! So glad you were able to get together with your family for such a wonderful time together. Danny and I hope we can see our grands over Thanksgiving.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Great photos! Looks like such a lovely vacation for everyone. Those dogs are the cutest!

    1. The dogs are cute, Karen, I agree. They'd never met before, but hit it off like old buddies. Glad you enjoyed the photos!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Thank you for sharing these photos, Martha. It's a blessing that they share their enjoyment with you in pictures. The last one of Savannah makes me pause in prayer that we all may find those moments of joy and wonder even in the midst of chaos in this world. Love and blessings to you!

    1. I want that Savannah moment, too, Trudy, especially with all the sadness and chaos playing out in our world today. May we all remember that we are held in our Father's hands and rejoice, no matter what!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Boa tarde meus queridos amigos. Espero que vocês tenham férias maravilhosas. Estou de férias em Minas Gerais Brasil.

  14. How wonderful to see your beautiful family, Martha! It makes me miss seeing my granddaughters even more. :( There is a time and season for everything though so I can look forward to such a trip sometimes in the future, hopefully.

    1. We are definitely in the same boat when it comes to missing our grandchildren, Lisa. Reminds us to treasure every single moment we have with them.
      Love and blessings!

  15. I so enjoy seeing them grow up and their smiles. Thanks for sharing

    1. I'm so glad you enjoy them, too, Jean. Boy, I sure miss being with them!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Beautiful phamily there! You are truly blessed and surrounded with so mauch love. Thank you for always being so kind. HUGS and LOVE


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