Monday, May 2, 2022

If He is Willing


While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy.  When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.  "I am willing," he said.  "Be clean!"  And immediately the leprosy left him. ~Luke 5:12-13

Since the onset of, and my subsequent battle with pneumonia, returning to the health I enjoyed before the illness has been sketchy and illusive.  Don't get me wrong.  I see God working in this recovery, albeit disappointingly slowly as far as my timeline is concerned.  It leaves me to wonder, as did the leper, if it's Jesus' will to cleanse me now in the moment, or to have me realize more fully what the consequences my poor behavior would have cost me in the future had He not intervened when He did?

Here are some areas in which I'm hoping to see improvements in the next month or so:

Increased mobility without joint pain - If I either sit or stand for too long, my hips rebel against the rest of my body.  It takes intentional movement to ease the discomfort, and to assure me that I'm not losing my balance.  This can be disorienting as well as discouraging.

Ditching the morning naps - Is seems no matter how well I sleep the night before, by ten or ten-thirty, I'm craving another doze.  Once I waken from that, I finally feel ready to face the day.  The only times I've missed these naps is when I've had a morning appointment that interrupts the schedule.  Even then, I'll end up needing a nap later in the day.  Naps have never been my thing, yet now, they are.  I'm hoping that some vitamins I've recently started taking will give me energy to get over this slump sooner than later.

Climbing the stairs - When climbing up the stairs from ground level to our living area, I have to use two hands on the banister to help my legs propel themselves upward and forward.  This would probably improve a lot sooner if I made a daily workout of stairs in addition to my time on the treadmill.  Still, this is a marked improvement from my first days at home when I had to use a walker to get around.

More energy - Recently, I begin a regimen of taking some vitamin supplements.  My hope and prayers are they will fortify my immune system and allow for more pep in my step.  I'll let you all know if and when I see some positive results.

And in all this recuperation, I'm so grateful for all of you who prayed faithfully for my recovery in January - God most certainly heard you!  I've come a long way, but know I've got a ways to go, so continued prayers are much appreciated!  I'm sure Jesus will heal me fully and completely in His time.

How can I pray for you?



  1. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Patience is often not for sale... That is the hardest thing to 'accept' and deal with when recovering from anything.
    Right now at 2:30 I'm up as my severe mid–back arthritis has flared up due to pulling weeds in the garden last week.
    Sure, Friday, Saturday and Sunday I did not do that but somehow it got me. Might have been the too big chair during our Saturday evening dinner with friends.
    You know, no real support for your back... and I obviously need that or else...
    This too will go away but sleeping can be difficult.
    Sending you hugs,

  2. it is good to hear you are still on the mend Martha. Sometimes God's time clock is no where close to ours! :) But I'm glad to see you are making progress. Hopefully the health challenges you are facing will also improve. I take a regiment of vitamins that Jo laughs at but I would like to believe they have helped in recovery from various glitches. How can you pray? Well, it appears I will be having back surgery sometime in the future. Sort of like what I had in 2017 after my bike wrecks. When it happens, you can pray for quick healing for me. Thanks.

    1. I will certainly pray for you, Bill, before and after your surgery! Yes, God's timing is perfect, even when we think He should be working faster. We are not, and never have been, in control. I'll keep trusting Him to bring further healing in His time and His way.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Still praying for your full recovery to good health, Martha.

    Thank you for your much needed prayers.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks so much, Victor! I'll keep you in my prayers, too, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Absolutely, Martha! I'm honored to be among your prayer warriors. Oh, and please let me know how those vitamins are working out for you. I tend to get kind of cranky if I don't get my nap every afternoon.

    1. I certainly will give you all updates from time to time, Myra. I'm so hoping they will do the trick since we will be quite busy in June when Virginia is here with us. I'd hate to waste any precious moments with her because I need a nap!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Continuing to pray Ms. Martha. I have often wondered in my own recovery journeys of the past if God is purposely delaying my recovery so that I learn and grow in Him more. For example, after my second heart attack, the recovery took longer. That delay was what kept me reaching for that old habit of smoking that I had convinced myself was an old, stress-relieving friend. In reality, it was a habit that was contributing more to my health decline than it ever brought me true satisfaction. Hang in there my friend.

    1. The example of your own recovery journey truly hit home for me, J. D. I do believe God purposely withholds healing that we might turn to Him more fully, learning to trust in His goodness and His timing. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that smoking can never be a part of my future, nor do I want it to be, but it's not an easy journey. Still, I'm so thankful that God allowed me to get so sick that I would shake that nasty habit for good.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I'm grateful you've been brought this far, Martha, and I hope and pray God will give you more strength. If your body tells you you need a nap, listen to it, okay? Instead of pushing yourself beyond your ability. (Okay, so maybe I'm getting too worried...) I know that will be hard to do when Virginia is there, but I'm sure she will understand and it will help you to have better quality time when you're awake. :) Love and blessings of further healing!

    1. Trudy, thanks so much for your words of encouragement here! I'm so grateful, too, that God has seen fit to put me on this path to healing so that I can continue to be here for Danny, my children and my grandchildren. I'm blessed and I know it! I will listen to my body's needs; I know Virginia will understand if I need one. But good news today - I was able to bypass nap time and not feel the worse for it! Maybe, the new vitamins are working?
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, I have been praying for you (by name) daily since your sickness started. I will continue those prayers, dear friend! One day at a time. If your body needs sleep, take those naps! xo

    1. Your advice is taken to heart, Terri, and I'm so appreciative of your continued prayers. Such a precious gift that leaves me speechless. I'm keeping you in my prayers, too, dear friend.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Like the improvements that you are making at different levels. Better sleep should be the priority.

    1. Better sleep is always good, Haddock.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Praying for continued improvement. It can be a slow process--but all forward motion counts!

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Lulu!
      Love and blessings!

  10. It is good to hear that you are improving. I pray you will continue to do so.

  11. Thank you, Nells!
    Love and blessings!

  12. Slow progress can be frustrating, that's for sure! You're wise to focus on how far you've come since January, Martha. I'm thinking your energy and mobility will exponentially improve as strength returns. By August you'll be skipping up those stairs! (That's MY prayer!)

    1. I sure hope you're right about that, Nancy! I think the vitamins I've been taking for a little over a week now are beginning to help. Things are looking up!
      Love and blessings!

  13. It is so difficult to be patient; and then we remember how patient God has been with us. And the Lord waiting in patience for the time when He will catch us away.

    1. When you put it that way, David, that gives us all a different perspective. I'm content to wait on God's timing.
      Love and blessings!

  14. You have been in my prayers but this list now gives me specifics to ask for for you! May each day bring new strength and wellness!

    1. Thank you, Jean, for keeping me in your prayers. That means a lot!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...