Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Everything Old is New Again!"

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that person is a new creation. The old has gone, the new is here!

The clock is ticking . . .

With every second on this last day of 2011, moving steadily, methodically toward the end of this year.

And, the beginning of 2012.

A new year. A fresh start. Renewed hopes. Revived resolutions.

Perhaps, 2011 is a year you will be glad to leave behind.

Pain. Loss. Disappointments. Discouragements.

Stashed gratefully away in the past as you embrace the promise of better things to come.

Or, maybe, 2011 is the most memorable, joyful year of your life. Letting go and moving forward is unappealing. You long to hold on. To savor the sweetness it brought you.

The clock is ticking . . .

Are you reminiscing? Preparing for the party you are hosting tonight? Planning to stay up and usher in the new year? Will you watch the festivities at Times Square on your television?

Is your awareness heightened, on this last day of the year, of the passing of time?

How it flies when you're having fun? How maddeningly it creeps when you are waiting for something to happen? How its march cannot be stopped?

The clock is ticking . . .

The old is going . . .

The new is coming!

A vision of days spread before like blank, pristine slates. The future . . . unknown . . . uncharted . . .

But, not daunting.

Not when Jesus walks with you. Renewing you in Him each day. Writing on those slates His message of love and salvation.

Just for you . . .

His hand is outstretched. Will you take it? Invite Him to walk with you in 2012?

Will you pray with me?
Help us, Father, to welcome the new year with faith and hope, knowing that we have newness of life every day in your beloved Son. May we hold tightly to His hand and let Him guide us through our days. Amen.

Psalms 46, 48
Isaiah 26:1-9
2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2
John 8:12-19


  1. Happy New year to you and your family...let us welcome the new.

  2. Happy new year to you and your family - new is always good, if you are prepared for it.

  3. Thank you, Janu and TheC, for stopping by!

    A very blessed and prosperous new year to you both!

  4. May the stars carry
    shine upon you,
    May the flowers fill
    your heart with beauty
    May hope forever wipe
    away your tears,
    I wish you the very best with a
    year full of happiness
    may u achieve all that u wish for…
    Wishing you many wishes for the New Year
    Have a great 2012
    Happy New Year...

  5. A great post carrying a great reminder. May we all start this New Year off with the awareness of God within, to guide us towards making it a fruitful year! I hope your New Year is a beautiful one as you watch that amazing little granddaughter of yours grow! :)

  6. Thank you, Alpana and Jessica, for dropping in today!
    @Alpana - Such a beautiful poem and marvelous sentiment for the new year. I pray yours is blessed, too!
    @Jessica - Thank you for the compliment. And, yes, I am looking forward to watching the little one grow in 2012. It's hard to believe she will turn two in July!

    Happy and blessed New Year to you both, my friends!

  7. Good thoughts! Thank you!

    Happy New Year, Sweet Martha!! XOXOX

  8. The new year has always been something to look forward to for me :)

  9. Hi, Linda and JR, thanks for stopping in today!

    Wishing you both a very happy, prosperous, and blessed new year!

    And, happy blogs ahead! :)


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