Thursday, May 12, 2022

Resist the Chokehold


Therefore, submit to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you. ~James 4:7

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination, but in the past week or so, I've witnessed occurrences that seem to be too coincidental to not come under further scrutiny by all of us who think common sense has flown the coop in our country.

The leak of a possible revocation of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court has set the radical left on fire.  The media has only fanned those flames of outrage and the administration has turned a blind eye to those showing up to justices' homes to protest (in case you weren't aware, this is against the law).  Did anyone ever stop to explain to these folks that if this ruling stands, it means that Roe v. Wade will be given back to states to be decided by the peoples vote?  Allowing them to have a democratic say in how abortion should be addressed?  Yes, that would make sense.  Instead, we have Senator Warren screaming, "We will never go back!"  

Fine!  Go home to your state and vote your conscience on the matter.  You don't like that option?  Maybe that's because you KNOW the vast majority of Americans do not believe in your radical agenda, especially when it comes to aborting babies up until the time of birth.  

For you, it's a lose/lose situation.

Now, here comes the paradoxical dilemma:  Our country is "suddenly" in a dire shortage of baby formula.  Parents across the nation are panicked and desperate.  Why was there no red flag raised about this probable scenario months ago?  Why did this administration ignore this issue if they were made aware, I and can't imagine that they weren't.  Does this look like an unfortunate miscalculation to you?  Or is it a premeditated message to American parents that their children have no intrinsic value.

Not a huge leap to take when Roe v. Wade is suddenly in the spotlight.  Babies aren't people.  Your infants can't vote, therefore, they don't matter to us.

But these parents?  Their precious, beautiful babies mean the world to them!  When I had my children, I was blessed to be able to successfully nurse them, but my daughter had issues with it and had to depend on formula, as so many mothers do.  Now, what will happen?

President Biden gives a speech on the day I'm writing this blog.  My hopes and prayers were that he would aggressively address this crisis for the babies, but not a mention.  What if he had, instead, declared an Operation Warp Speed to manufacture baby formula right here at home in record time?  What comfort and hope that would have provided for millions of Americans!

In my humble opinion, the devil has a choke hold on the "woke" in power.  How did this happen?  Not hard to figure out.  When God has been banned for decades from the schools, the town square, and social media, this creates a void where the devil can set up his wicked playground.

As Christians, many of us have remained silent instead of fighting back.  More than ever, we need to speak up and stand up for God's truth.  God should be first in all that we think, say and do, and we need to communicate His love to those around us; voting our convictions and praying for the devil to flee from those who have submitted to his will, not God's.

The Lord is patient, but His judgment is coming.  I pray that all of us will submit fully to God's will in these dark and troubling times.  He is the only One who can save us all.


The adding insult to injury addendum:  As of Thursday, pallets loaded with baby formula have been sent to the Southern border to provide for the needs of ILLEGAL aliens crossing into our country ILLEGALLY.  If we are a nation of laws, our highest individuals in government have broken every single one.


  1. Yikes, this situation is really getting more dire every day. And that last addendum...even though I would not want to deny any person access to precious food for their child, my question is, if they have pallets of formula for them, where is the rest of it for the rest of the nation? I don't understand this whole issue of the shortage on baby formula and why it has happened. It just seems so surreal. But on the other hand, people need to get back to learning how to care for their infants the old fashioned way. There are plenty of recipes out there for making your own baby formula. But of course now there will end up being a shortage on PET milk, etc. I, too, was very fortunate to be able to nurse my babies and would highly recommend that to every new mother. It is so much better for the baby and much more conveniently packaged! But I do understand that it doesn't always work for everyone. However, it ought to be the exception rather than the norm. I know my daughter in law had to go back to work but she used a breast pump and made enough bottles of breast milk for her baby to take care of him at the daycare all day. It was a bit of work for her to do that, but it was so good for the baby and is actually even better for the mom as well. I pray for our nation every single day. We are in a terrible mess with this current government in charge. May God turn us back to Him soon before it is really too late. Very good post, Martha, and I stand with you.

    1. You are spot on about everything here, Pamela! Our nation is in dire straits, and we need to pray more fervently than ever. Also, to listen to the media, you would think there is no "safe" way to make your own baby formula; you've just proved that wrong with your statement. That's the stuff that truly needs to get out to the public. My heart just breaks for the panicked mothers who may lose a baby because of the ineptitude of this administration (heard today that they've known about this shortage for months, and chose to do NOTHING!)
      Let's keep prayers going!
      Love and blessings!

  2. We're in a period of upheaval. Our globalized economy, with its just-in-time manufacturing system, took a major hit with the pandemic. I think manufacturers keep hoping things will settle down and "return to normal," but that's unlikely for a considerable period of time to come. Abbott Labs, which produced 43% of the baby formula in the US, shut down its main manufacturing plant in Michigan because some formula cans showed contamination. As it turned out, none of the contamination was traced to the plant. Also as it turned out, Abbott clearly had no backup plan, and now there's chaos in the market. Corporations have been spending a lot of time virtue-signaling and a lot less time focusing on their products and customers.

    1. You've hit the nail on the head with your comment here, Glynn. I heard a commentary this morning by a doctor who said that manufacturers should have anticipated a shortage, and probably did, but failed to prepare adequately for it. And as it turns out, Abbot never needed to be closed in the first place.
      We are in perilous times in this country, that's for sure. The administration can't lead unless it's leading from behind. That is NOT a good place to be! I pray we get through all of this.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, yes. There's so much to be concerned about no matter where we look. Our 24 / 7 news feed does nothing to help. I'm praying that we as believers will have the heart and eyes of Jesus, compassion for the broken and hurting. And and that we know who the REAL enemy is. Thankfully, this world is not our home. I truly believe we are in the last days. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

    1. You could be so right about being in the last days, Linda. God will return, and He will judge. We need to repent while there is still time to do so. I'm afraid "too late" is going to creep up on too many folks. Let us do all we can to reach out to them with God's love and in His name.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Oh yes, this post is SO spot on and it shows once more that the illegal in the White House does NOT care about the people and so do many around him.
    Sure, pampering all those illegals crossing the southern border by handing out phones, clean and new clothes and BABY FORMULA!
    Only for yielding more votes and for staying in power; absolute power that is.
    People have been very weak and did not anticipate enough that by cutting God out of a society as powerful as we once were, we invite the Devil in all its forms. The greed for money and power is oh so visible these days by the tyranny that is being used on the People.
    First the Covid where mainly the elderly died of loneliness (not because of that 'Flu'), now they aim at another defenseless group; our babies and infants. They try hard to create a famine for all of the people.
    May people indeed return back to God and ask for his help as he can and will do so.
    Last week Friday, Pieter and I voted after Mass and just before the severe weather started with power outage around 3:15 PM for seven hours.
    Hoping that God bring His people once again back into the fold!

    1. What revealing words of wisdom you've shared here today, Mariette. You are spot on! The new God in our society is power and greed and the devil is dancing up a storm. Covid, I believe, was all about controlling the population like a bunch of puppets, and I'm beginning to think that the inflation is being deliberately caused in order to punish what is seen by the administration as the unwashed deplorables. If they read the Constitution, they'd realize that true power belongs to the people in America. But since when have any of them been interested in truth?
      Love and blessings!

  5. Every morning I think there's nothing worse can possibly go wrong; that our so-called leaders can't stoop any lower.. then I turn on the news and want to cry or throw things. Satan is roaming freely and no-one seems to pay any heed. Please count me among the Resistance!

    1. Amen, Myra, I'm counting you in! And like you, I naively think that nothing else could happen that could top the list of incompetent decisions that throw this country into further chaos. Wrong! This administration is the most feckless, dangerous and diabolical of any I can recall in my lifetime. Give me mean tweets any day of the week!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Yes, Mevely is correct. The devil is allowed to roam throughout the world and cause chaos. But God is in control.

    A great number of those who abort babies live to regret it.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, Victor, many, many women will live to regret that choice they made. May God forgive them.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, your words speak truth and say it all so well. I agree with you. My prayers every morning are to defeat the evil taking over our country and the world. Christians need to stand together and stand strong in our faith. Prayers will continue. Prayers will continue.

    1. Amen, Terri! Let us all continue to pray.
      Love and blessings!

  8. OK ... it happened again. I commented here yesterday. The comment did appear in the comment box. So it worked OK.

    Now it has vanished. Or is it me that's vanished?

    Please check in the Blogger spam folder, Martha. Is it there? Am I there? Is anyone there?

    God bless.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that, Victor! I will check on that and let you know. So glad this comment made it through.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, I could never put into words how burdened my soul is over all that is happening. Let's not forget that it is not only being given to illegal aliens—a LOT of baby formula was sent to Ukraine back in March. People need to get their eyes open and wake up.
    "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverbs 29:18
    "Therefore My people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge; Their honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst." Isaiah 5:13
    "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." Hosea 4:6
    Our nation stands on the brink of disaster and crumbling because we have rejected God and removed Him from everything possible. You can't pull a foundation out from under a standing building and expect any other result than for it to crumble. It is incredibly sad for those of us who have discernment & our spiritual eyes wide open to watch all that is happening. May God bless you always, my friend. You are a blessing!

    1. The Bible verses you've shared here, Cheryl, certainly speak to the heart of the problem in our country. We absolutely cannot pull a foundation out from a building and expect that building to stand. Let's keep on praying for God's truth to be realized by our nation before it's absolutely too late.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Amen, Martha! Ephesians 6:10-18 comes to mind daily.

  11. Thanks for sharing this scripture with us here today, Becky. I'm definitly going to look it up!
    Love and blessings!

  12. My heart hurts for the little ones. How precious they are. I think of my grandchildren growing up in these times and what the future holds but just like us they are living in the time God has them. I pray they grow strong in faith and wisdom. I think of the story of Esther in the Bible and we are all here for such a time as this. God bless and keep our children and also the elderly.

    1. Amen, Cheryl! I, too, think of my grandchildren growing up in these days so lacking in common decency and purpose, and pray God will not allow them to lose their way or turn from Him and His plans for their lives.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Martha, I've tried 3-4 times since Friday to leave and comment and it would not let me. So I'm trying again today. I appreciate you speaking up and standing for this message. It's sad what our country has come to. Praying over the baby formula situation and praying over unborn children. Blessings!

  14. Thanks, Karen, for being tenacious in leaving a comment here. I don't know what was going on, as several folks let me know that they couldn't leave a comment, but it seems like the problem corrected itself. Whew!
    And yes, it is so tragic to see our country devolve into a Godless culture. Praying for our nation!
    Love and blessings!


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