Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Blame Game


Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, "Where are you?

So he said, "I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself."

And He said, "Who told you that you were naked?  Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?"

Then the man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate."

And the Lord God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?"

The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." ~Genesis 3:9-13

The Blame Game.  As old as the Fall itself.  The first coverup, attempted by Adam and Eve, to hide their sin by pointing it as far away as possible for their own disobedience.  Foolishly thinking that God won't know, that He won't see.


The people who point the finger at others for all that's going wrong, who think they're fooling God, are only fooling themselves.

News flash!  They aren't fooling us, either.

The hypocrisy of the Biden administration and their inability to own up to failures becomes crystal clear with each passing day.  Inflation, high gas prices, a porous border, crime out of control, fentanyl killing Americans daily, unfettered sex trafficking.  I could go on, but I think this list is depressing enough.

Those with common sense not only know what the problems are, but offer solutions to correct these atrocities that never needed to plague us in the first place, and didn't during the previous administration.

Now, I know some of you didn't care for President Trump as a person, but I hardly think anyone could deny that his policies were sound in making and keeping America great.  Just go back to the problems I listed above that the current administration, yet won't take the blame for their critical miscalculations on how these should be addressed.  For each issue listed, can you offer a sensible solution?  I'll bet you can!

But the Biden administration will never admit that Trump did anything right; instead, they try to point the finger at him.  Doubt me?  Well, when President Biden recently called Trump supporters "Ultra Maga" folks who are the worst terrorist group he's seen in his lifetime in this country, it kind of calls the so-called Unifier on the carpet.  Biden seems much more interested in dividing us and driving our nation down as far as possible, than bringing us together.

True leaders take the blame for their mistakes, and resolve to correct them the best they can.  They know that ultimately God, not they, is large and in charge.  They choose to follow His commands as they lead others with confidence and positivity.

As an American, I'm feeling pretty hapless and hopeless in these chaotic times, but I will continue to pray, knowing God has the ultimate fate of our nation in His hands.  Will you join me?


If you left a comment on the previous blog, but didn't see the second photo I inserted, please take a look.  It's another one of Virginia and Henry that's even cuter than the first!


  1. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Love the 2nd photo of team V&H! Henry sure is a lucky kitty boy for having her to love him to pieces and HE loves her right back!
    As for our illegal in the White House, he only knows one thing: DIVIDE AND CONQUER! An ancient game, a coward game as well as it ONLY demands things and not allows for a natural exchange of respect and love.
    Tough love is still FAR better.
    May God hear our fervent prayers so that the Good will once more WIN from the Evil.
    It sure IS the worst rule ever for having returning Americans get a Covid test before even boarding their flight. Yet, the border is WIDE OPEN. No checking, nothing! Even leprosy and other rare and tropical diseases are on the rise again. And yes, all the drug problems... Had to arrange my (PCR NAAT-test), € 149,95 on Sunday as I fly back home on Monday at 10:10... Has to be within 24 hours. Ridiculous and what a stress on a lot of elderly people. Pieter no longer can take all that, so it's me solo for that purpose.
    WHO would have EVER thought this being possible? Getting my Mom & Dad's religious pieces home at what cost? After waiting over two years...
    Thanks to a group of idiots in the swamp with absolutely NO regard for ordinary, law abiding people.
    One Nation Under God and they erased, or TRIED to erase that God and stand above it all. NO WAY!
    Big hugs,

  2. Preach it, Mariette! You've expressed the grievances that so many of us are feeling in these crazy times. The problems for the most part arise from a falling away from God and His commandments. May He have mercy on all of us.
    Love and blessings!

  3. Thank you for publishing this, Martha. Your sentiments totally echo my own. I only wish I didn't allow my emotions to get in the way of living life. Pretty sure God would want it that way. I need to trust more and quit trying to take away His pen.

    PS - Precious new photo!

    1. I'm guilty of letting my emotions get in the way of trusting God completely, too, Myra. Something I need to continue praying about. I do get carried away especially when I think about the futures for my kids and grandkids. But the ball is definitely in God's court.
      Glad you enjoyed the new photo!
      Love and blessings!

  4. You are so right, Martha, and I thank you for having the courage to stand up and say so. Our country is in a terrible mess, thanks to this current administration. They have NO ONE to blame except themselves, but we know they will never admit it. I just pray daily that with the upcoming elections this fall we will begin to see some waysto makes some positive changes back to the right track, and then pray for the election in 2024 to bring our country back to where it truly is great again. It's going to be a real battle, I know, so we need to really keep praying and keep our armor on!!

    1. Oh, yes, Pamela, we need to keep the armor on and continue to pray by all means! The way I see it, if we, as Christians, fail to stand up against what can only be perceived as evil, we have failed our brothers and sisters in the Lord. God has given us the ways of righteousness, and if we don't pursue those, then we are just as guilty as those who hold themselves up as the ones who know best, the only ones, in their opinions, deemed righteous.
      In my heart? I believe God will prevail!
      Love and blessings!

  5. First time commenting. I agree with all you said. It does seem hopeless at times, to see our great country crumble under this current administration. This resident that occupies the Peoples House is not capable to running this country. I can only hope and pray that the mid terms point in our direction and that we will have smooth sailing as we edge closer to the 2024 PRESIDENTAL election where we will re-elect President Trump.

    Continue to pray for our country and our leaders and I also pray for the TRUE and genuine salvation for those on other side of the aisle. Wouldn't that be awesome?

    1. Welcome, Debby! I'm so glad you chose to comment here and to inspire us with your vision as to where God would will our country to go. Believe me, I'm praying for the same things you are. Our nation was duped to elect such a weak leader as Biden, and I believe God is using our stressful situation to encourage us to seek His truth before it's too late. We are the city on the hill, and our light, a reflection of God's will, must never go out!
      Love and blessings!

  6. You said it all so well, Martha! I have been praying and will continue to pray. Our only hope is God!!

    1. I think I left a reply, Terri. Please let me know if you don't see it here.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, my heart hurts everyday, because things are so ridiculously out of control. This country could have been oil independent if someone had not closed the pipeline. Trump was trying to get the wall up to prevent illegal saturation in this country. Everything he did have been torn to pieces. Sad, sad, sad. Thanks for this post. Hugs and blessings.

    1. It is sad, sad, sad, Nells. I see my daughter and son-in-law struggling more than ever to make ends meet in this burgeoning inflation and rise in gas prices - problems created by Biden's policies, and could be corrected by admitting they have made poor choices. Wondering if our retirement funds will weather this storm so that we can offer our children a helping hand. Let's continue to pray . . .
      Love and blessings!

  8. Well the good news is that this guy is only a one-term President. Now I've learned NOT to bash any President because it just doesn't seem to resolve anything, as the former Trump bashers have found out.
    What we need to do. as a Christian nation, is to get down on our knees and faces, and repent.

    1. Amen, Ed! We are all in need of repentance, and we need to realize that our prayers are heard by a caring and loving God.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Who gets blamed if someone starts praying?

    God bless.

    1. Blamed for praying? Oh, I hope not, Victor! But I do get your question.
      Love and blessings!

  10. My sentiments exactly Martha but I have to be careful how and to whom I express them. I'm fed up with him, the whole mockery of who is running this nation but for him to quit right now would be an utter disaster. And Hillary? Don't get me started on that liar. Jo and I watch The Five and wonder where in the world people's brains are. There is only one who can fix this and it ain't Trump either. Even so, come Lord Jesus!!

    1. We watch The Five every week night, Bill! I know so many people are hesitant to speak up, and I understand that; speaking your mind these days is often dangerous.
      And I agree - only God can fix this mess when we repent and return to Him. Too many people, sadly, regard themselves as little gods. I do hope it's not to late . . .
      Love and blessings!

  11. Many good points Ms. Martha. I think the "root" of the problem isn't the politicians or which political party is in control as I've learned none of them can be depended upon or trusted. Even those with the best intentions when seeking office are often drawn away by the allure of power, money, and notoriety. The real problem, I believe, is the lack of moral character and godly values by each person. Dependence upon government handouts has replaced personal responsibility. Acceptance of the term "endowments" for things we've paid for our entire working lives (e.g., social security, Medicare, etc.) instead of what they are "Interest Earned" on the investments we've made in America through those tax deductions, and the prevalent "What's in it for me" attitude of a majority of voters today, and this nation is getting exactly what it deserves. We can spout 2 Chronicles 7:14 all day long, but until each of us look at what part we have had in the problem (and I admit many here on your blog are a moral and godly people), many here may only claim the sin of "acceptance" (we went along with this nonsense), and stand firm in our beliefs, little will change. Is it an inevitable part of God's plan? Perhaps, but I don't believe God plans for bad, but He does allow it in hopes of correcting His children. Many great points for us to consider in your post ma'am. God's blessings.

    1. Thank you, J. D., for your most thoughtful response here. You really touched on some details that we should all take to heart and repent of any part we may have played in the stories of corruption. Our Father loves His children, yet like a good father will do, He will chastise us when it's necessary. I don't think there's any situation that He can't use for eventual good for us when all is said and done.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Oh yes, I am praying with you for our nation and that a change in leadership will come and turn things around for the better!!!!

    1. Thanks for adding to all those folks praying for our country, Barbara! We are in a bad way, and it doesn't look like the current administration wants to address the problems.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Wonderful post, Martha. I wrote a blog post on this theme several years ago. It definitely started in the garden. Our tendency to shift the blame on other men or women started with the first man and woman. When the first humans disobeyed God, it triggered a finger-pointing cycle still in motion today. Thanks for your thoughts here. I pray to take ownership of my mistakes and sins.

    1. It is so important for us to own up to our sins and mistakes, Karen. That's what repentance is all about. Thank goodness we have Jesus to forgive us!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Its always good to prray. Somethings are so dark and evil like little children having hormones prescribed to them because a boy might think he is a girl or vise versa. I would never believed the atrocities happening. I pray for the presidents heart to be softened and to lead in godly wisdom. It seems so big a prayer but I know its Gods will . I have another little grandson ready to be born and I pray for our children because this worlds gotten so crazy and we all need to stand in Gods strength

    1. I hear you, Cheryl! It does seem that this world, our world, is spinning wildly out of control; having abandoned God's precepts, too many people are rudderless. Like you, I worry for my grandchildren going forward.
      Let us all continue to pray!

  15. Several scriptures come to mind. In Daniel 2:21, the prophet declared that God deposes kings and raises up others. In chapter 4, Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that "the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes" (v. 32). To Isaiah, God revealed: "My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please . . . "What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do" (46:10, 11b). It would seem God has purpose in allowing certain people into positions of power. I wonder if his intent is to draw people away from their earthly pursuits and bring them into relationship with him? I wonder too if the rapid downward spiral of our culture is part of God's overall plan for the end times? Are we experiencing the birth pangs of the end of the world as we know it? Of course, only God knows. Meantime, I am with you, Martha, in continuous prayer. We are never without hope; our nation is not without hope. God might use these current circumstances to stir up another great revival!

    1. Oh, how I pray God would be using these times to stir up a true revival among His people, Nancy! I do so appreciate the scripture reminders you have shared here, and it would behoove all of us to take these to heart, especially in these times that break our hearts and threaten to put our hope on the ropes of deception. So is the purpose of the world, but God's purpose can't, and won't, be defeated.
      Love and blessings!

  16. I hope and pray you will begin to see improvement as each day goes by. I’m praise The Lord that you don’t need the biopsy. Blessings.

    1. Yes, Nells, I'm definitely praising the Lord for that!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Oh, dear Lord! It is so heartrending to see what is happening! I have cried many a tear & prayed many a prayer pleading with God to help us. But why would we wonder why God has turned America over to her enemies? Over 63 million babies have been murdered in the womb. We have spit in God's face on so many levels & broken so many of His laws. We have removed Him from classrooms, the children are no longer allowed to pray or read His Word, then we wonder why lawlessness prevails! This is what it feels like when God's hand of favor & mercy is pulled back from a nation that has rejected Him. If people don't wake up & hit their knees & repent & turn back to God, this is only the beginning of what will hit this nation. We must be faithful to Him & keep our eyes on Jesus. He will soon come for His bride.🙏

    1. Amen, and amen again, Cheryl! We can't turn from God and still expect Him to be there for us. But we can continue to pray and hope that more and more Americans repent and ask God's forgiveness. If we want our nation to turn around, that's what it will take.
      Love and blessings!


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