Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thank You

Luke 7:47
"Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven - as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little."

Love and forgiveness go hand in hand. In forgiving someone, we are loving that person as ourselves, treating them the way we would like to be treated. Forgiveness magnifies love and, in the one forgiven, swells the heart with gratitude and relief as it is cleansed from the stains of guilt and shame.

The woman of many sins enters the house of Simon, a pharisee, who has invited Jesus to dine with him. She is carrying an alabaster jar containing expensive ointment. She is weeping openly, unabashedly.

There is contrition in her heart, confession in her tears, as she bows at Jesus' feet. Her tears fall there, forming rivulets in the dust as Simon, a negligent host, had failed to provide water for the Lord wash them. Lovingly, she wipes and dries His feet with her hair and applies the soothing, sweet-scented balm to anoint them.

She grieves for her sins as she serves the One she knows can and will forgive all of them. She is overwhelmed with gratitude for this chance to begin anew, to leave her previous life marred by sin behind her. She does the only thing she knows how to do to tell Jesus, "Thank you".

Whether your sins are many, like this woman's, or few, have you bowed at Jesus' feet? Have you washed them with your tears of regret? Have you asked Him for forgiveness and felt His peace surround you? Did you say, "Thank you"?

"No more fears, you've dried our tears
At the feet of Jesus.
Grace abound to all who've found
The feet of Jesus." ~ Chris Tomlin

Psalms 146, 147 or 111, 112, 113
Jeremiah 36:1-10
Acts 14:8-18
Luke 7:36-50


  1. May all our acts of devotion to God..always start with gratitiude. I love how you asked if we had thanked Him...that puts everything in perspective because it allows us to interally process the reality of where all good things come from...from the love and grace of our Father. I think we could all use to be a little more humble...It seems there is not nearly enough "fear and trembling" (in awe and reverence) when we approach God. I know I can fall short from time to time and even shrug off areas that are in need of repentence. May God continue to humble us and draw us ever closer to Him.
    Sorry this was so long! Have a blessed day!

  2. Not too long, Jessica; loved your thoughts today!

    I agree that all of us, myself readily included, need to practice humility before the Lord. It is easy to lapse into a familiarity when we visualize Jesus walking beside us or sit quietly in conversation with God, yet there should be more of an awareness that we are loved by the King of Kings and show due reverence before the throne.
    Thanks so much for stopping by today!
    Blessings to you, too!


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...