"'Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'"
On the street which passes our neighborhood and heads toward town, a modest brick house sits overlooking an expansive spread of cleared land. In early spring, the owner would always till most of it in order to plant corn. I loved marking the progress of the sturdy stalks throughout the summer. Weed-free and well-tended, they grew tall and thrived.
Then came two back-to-back summers of drought.
The corn sprouted well in the late spring. It had all the earmarks of another promising crop. But, when summer arrived and the rains ceased, the stalks withered and browned, desiccated by the heat of an unrelenting sun.
Realizing his loss, the owner gave up on his corn that year. The weeds, obviously more drought tolerant, began to creep in between the rows.
The following year, he tried again to raise his corn. Again, the results mimicked the previous summer's.
The next year? He didn't even try. A few straggling stalks, miraculously germinated from errant kernels, came up on their own.
They didn't stand a chance . . .
Ironically, with the return of much needed rains, the weeds and grasses reclaimed the soil once so meticulously groomed.
And, the next? Bountiful storms and nourishing warmth induced a veritable population explosion of weeds! They grew so tall and thick, they literally blocked my view of the little brick house from the road.
The invasion was complete. The victory was won. By the wrong side . . .
You and I are the cornstalks. There are weeds all around us. Our roots must be firmly planted in God's soil, watered by His word, soaking up His light.
The weeds may grow alongside us, but they won't choke us out or overshadow us. When it is time for the Harvest, God will see. God will know. He will choose.
Is there a "weed" in your life who desires your downfall? Pray that he or she will turn and seek salvation in Christ Jesus.
Will you pray with me?
We know, Father, that you cause the rain to fall and the sun to shine on good and evil alike. Help us to grow deep roots in your love and grace. Guard our hearts and minds from the tempting weeds of this world. May we, like the well-tended cornfield, flourish and bear good fruit for Your harvest. Amen.
Psalms 40, 54 or 51
Nehemiah 2:1-20
Revelation 6:12-7:4
Matthew 13:24-30
thanks, Martha.
ReplyDeleteNot sure how to address this one. If my brother-in-law is acting like a real weed, do I purge him from the garden, expel him because he is not like me, do I kill and replace him with corn? Or can God transform the weed into corn? I am not trying to "shuck" your article :) I just do not understand.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ann and David, for stopping by today!
ReplyDelete@Ann - Glad you enjoyed it! :)
@David - Aw, shucks! :) Nope to purging the weeds; that's God's job. We have to be firm in our faith, deeply rooted, to be able to withstand and tolerate the weeds around us.
I believe God can and does transform weeds!
Martha, that was a beautiful analogy. We all have weeds that gain ground when we're not watching.
ReplyDeleteYou told the story brilliantly my dear. Your words are weed-pullers. *hugs
Thank you so much, Leah! I do pray my words today pulled up some weeds and transformed them into corn stalks. Your affirmation and encouragement means so much!
ReplyDeleteI am so looking forward to your next post!
Until then, blessings always!
Thank you for the explanation. I just was not getting the message. My whole family is hoping that God can change my brother and my wife's brother-in-law into a productive, not destructive part of our garden. They don't even have to be corn :D. Maybe our standards are too low?
ReplyDeleteThanks for you help, IN god, Jeasus, I believe with all my heart,
David Knott
P.S. I'm proud I figured how to get my entries to stick in you blog agian, yea!