Saturday, May 19, 2012

Give Them a Hand!

Psalm 90:17
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us - yes, establish the work of our hands.

Arts and crafts are not my forte.  Sure, I've toyed with sketching and painting.  I even learn to crochet and create quite a collection of afghans over the years.

But, nothing sticks.  I simply don't feel competent enough to produce anything of lasting value or beauty.  At least, with my hands.

I so admire people who can paint a portrait.  Carve figures from blocks of wood.  Sew an evening gown.  Build furniture.  Decorate cakes.  Create one-of-a-kind floral arrangements.

And, I cherish the objects I own which are made by hand.  Made with love.

Embroidery done by my great-grandmother and my mother-in-law.  Gorgeous painting created by my sister-in-law, a family friend, and my aunt (her watercolor is featured above).  Sweaters knitted by this same aunt for my children when they are small.

Gifts I will always treasure.  Not just because they are beautiful, but because of the beautiful people responsible for each one.

Thankful that God has established such talent in the works of their hands.

And, so grateful to Him that He shows me its alright not to be talented in these areas.

To discover where He wishes to establish my hands.

To show favor.

Fingers flying upon the keyboard almost faster than my thoughts can come.

Are you gifted in arts and crafts?

Will you pray with me?
You have given talents to all of us, Father.  Don't let us "sit on our hands" when we should be using them to Your honor and glory.  May Your favor ever rest on us.  Amen.

Psalms 87, 90 or 136
Numbers 11:16-17, 24-29
Ephesians 2:11-22
Matthew 7:28-8:4  


  1. So beautiful Martha! I feel ever more grateful now because we were blessed with various unique gifts.

    Many paint, draw, play instruments, write ~ but we always come up with something new each day.

    God is so creative and He made us that way too :)

    I pray with you, may we use these gifts always for Your glory dear Lord.

    Thanks for the prayers :) My mind's more relaxed now than it was this morning :)

    1. Yes, Melissa, isn't it wonderful that God has made each of us unique and special in our various talents?
      Thank you for coming by and for praying with me that we ever use our gifts for His glory.
      So glad, too, that you are more relaxed . . . :)
      Blessings to you!

  2. Oh wow....that painting by your aunt is just simply beautiful. I agree to you each one of us is blessed with some unique gift, we need to find it and nourish it further to let it bloom. And in turn that will make our life more beautiful.

    Thanks for such lovely prayers - AMEN

    1. Thanks for coming by, Privy, and for your kind words.
      Yes, my aunt was extraordinarily talented and I am so grateful to have this watercolor to always remember her by.
      Glad you liked the prayer, too!
      Blessings to you!

  3. Funny that your post should come at such a time, Martha when I've been thinking of doing something else with my hands other than writing. I'll reflect on this a little more before I share. Thank you for being a messenger as always! ♥

    1. Corinne, that is interesting timing, isn't it? Can't wait to find out what it is . . . :)
      Thanks so much for stopping by!
      Blessings to you!

  4. God gave us all different gifts...all to give Him glory!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Annmarie!
      Yes, we all have beautiful gifts from Him and need to honor Him by using them.

  5. Hi, Martha.

    Thank you for this post, and the reminder that we should use our talents for His glory.

    Take care,


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Casey!
      Yes! All to His glory! :)

  6. Martha I have tried my hand in a few things like painting, sketching, knitting, embroidering but I have never been consistent. Whenever I start something I am like a frenzied woman but once I give up I completely give up. You can say I am a jack of all trades, master of none.

    1. Wow, Rimly, you certainly have tried quite a few arts and crafts over the years. Well, I know one thing - you certainly are gifted in writing! :)


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