Monday, December 5, 2011

Cloudy, With a Chance of Wonder

Luke 21:27
"Then they will see 'the Son of Man coming in a cloud' with great glory."

After months and weeks and days of anticipation, vacation time is here! My husband, Danny, and I are thrilled beyond measure. We need this downtime, this reconnect time, this do
-absolutely-nothing time to refresh our bodies and souls.

My only concern as we travel to our destination, the North Carolina Nantahala and Great Smoky Mountains, is the weather. Intentionally, we have chosen this particular cabin, Hawk's Ridge Hideaway, because of the breathtaking view.

Rain is in the forecast. How much of this spectacular view will we actually see?

When we arrive at the cabin, skies are overcast. Yet, the vista is perfect! Our eyes rest joyfully on the blues and purples of th
e tallest mountains in the Smokys.

But, it is on the following day when God pulls out all the stops.

He REALLY sends in the clouds!

Not just white, puffy cumulus or dark, threatening thunderheads.

But, every shape, size, height, and depth. From pure white, to soft gray, to ominous blue
, to impassioned purple.

Moving in the valleys, over the ridges, a
nd riding the tops of the highest peaks.

Fog and mist rise from the valleys in the morning. Puffs and wisps escape to roll over a hillside like lost and wandering lambs.

Larger clouds drape themselves like cascading snow drifts over the mountainsides.

Higher clouds, heavy with rain, loom in the distance.

The sun finds the cracks and crevices in the vast and ever-changing sea of clouds. The ones it touches turn blindingly white. Its brilliant beams illuminate the mountains like so many spotlights.

Every day, until our last, we are entertained, awed, and mesmerized by the ceaseless variety and movement of these clouds of glory.

We wake on our final day at the cabin to a blue dome of sky and shining sun.

But, the clouds are still there . . .

We are above them.

They are piled thick and white, as staunch and impenetrable as glaciers, in the valleys below. A very rare phenomenon. A sight we will most likely never see again.

God saves His very best for the very last . . .

Psalms 25 or 9, 15
Isaiah 5:8-12, 18-23
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Luke 21:20-28


  1. He never ceases to amaze us with his creation.

  2. That was an astounding description! And you were very lucky to have witnesses God's marvelous creations on your vacation : )

  3. Hi, Janu and Kriti! Thanks for taking time to stop by today!
    Yes, we were so "wowed" by God's incredible and ever-changing creation on our vacation. There was never a dull moment. I'm so grateful I could share some of this awesome wonder with others.
    God's blessings to you both today and every day!

  4. We are usually asked, "what did you DO on your vacation". I'm not quite sure why 'doing' is necessary in a moment of time intended for rest. We watched 3D super high definition reality TV produced by an awesome, many would say the best, producer - God. And yes, the description in the blog is beautiful with a cool ending.

  5. Ah...the majesty and power of the Holy One of Israel! Not just that - great vacation too, as Danny alluded to! Excellent Martha!

  6. God has blessed us with amazing wonders,we should take time out to thank Him for it...Thank you for sharing this with us Martha...God bless you.

  7. I was wishing I could just click the Bible verses and read the pop-up lol. Is it too much to ask? I focused on the Psalm *25th ~ a psalm of trust in God.

    You've described the clouds and the sky very well...I loved your last line;) I agree, God saves the best for last.

  8. I can only imagine the joy that your vacation bestowed upon you :) What a wonderful testimony!

  9. Beautiful description of a wonderful phenomenon, glad you had a great time on your vacation.

  10. Finally you had a great time out together and those!

  11. Wow!!! Thanks to all of you who read the post today!
    @Danny - can't wait to go back . . . maybe, April? :)
    @Bernie - It was, indeed, a much-needed Sabbath rest!
    @Susan - And, again, I say amen! :)
    @Alpana - Yes, there is so much wonder in all His works! Sometimes, unfortunately, we take the natural world for granted and don't "stop to smell the roses". :)
    @Melissa - I'm so glad to know you are doing the readings for the day! I wish I were computer-savvy enough to create the links; would take lots of extra time, though. Glad you liked the last line! :)
    @Anna - It was, indeed, a joyful time for both of us. And, thank you for the compliment!
    @Sulekka - Thank you for your kind words. Yes, we had such a marvelous time, I didn't want to go home . . .
    @Rimly - Those clouds just called to me to write about them. I described them in a journal while at the cabin and translated to the devotion, along with Danny's photos, when we got home. We were so blessed to see them!

    Love and blessings to each and every one of you!

  12. This post made me smile Martha! We live in the valley and the clouds that you have described in your post is what I see almost very day now. God is in the clouds...yeah! He paints, blows, creates and makes master pieces for us to admire every day!

    Have a blessed holiday and recharge those batteries :)

  13. Wow, Nelieta, how wonderful a vista you have in your life! And, every day? I'm jealous! :)
    Thank you so much for taking time to stop by today; glad this made you smile, my friend!
    Now, we need some "moments" from you of cloud photos from your neck of the woods. :)
    Blessings and love!

  14. What beautiful photos, I love clouds. A wonderful place to be...

  15. Thank you, Jan, for stopping by!
    You are such a fantastic photographer yourself, I just knew you would love these.
    Yes, it was such a wonderful place to spend four days . . .
    Blessings to you!

  16. So glad you enjoyed my home state so much, Martha. North Carolina was once called a variety vacationland because of the diversity of terrain and climates in varying parts of the state.


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