Monday, May 9, 2022

Thankful for God's Blessings!


Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. ~Exodus 20:12

This Mother's Day is a memorable one for me for a variety of reasons, some joyful and others bittersweet.  It's the first time I've celebrated this holiday without my own mother being with us.  I know so many of you can relate to those feelings of sadness at your loss, yet grateful that you had so many years together.  It hurt when I went shopping for a Mother's Day card for my daughter, Sarah, and passed by the ones I would have chosen for my own Mom.  Made miss her even more than I already do.

I am so elated, though, when my son, Daniel, offers to take me to lunch to celebrate the Saturday before Mother's Day.  Honestly, I cannot recall when he last made this overture, although he has always remembered to get me a card.  So, it's an extra-special time for me!  We chose to go Mexican.

And it's not just Mother's Day that I'm over the moon about.  Recently, Daniel is contacted by a young lady with whom he attended high school.  Heather and he always shared an attraction to one another when they were teens, but life happened and took them in different directions.  Long story short, they've fallen in love, one that feels right and good and true, and I cannot begin to express how much joy I feel for Daniel and Heather!

Honestly, I thought after my son's painful breakup with a previous girlfriend, he'd never find a woman to marry.  Boy, am I glad to be wrong on this one!

So, by next Mother's Day, I will have a new daughter-in-love, and down the road?  Maybe some more grand grands!  I can dream, can't I?

And I thank God with all my heart for His blessings in the lives of our family.



  1. Isn't it amazing how God comes alongside us and when we are hurting so bad He brings us joy unspeakable. I'm happy for your MD outing. And I am thrilled that your son, Daniel, has found love again. I am a firm believer that nothing ever happens outside the view of God. The breakup was essential for this to happen. Happy Mother's Day Martha (sorry I'm late). *rolling eyes*

    1. Yes, Bill, this unexpected reunion is a perfect example of how God's playbook works, that's for sure! He knows when we're ready to see His revelations for what they are. I'm so very grateful!
      Hope Jo had a great Mother's Day!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Happy (belated) Mother's Day, Martha!

    1. Thanks, Glynn! Hope Janet enjoyed her special day, too.
      Love and blessings!

  3. What a special Mother's Day. As we see our children settle into happy lives, they become more mindful of those around them. Thankful for your wonderful weekend!

    1. I'm so thankful, too, Lulu. Hope you had a marvelous Mother's Day, too!
      Love and blessings!

  4. What a thoughtful, loving gesture on Daniel's part. I'm sure he sensed this year would be a difficult day. And who can be sad when they've a plate of Mexican food in front of them..... YUM!!! Exciting times in that young man's life for sure. God is so good!

    1. God is infinitely good, Myra, that's for sure!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Congratulations for Daniel and Heather! Wishing them, and you and your family, great happiness always.

    Best wishes to you all. God bless, Martha.

    1. Thanks so much, Victor! Yes, we are all so excited for Daniel and Heather.
      Love and blessings!

  6. OH MARTHA! I am SO Happy for you and for your son! That is such wonderful news! I pray that they will be able to have a beautiful life together. What a blessing for you and for them!! That gives me hope for our youngest son who is still at home with us. God is still in the miracle working business! And I did think of you on Mother's Day, knowing it was your first without your mother. I know how that feels, especially the shopping for mother has been gone 16 years and I still wish I could get her a card and call her on the phone or just be there with her. We never get over missing our mothers. But what a wonderful blessing God has given you. I bet your mother was smiling down from heaven over that news!! (((Hugs)))

    1. Oh, I think Mom would be over the moon about Daniel and Heather, Pamela. I so wish she was still here to share in their good news! I will pray for Scott that God brings the perfect someone into his life. We do need to remember that God can and will work miracles, especially when we least expect them. :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. Yes, it is hard every holiday the first few years. I’m sorry for your sadness. Congratulations to all on the upcoming nuptials. I’m glad you had some joy too. Blessings to you, sweet friend.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words here, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I’m so very sorry for your sadness. The first few holidays are the hardest
    I’m glad you got some joy too. Congratulations to all on the upcoming nuptials. God bless you and your family, sweet friend.

    1. Yep, the first years are the most difficult when we lose someone we love, Nells. I'm so glad that God saw fit to temper the sadness with the joy of His blessings.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Hi Martha, so glad that your son has found a lovely future wife. It is sad about your mother, but memories are like videos. I only had my lovely father for eleven years, but those years hold precious memories. God bless.

    1. How sad to lose a parent at such a young age, Brenda. So glad that your memories of your dad are still strong in your heart and mind. Such a gift!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Boa tarde, Martha
    Que alegria almoçar com o filho, esses momentos são especiais, feliz em saber que ele encontrou uma namorada, que Deus abençoe sempre. Também perdi minha mãe em 2020, o conforto que temos é saber que elas estão com Jesus. Um forte abraço.

    1. We can take comfort when we know our loved one is with the Lord, Lucinaiva. Hope you had a great Mother's Day!
      Love and blessings!

  11. This is wonderful! I’ve never seen photos of Daniel! Glad for your meal together and for the love in his life! Yay all the way around! God bless!

    1. Yes! Hoorays all around for sure. God is so good!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Even with the sad note about your first Mother's Day without your mom, this was a wonderful feel-good piece, Martha. With all the awful turmoil that the pro-abortion fanatics are creating, the sweet and uplifting picture you shared that gives us a glimpse of what Mother's Day can look and feel like gives us a soothing and refreshing moment away from the maddening chaos. God bless you, my friend, and we join you in the hope that your family will continue to grow and that a new crop of "grands" will be starting in the years ahead.

    1. Thanks so much, Ron, for your kind, uplifting words here today. I'd love nothing better than adding to the roster of grandchildren, that's for sure, but I'm not going to be the interfering Mom who puts undue pressure on them. I'm just really happy that my son has finally found his life's love.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Dearest Martha Jane,
    What a joy to read here about your son and his future plans for life ahead!
    Yes, this was my 8th Motherless Mother's Day and for Pieter already his 33rd... Life moves on and we know that they are very close to us; every moment as our souls never die!
    Who knows how she might be helping your son Daniel?
    I've been on the road yesterday to have our Infiniti QX50 serviced in Atlanta, then to Trader Joe's in Marietta and off to Costco and home.
    All done with excruciating mid–back pain that let a little go in the afternoon. Slept well till 6:00 AM and the pain was back and there is nothing I can take due to my severe stage CKD.
    Just suck it up and tough it out.
    This is my 2nd bout, also shortly after Easter... Hope it will soon pass me.

    1. Oh, Mariette, I feel so badly about the pain you are suffering with. I will definitely keep you in prayer for relief and healing!
      Thank you for your kind words and well wishes for Daniel and Heather. Yes, we are all feeling infinitely blessed!
      Love and blessings!

  14. How wonderful, Martha!! A special lunch and a new love in your son's life who you also care about! Awesome! xo

    1. Yes, Terri, we are all so happy and excited for Daniel and Heather. The news certainly made this a very special Mother's Day for me.
      Love and blessings!

  15. So very happy for both Daniel & Ms. Heather, and you ma'am. Will be praying God's presence in their marriage.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, J. D.! That means so much to me.
      Love and blessings!

  16. So sweet.

  17. It IS delightful when loved ones find that special someone! So glad it's happened for Daniel. Glad too that the extra joy over his newfound love offers counterbalance to the grief of missing your mom. Such a wonderful gift at just the right time!

    1. God is so good, isn't He, Nancy? He certainly provided saving grace when sorrow could have blocked the blessings that were unfolding. I know Mom would be so delighted with Daniel's good fortune.
      Love and blessings!

  18. So many blessings! Savor those moments and so glad you shared your joy!

    1. I am savoring each and every one of them, Jean!
      Love and blessings!

  19. What a special Mother's Day! And such a loving gesture on Daniel's part.

    Love and blessings, Martha.

    1. It truly was a lovely time together, Veronica.
      Love and blessings!


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