Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Stormy Weather . . ."

Matthew 8:26
He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?"  Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves and it was completely calm.

I have several friends going through turbulent storms in their lives.  The winds are raging.  The thunder roars.

And, fearsome waves crash against their fragile boats of sanity.  Of normalcy.  Of peace.

Pounding them relentlessly.  Swamping them with worries and cares and strife.

On the verge of drowning . . . 

Clinging.  Clawing.  Clutching.

Holding on for dear life.

Holding out for love . . .

Pastor Wallace often reminds us that there are times when Jesus will calm the storms in and around us.  Other times, He takes us by the hand and rides it out with us.

Never are we alone.

Even when we feel alone.

And, overwhelmed.

And, afraid . . .

The names of these precious friends are written down in an open notebook which stays by my computer.  Throughout the day, I lift each one up in prayer.


And, again.

And, again . . .

That God's comfort and peace may rest within them.

Provide safe harbor in the tempest.

A port of love in the storm.
Are you in the midst of a storm today?

Will you join me in prayer?
Today, Father, we lift up prayers for all those whose lives are in turmoil.  May they feel the warmth and security of Your loving arms around them.  May the find Your peace in the midst of fears and trials and know in their hearts by faith that You will ride out the storm with them.  Amen.

Psalms 97, 99 (100) or 94 (95)
1 Samuel 16:1-13a
Ephesians 3:14-21
Matthew 8:18-27  


  1. Hi Martha:
    I have a friend at the moment who is experiencing a sea swept wave of turbulence and like you, the only thing I can do is be there to offer moral support and constantly pray for the guidance to see this person through.

    I sometimes feel when my friends are experiencing turmoil that I'm not doing enough for them, but I understand that's MY feeling, NOT theirs. I dislike seeing ANYONE being hurt regardless of whether it;s emotional or not. I'm ALWAYS the first to reach out and I ALWAYS want to do more.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping in today, Chris!
      It is so difficult to see our friends and loved ones struggling on those stormy seas. And, yes, we can show our support, our sympathy, and pray for them.
      I am not surprised in the least, getting to know you through your blog, that you would "always be the first to reach out and (you) always want to do more". You have such a kind and generous heart and loving spirit!
      Blessings to you!

  2. This morning I felt wonderful, thanks God and I immediately thought of you. I knew you were praying for me. How powerful that connection is. We're so blessed to be loved by God!

    I pray with you and the many others who need prayers, comfort and love. May they feel God's loving embrace through the many people who care...

    Lovelots Martha :*

    1. Oh, yes, Melissa, I offer prayers daily for you! And, we are so blessed to be loved by Him and to share this connection.
      Thank you for coming by today and for always praying with me and the others who do the same here.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I owe the world prayers! I know that is what got me through so many times in my life....and I have also found that reminding people i am praying for them gives them hope.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Annmarie!
      Yes, it is wonderful to be prayed for and to let others know when we are praying for them. Indeed, it instills much hope and joy!
      Blessings to you!

  4. I am in the midst of a storm. Sometimes I feel I'm just drowning and have no strength to face the storm, some other times I just release in Faith and wait for God's help. There are days I feel lonely and want to give up, and others where the love of my friends lifts me and takes me to a safe place. The storm seems so strong this time. I don't know how long I can hold on, but I have faith.

    1. Oh, Nikky, my heart hurts for you; this storm, I know, is a rough one and you are feeling helplessly lonely and tossed about. You DO have the faith and the strength to hold on. I know you do!
      Know, too, that I am lifting you in prayer every day.
      Blessings and hugs!

  5. I truly believe that we are never alone. I have been in many a storm but I have never felt alone. God has been by my side always.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Rimly!
      How wonderful it is that you have been able to recognize that you are never alone when in the storm; that God is right there beside you. Such an infinite comfort!
      Blessings to you!

  6. Martha, I've weathered many storms and each time His faithful support has guided me back to a safe port, thus providing me with faith for the next storm.
    Beautiful post!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Leah!
      Those storms have a way of coming back, don't they? I'm so glad that God has guided you through them all and given you the faith to face the next inevitable one.
      Blessings to you!

  7. Love lifted me, Love lifted me
    when nothing else could help
    Love... lifted... me.

    Thank you for your prayers dear Martha!

    1. Amen! Amen! Again, I say amen!
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend.
      Sending prayers and blessings!

  8. Martha, one of my absolute favorite hymns is, "Peace, be still". It never fails to soothe me when I'm troubled. I post it every year at Christmas on my FB wall, the youtube video of Candy Christmas singing it on the Gaither Homecoming Hour.

    Funny how both of us wrote on a similar topic, did you notice?! Feeling, trusting....Peace, be still. Makes my heart just sigh. <3

    - Dawn

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Dawn!
      I can't believe I'm not familiar with this hymn; I will definitely look it up on YouTube.
      It never ceases to amaze me when fellow bloggers hit on the same subject at the same time. God-incident? I think so! :)
      Blessings to you!

    2. Martha, here is the link:


      Artist is Candy Hemphill Christmas. This is my absolute favorite version of the song. The video isn't great quality, but it's the only one I've been able to find of it. Hope you enjoy!

      - Dawn

    3. Going there right now! Thanks, Dawn! :)

  9. We are guilty of wallowing and feeling as if we are adrift and without support. I do feel quite strongly we are never given more than we can handle although we don't see it while in the midst of it. I have on occasion given into the thought - why me or how could you, but with enough time I've come to find my ground and in truth have to ask, how did I get from there to here.... As always, Martha, you keep us thinking.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Brenda!
      Oh, I've certainly been there and done that with the "why me?" or the "how could you?" especially in the months following my husband's death in '97. What a storm that was!
      But, I agree, that if we put our trust in Him to see us through, there is no storm we cannot handle and from which we cannot grow and learn.

  10. Dear Martha,
    You quoted very powerful words from the Master himself. Without faith...we will all fall apart. Good spiritual insight here. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Andy!
      Yes, indeed - where would we be without faith? I don't even want to imagine . . .

  11. Lovely prayer- AMEN.

    Thanks for being such a lovely reminder of all those beautiful, important but unnoticed things that exist around us. I feel I am blessed to have come across your blog :)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Me!
      Glad you liked the prayer and that you have become a regular visitor to my blog. It is wonderful to have you here!
      Blessings to you!

  12. Martha, what a wonderful friend you are! I mean how many of us take the time to pray for others? Prayers and faith can carry us through any storm. I know that because I have been through many a storm but never gave up believing that someday I will be delivered.God bless you, my friend

    1. Thanks for dropping in today, Rimly!
      Yes! Prayer and faith will get us through all kinds of storms. Praying for others is so important; knowing others are praying for me makes me feel so warm inside.
      And, indeed, one day, God will deliver us from every storm and wipe away our every tear.
      Blessings to you!


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