Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Don't Just Tell, Show!

Luke 22:67-68
"If you are the Messiah," they said, "tell us."
Jesus answered, "If I tell you, you will not believe me, and if I asked you, you would not answer."

Show-and-Tell is the highlight of my school week in first grade.

Only five of us can participate on the given day. With thirty in the classroom, it is several weeks before it will be my turn to share one of my treasures with my classmates.

Meanwhile, I enjoy seeing and hearing about the objects my friends bring from home.

Matchbox cars. A piece of sparkling quartz. Teddy bear. Family photo. Plastic army men. Rag doll. Coin collection.

Each one is fascinating, revealing to us aspects about each other which we, and our teacher, might not otherwise know.

Even the shy students who normally balk at speaking in front of their peers find the courage to do so when cradling a prized possession.

Stage fright eludes my vocabulary.

When my long-awaited turn finally arrives, I bounce out of my desk and skip gleefully to the front of the room. I practically sing with excitement!

"This," I say proudly, holding up a diminutive, stuffed Airedale terrier, "is Terry. He is just one animal in the collection I share with my brother. We play with them every day. Well, almost every day. And, we build houses out of Lincoln logs for them. And, they have great adventures. And, a flying boat. And, Terry is always getting into trouble."

My classmates marvel at the tiny, detailed replica of a real-life terrier. They beg me to pass him around. I am hesitant to part with my beloved friend.

I glance apprehensively at my teacher.

She nods and smiles.

"Terry will be fine, dear. I'll keep an eye on him for you."

So, Terry makes the rounds of the classroom. He is admired. He is cuddled. He is squeezed.

And, by some, reluctantly passed on.

I cannot relax until he is safely back in my arms.

Laura, the reserved girl sitting beside me, leans over and whispers, "I just love Terry! Can I come to your house sometime and see all your animals?"

"Sure!" I say with a smile. "I'll ask my Mom today."
What would have happened that day at Show-and-Tell had I not brought Terry? Do you think the children would have remembered anything about my animal collection without seeing him? Would the otherwise bashful Laura had the courage to invite herself to my house?

Jesus has been showing and telling, revealing who He is, step by step, for three long years.

Teaching. Healing. Raising from the dead.

All with authority.

The Pharisees and teachers of the law do not see. Do not listen. Do not recognize.

And, if they do not believe when shown, Jesus knows that no amount of telling will convince them.

They've turned the blind eye. The deaf ear.

To God, Himself . . .
Can you show, not just tell, someone what it means to be a Christian?

Will you pray with me?'
Telling means nothing, Father, without showing. Help us to be always mindful that our actions speak much louder than words ever could. Let us show the love of Christ to this hurting world. Amen.

Psalms 45 or 47, 48
Isaiah 9:1-7
2 Peter 1:12-21
Luke 22:54-69


  1. That's a really cute story and I always found that the visual's tend to be the ones that trigger the memories more than anything.

  2. Hi, SJ! Thanks for stopping by today!
    Yes, visuals are the things that create memories for us. Jesus used such vivid imagery in His story-telling to make sure His disciples, and we, would remember.
    Blessings to you!

  3. Actions do speak louder than words, Martha! You're speaking my language here, therefore I love this piece!! God bless you this very day! Amen.,

  4. What a wonderful post Martha, and you couldn't have picked a better time to share it with Christmas right around the corner :) Thank you so much. I will remember your words above while I am out and about, hoping to show more of what I believe :)

  5. Hi, Bernie and Mary! Thanks so much for dropping in today.
    @Bernie - God bless you, too, Bernie! Yes, actions are truly what convinces others of our beliefs.
    @Mary - I'm glad you are planning to remember the words and put them into action! :) Thanks for the wonderful compliment.

    Blessings to you both!

  6. Great message Martha! Loved it :)

  7. Hello.
    For many, it's easier to learn & remember from show rather than tell.
    Great post & message, Martha!
    As always, thanks for sharing & visiting. I do so enjoy your comments.

    For ref:
    Violins Of Love

  8. Yes Martha, SHOW!!! And that's what you've done here. Thank you for introducing us to Terry! He's so REAL because you let us see him.

  9. I wish we had something like this in India too...bridging gaps, making friends...opportunity to be creative. Nice.

  10. Hi, Everyone, and thanks so much for stopping by!
    @Jessica - so glad you liked this!
    @Andy - Thanks for the compliments! Yes, I loved "Violins of Love"! :)
    @Debra - Thanks for this encouragement! I loved Terry and the others so much as a child, I could picture every detail of him as I wrote. He is still so real to me!:)
    @Janu - I wish you did, too! It was always so much fun to share and learn more about each other aside from academics. Made great friends this way!

    Blessings to all!!!


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