Monday, May 7, 2012

"Accentuate the Positive. Eliminate the Negative . . ."

1 Thessalonians 4:18
Therefore encourage one another with these words.

If you were to ask me to describe myself in one word, my answer would be "encourager".  I love to build other up.  Cheer them on.  Lift their spirits.

My teaching years are enjoyable and rewarding for this very reason.  I have opportunities every minute of every school day to encourage my students.  To inspire them.  To give them confidence in their abilities.  To acknowledge a job well done.

To empower them.

And, there's nothing like seeing a hurting child smile again.  Or, watching the failing child turn his Titanic around.  Or, seeing the once shy wallflower bloom with personality.

The right words.  The right gestures.

Keeping it positive.  Ever sincere.

Being patient.  Willing to take whatever time necessary to reach each child in a meaningful and uplifting way.

To make their day a memorable one.

To foster a love for learning in them because they know I care.  Deeply.

From my heart . . . 

Because, all God's children need encouragement.

Even the grown-up ones.

Like you.

And, like me. 
What one word best describes you?

Will you pray with me?
We are thankful, Father, for the encouragement we give to others and the encouragement given to us.  Let us build up each other in the faith.  May we shine the light of hope into darkened lives that they might know your grace and love.  Amen.

Psalms 56, 57, (58) or 64, 65
Leviticus 16:1-19
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18  


  1. This is GREAT!!
    Thank you Martha for this wonderful post. So beautiful and so true.
    I don't really know what word would describe me best, but I would say Kind. I am kind to everyone and everything, as all the hurt one can inflict on others, come from a lack of kindness.

    1. Thanks for stopping by today, Nikky, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!
      "Kind" is a wonderful descriptor for you; that's exactly what I pick up on when I read your blog or see your comments here. The world could certainly use more kind people like you!

  2. Good Monday Morning, Martha:
    My blog column today skirts the same topic as yours today. I always encourage those around me to do their best.

    One word to describe me? Don't know know if I can find just one.

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Chris! I haven't read your blog yet, but am heading in that direction shortly. Can't believe we hit on the same topic yet again! :)
      Yes, "positive" describes you to a "T" - your outlook on life is so uplifting and hopeful; I am inspired every time I read your posts.

  3. One word...well the best I can think of for myself would be: Compassionate. I do have a big heart, at least that is what I've been told :) Great post Martha!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by today, RoseAnn!
      I can't think of anything more complimentary than being told we're compassionate - beautiful description of you!
      Glad you enjoyed the post. :)

  4. I wanted to see myself as an "inspiring" person, Martha. Even if sometimes life seems to beat me up and me wanting to give up because of that.

    You are doing a GREAT job encouraging other people, Martha. You encouraged me so much. Your comments on my blog help motivate me to keep going despite the odds. And your blog is itself very encouraging, because you share God's Words. So thank you so much for being the encouraging person that you are.

    God bless you, Martha. <3 :-)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Irene!
      You are an inspiration to me and to so many through your wonderful blog. I might add, too, candid and honest.
      Thank you for the kind compliment. I'm so glad my posts motivate you in such a positive way. I will continue to do my best to be encouraging of others. :)

  5. So nice. Our children all need encouragement and love.

    1. Thanks for stopping by today, Myrna!
      Oh, yes, the dear children need this so much in order to thrive and grow into healthy adults.

  6. I describe myself as welcoming :) I do pray that I would be Ms. Sincere one day, that means having my mind and heart in tune to each other. I wish to be true to myself always and to other people...

    You described yourself well Martha and that's just what the Word of God does to people :) Very fluid and life giving!

    I pray with you this day, may we be more willing to receive the positive energies and blessings that come our way. And may we learn to listen to what our negative thoughts say so that God could transform them into something more beautiful and worthwhile.

    Thank you Martha ;) I'm working on it, in God's grace.

    1. Welcoming . . . perfect for you, my dear! You are already most sincere, true to yourself and true to others in all your expressions which never fail to inspire.
      There is His positive grace flowing through this world, through us, when we tap into it. A never ending, everlasting grace. It is, as you said, "fluid and life giving". He will tell us where our gifts are when we trust completely.
      Let us always ask Him to remove the negative thoughts from our hearts and minds and replace them with the most positive hope in His forgiveness and salvation.
      Let Him work on this for you, my dear!
      Blessings in abundance!

  7. I'm horrible at describing myself! I'm not sure how I would! :)

    I love your posts. As I was reading this one I was thinking how the students you have had have been so blessed to have you as their teacher!

    1. Jessica, you are too kind! Thank you for following my posts and for always stopping to leave great comments.

  8. I have known encouragers in this world..and am always so thankful they are in this world!!
    I am faithful.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Annmarie!
      Faithful - oh, what a wonderful word to describe you. Perfect!

  9. You must have been a great teacher Martha. I am sure each child you took the time out for remembers you. I have never taught and I dont know whether I will be a great teacher but I try to be sensitive towards people in general, trying not to hurt them with my words or action

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Rimly!
      I don't know about great, but I did truly enjoy the children. One neat thing is that I am now facebook friends with some who are all grown up, married, and with children of their own. :)
      And, I can tell through your posts and comments that you are, indeed, very sensitive toward others. That is a tremendous gift!
      Blessings to you!


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