Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"There is a Joy in the Journey . . ."

Psalm 119:114
You are my refuge and my shield;
I have put my hope in your word.

This daily devotion you are reading today is #352.  That's right!  I am only thirteen days away from completing an entire year of reflecting on God's word and writing what I hope and pray holds inspiration for you.

What joy I have found in this journey!  Immersing myself in scripture every day.  Practicing the discipline of writing consistently.  Making new friends and re-connecting with old ones, all of whom have enriched my life in countless ways.

Easily, this year has been one of the best in my life.

My blessings are overflowing as is my heart with thankfulness.

Thankful to God for trusting me to be faithful.

Thankful for the gift of writing.

Thankful for the love and support I feel from all of you when you take time out of your busy, busy days to read the devotions and leave your thoughtful comments.

And, oh, the wondrous spiritual growth!  Trusting the Lord to be my refuge.  My shield.

Placing all my hope in His Word.

What an amazing, astonishing revelation of a year!

A year that is about to end . . .

And, make way for a new beginning.

Will I continue to write my devotions when day 366 rolls around?

The answer is a resounding, "YES!"

But, there will be some changes.

God is calling me in a different direction.  I have felt this for months now.

I must follow His lead.

And, my dear friends, I will tell you all about it in Martha's Daily Devotion #365.

Will you stay tuned?

Will you join me in prayer?
Thank You, Father, for being our refuge, our shield, our help, our comfort.  Walk with us, we pray, as we continue together on this spiritual journey with You.  Let us trust in the saving grace of Your Son, Christ Jesus.  May we become more like Him every day.  Amen.

Readings for the Eve of Ascension
Psalm 119:97-120
Leviticus 26:27-42
Ephesians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:41-46

Psalm 68:1-20
2 Kings 2:1-15
Revelation 5:1-14 



  1. How committed and faithful you have been, Martha and I know that God has blessed you and many others richly through this blog. Looking forward to post #365 (and those in between too!)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Corinne, and for your kind words. What a wonderful, caring friend you have been along this journey. I am blessed, so blessed, to know you!
      Blessings to you always!

  2. I LOVE that phrase:
    God is calling me in a different direction.
    As you well know from visiting my blog, I was called to detour mine as well. I'm right there with you, my friend. When you're compelled by God to do something, no amount of resisting will work. As I'm a HUGE HUGE fan of Star Trek, I'm gonna borrow one of its phrases:
    Resistance is futile.

    As it is when we feel compelled by God to do something.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Chris!
      Yes, resistance IS futile when God is calling (I love Star Trek, too!). I'm so glad to know you are right there with me on this journey. So glad to be part of yours, too!

  3. What a wonderful journey you have embarked on and so close to completing. I will be with you through the finish of this journey and so excited about hearing what your next journey will be!

    1. Thanks for visiting today, Mary!
      So glad to have you along for this journey and glad you will see it through to a new beginning with me.

  4. I have just started reading your blog few days back but I feel magical everytime I am here.... I am truly looking forward to each day and each lesson that I might get from here..

    Thank you so much for sharing this!

    1. Oh, my, Privy, what a sweet compliment - "feeling magical" - wow!
      I'm so glad you are enjoying the posts, my new friend!
      Thanks so much for coming by today.

  5. I am looking forward to seeing what direction you will go. I am sure we will all want to share your journey .


    1. Thanks so much for stopping in today, Jim!
      I do hope all of you will stay in the journey with me. I can't wait to share the news in a little under two weeks. :)
      Great to have you along for this ride!

  6. There have been many days when I feel distracted and too busy to read posts but I always try to come here first. Your blog has served as a place for refreshment and inspiration. Congratulations as you approach a year of daily devotions! I hope for many more!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Jessica, and for your kind words.
      I'm so glad my post have been a source of "refreshment and inspiration". Yes, I will keep them coming!
      Blessings to you!

  7. Martha I have tried to follow you in this journey as much as I could and I have been blessed in the process. I look forward to the change in you eagerly. Bless you

    1. Rimly, thank you for being such a loyal reader and kind supporter and friend. What a treasure you are! I am blessed to have you in my circle of friends. :)
      God bless!!!

  8. Your faithfulness is remarkable and my journey towards God's Words as been made easier because we get to reflect together and with more people. This is my Lectio Divina for the day.

    I am very grateful to God for your prayers and because you are very sensitive to His designs :) I see this in you and Jessica as the Spirit leads you to explore and go deeper to know Him and make Him known.

    Counting down with you :D

    1. So glad, dear Melissa, that you are counting the days with me. Thank you for always being there with your kind and thoughtful comments and your support in the prayers. What would I do without you?
      Thanks for coming by today!
      Sending God's blessings to you!

  9. I will follow Martha!! Whatever is your next plan! Thank you <3

    1. Hooray, Nikky, so happy to have you on board!
      Thanks so much for stopping by today.
      Blessings to you!


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