Monday, May 23, 2022

His Healing Touch


And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. ~Matthew 4:23

Previously on this blog, I've mentioned that my pulmonologist, Dr. Chan, has been a bit of a bear when it comes to having a biopsy of my lung performed.  He is insistent that this procedure is the only fool-proof way to determine what caused my lung to be inflamed, inviting pneumonia in right through the front door.

I'm resistant to the very idea of such an intrusion, one that requires the surgeon to collapse one of my lungs.  I think most of you would agree that it sounds pretty scary.  Then, Dr. Chen sends me to Dr. Fortes, who specializes in this procedure, sometimes performing multiple surgeries in a day.  He is able to explain the facets of this surgery to a degree that leaves Danny and me more at ease, reassured that this is not something to angst over.  Because Virginia will be spending most of the month of June with us, I decide not to schedule my surgery until some time in July.

So, imagine my utter surprise and delight when I receive this email last week from Dr. Chan:

I had a chance to review the imaging in our advanced lung disease conference.  Your lungs show emphysema rather than cystic lung disease.  This is likely due to smoking and so, at this point in time, I believe you have two processes:

1.  Hypersensitivity pneumonitis, treated with steroids

2.  Emphysema

I do not believe you need a biopsy at this time.  If you would like a second opinion at Emory, I would be happy to forward a request.

Thank you for your time,

Dr. Chan


Isn't it amazing how God used Dr. Chan's professional colleagues to lead him to the conclusion I'd been praying for all along?  And since I've quit smoking, the emphysema can't worsen going forward.  I'm thanking and praising the Lord for all my many blessings, but most of all, I'm thankful that He has chosen to heal me in such an unexpected, miraculous way.

What are you thankful for today?



  1. Praise the Lord for this good news. There are so many things God does for us on a daily basis without us even knowing about it.

    Praying for your healing, Martha, and your good health and that of your family.

    God bless you all.

    1. Thank you, Victor! Yes, there are a lot of things that God does behind the scenes that we can all too easily miss.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I'm thankful for many things, but especially this good report. Actions we take have consequences but we can also help "stem" them by stopping those activities. You have done so. I'm thrilled God has chosen to bless you with this good doctor, this good news, and a way to move forward.

    1. I'm so thankful for all of those things, too, Victor. I'm especially thankful that God opened my eyes to the smoking thing before it was too late.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh, Praise God for this answer to prayer! So very thankful that you do not have to go through this procedure, and that they have determined the cause of your pneumonia, etc. And yes, now that you've quit smoking, hopefully the condition will not worsen and may even get totally better. Praying for you day by day to regain your strength and stamina so that you can have a wonderful, fun filled time with Virginia this summer. Wonderful news!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Pamela, for all your prayers and good thoughts. We are counting the days until Virginia can we be with us, and I'm hoping I'm even better by then.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Blessings for this good news. God is good. Love to you my friend. Regine

  5. Oh I am so thankful for the clarity of this report and the hope that it gives, Martha. Medical stuff can be so scary, especially when we can't see what's happening inside. Enjoy every sweet minute with Virginia in the weeks ahead. God is so good!

    1. Yes, medical info can be disturbing and confusing, Linda, that's for sure. I'm feeling so blessed, and counting the days until Virginia can be with us. God is good, indeed!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Wow, this is the BEST gift for 2022 for you so far!
    So glad that it is off the table now.
    We know about this nasty procedure and we lost last year a dear friend, that had a lung transplant... She went through this procedure several times.
    Big hugs,

    1. Oh, wow, Mariette, that's so sad about your friend . . . Sometimes, choosing a medical procedure can make us fee as if we're between a rock and a hard place. Every operation has its risk, and we just pray we are choosing the direction God is willing us to go.
      Love and blessings!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Made a mistake, this is not my day as I got a nasty update from Delta about my entry documents. SO much stress for my departure on Saturday morning and having to worry IF I get accepted back into the USA. Thinking about the open border makes me almost rage...

    4. Oh, how I hear you, Mariette! This country takes its own citizens and places them in second place, and what a sin that is. I'll be keeping you in prayers for successful travel when all is said and done. The border absolutely has to be secured!

  7. What a powerful illustration of faith! Not often does one hear of a physician admitting he was wrong! Perhaps the Great Physician prompted Dr. Chan to take a second look. At any rate, I'm so happy for you and Danny!

    1. His admission of having a wrong diagnosis is a miracle in itself, Myra, I agree. And I'm so glad to know that Dr. Chan is willing to humble himself and actively seek out the opinions of others. We should all be so aware of the power of humility in God's eyes. As you said here, He alone is the Great Physician.
      Love and blessings!

  8. And God said “Wait” for a reason !
    Thankful, Martha!


    1. Waiting is never easy, Lulu, but it is always worthwhile.
      Love and blessings!

  9. This is such good news, Martha!! You are in my daily prayers and I will keep you there, dear friend! So glad our prayers are being answered! xo

    1. I'm so glad our prayers are being answered, too, Terri, and thanks so much for yours. I will continue to pray for you!
      Love and blessings!

  10. So glad to hear this Martha! God is good all the time!

    1. Oh, yes, God is most definitely good.
      Love and blessings!

  11. What a miraculous praise report Martha! I am just thrilled to hear this good report from the doctor, and the answer to your prayers! May His healing work continue in your body and in your lungs!

    1. Thanks so much, Marilyn! Yes, I'm most definitely thrilled with this news, too.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Oh, Dear Martha! I am rejoicing with You. Thank You, Abba, for YOUR healing and confirming it with this doctor. Hallelujah!!!!! Oh, Martha, I'm hugging you!!!!! Hallelujah!

    1. I can feel your hugs of of happiness, Diane! Thank you for rejoicing with me.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Oh, how I had to stop and praise God with you for this news. You have made my week, and maybe my month Ms. Martha. Been praying a while for this to be resolved.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers, J. D., and for rejoicing along with me at this most amazing news! Yes, I'm so grateful to God.
      Love and blessings!

  14. A thousand Hallelujahs, Martha! What amazing good news.

    1. Oh, yes, good news, indeed, Karen!
      Love and blessings!

  15. It is a real thrill to hear (read) of how God answers prayer and meets us at the very point of our need. I am so glad the surgical procedure is not necessary!

    1. Oh, me, too, Barbara! I truly was dreading it when all was said and done, but now, God has thankfully taken away the need for it.
      Love and blessings!

  16. That is good news indeed!
    Lot's to be thankful for everyday. Lately I've been having a hard time walking (my ankle joints), but so thankful that I am STILL walking!

    1. Oh, amen, Ed! Let us be thankful for all we can continue to do as we get older. I will keep you in my prayers, too!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Olá Martha
    Que notícia excelente, glória a Deus, o Senhor é Poderoso para fazer infinitamente mais... um forte abraço.

    1. Amen, Lucinaiva! God can do infinitely more than we can think or imagine.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Such glorious news, Martha! Praise God for this wonder he has worked for you (Joel 2:26)! Our most recent wonder: Old friends (nearly 40 years worth of friendship!) who live 900+ miles away were able to spend a few days with us this week. All the delightful conversation and laughter uplifted our spirits. SO thankful for the special bond of long-term friendships with much shared history.

    1. Oh, what a marvelous visit that must have been, Nancy! It's so wonderful to reunite with old friends - we just seem to pick up seamlessly from where we left off.
      Thanks, too, for rejoicing in my good news.
      Love and blessings!

  19. What great news and relief for you. Alleluia. Extra praise and prayers today


Let It Snow!

  He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. ~Psalm 147:16 Yes!  We finally get snow!  Our last decent storm occurs in 2017....