Monday, December 12, 2011

Walking in Darkness . . .

Luke 22:53
"Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour-when darkness reigns."

Creeping, day by day, toward the Winter Solstice. December 22nd. The shortest day. The longest night.

The darkest time of the year . . .

The ancients feared it. Dreaded its coming.

Would the sun go away, never to return?

Only in light is there life. Darkness, complete and utter darkness, is death.

The time for demons and witches and hobgoblins to wreak havoc on earth. For ghosts and ghouls to haunt and horrify. Every evil entity rising up to clutch and capture the hearts of men.

The darkness which heightens every fear, real or imagined.

Savage. Brutal. Insidious. Wicked. Cold. Cruel.

Darkness . . .

And, then . . .

The solstice passes. The next day comes. And, the next.

Miracle of miracles! Minute by added minute! The days increase! The nights decrease!

Light returns to the weary world!

In its hope, the shadows flee from mind and heart. The soul is renewed, restored by the promise.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2)

And, we, too, will see that light anew on Christmas Day.
How will you celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Light of the World, this Christmas?

Will you pray with me?
Thank you, Father, for sending your precious Son to shine His light and the dispel the darkness from our hearts. Let us mirror His heavenly light into all the world. Let us declare His glorious coming! Amen.

Psalms 41, 52 or 44
Isaiah 8:16-9:1
2 Peter 1:1-11
Luke 22:39-53


  1. What a powerful reflection for the season, Martha. Let welcome the Light of the World within us and among us!

  2. It's the ONLY thing I dislike about Winter:
    The fact that it gets dark so early. Don't mind the cold, it's the early dark that bothers me ore then anything.

    Never really considered the birth of Jesus renewing the light to the world. That's a really interesting perspective to contemplate. If you're spiritual and on this path it certainly makes sense to see the birth of Jesus as a renewal of light to the world. Jesus even makes reference to it:
    I am the Light of the World.

  3. May the light always shine bright...

  4. This is so true, except in Alaska, when I discovered the land of the midnight sun has very little sun in the breaks at 11 AM and sun sets by 3PM in the tundra of western Alaska... :D

  5. Thank you, all, for stopping by today!
    @Corinne - Oh, yes, the Light of the World is coming. Let us welcome Him!
    @Chris - So glad this post gave you something new to think about! I love the image of the Lord as the "Light of the World".
    @Savira - Yes, I'm going to let my light shine!
    @Janu - :)
    @Cath - Living so far north does have some definite disadvantages in the winter. I don't know if I would last very long in so much darkness . . .

    Blessings to all and thanks again for your great comments!

  6. I loved the way you wrote about darkness and light Martha. Life is like that, as soon as the darkness leaves the heart we allow the light of god enter. Beautiful

  7. Hi, Rimly!
    Your words are so kind - thank you! May His light fill your heart this season!


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