Monday, December 26, 2011

A Three Day Break . . .

Dear Friends,

As most of you know, my devotions follow the daily scripture readings assigned in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. Imagine, then, my surprise when I discovered there were no assigned readings for December 26, 27 or 28!

So, I have decided to give myself a short break here. My devotions will resume on December 29, so please stay tuned!

Know I am grateful for each and every one of you.

May God richly bless you in the new year!



  1. Have a relaxing break Martha

  2. Thanks, Savira, I will; I really need it . . . :)
    Blessings to you!

  3. Enjoy your break...Like birds, let us,
    leave behind what we dont need to carry,
    Life is beautiful, Enjoy it.

  4. Nothing wrong with a break! I took one yesterday! :-) But stayed busy serving.

    Come on over to my blog anytime and join in the fun there with Jesus, while you're off for 3 days, sis!!

    Also thanks for brightening my page last week, during the beautiful Christmas devotions daily!!

    Bless you Martha!!!

  5. Thank you, Alpana and Bernie, for stopping by!
    @Alpana - this is such a beautiful sentiment . . . yes, life is short and we should enjoy every moment. :)
    @Bernie - stopped by today but, as usual, can't comment directly on your blog, so left something directly on Facebook. What a glorious post this was!
    Thanks again for having me as a guest blogger - just loved it!

    Blessings to you both and a very Happy New Year!

  6. Martha, in the 1928 BCP they acknowledged
    December 26 as the Feast of St. Stephen,
    December 27 as the Feast of St. John,
    Apostle and Evangelist
    December 28 as Holy Innocents

    You can download these. I looked up the 1928 Book of Common Prayer on Google.

  7. Looking forward to your devotions after your short break. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! :)

  8. Thank you, Galer and Jessica, for stopping by!
    @Galer - I wish I had known this about the 1928 prayer book; I did know about the Feasts and Holy Innocents, but did not see readings attached. Maybe, the Lord just wanted me to take a bit of a break to pay special attention to His birth . . .
    @Jessica - the break has been great! I wrote two today, re-energized and ready to go. And, yes, we had a terrific Christmas with family and two church services. I can tell by your photos that your family had a wonderful time!

    God's blessings to you both!

  9. See you soon Martha - Happy Holidays to you : )

  10. Happy Holidays to you, too, Kriti! I will be back tomorrow and doing the Blogplicity rounds. :)
    Blessings to you!

  11. I trust you are enjoying your break and will return refreshed! XO


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