Friday, May 18, 2012

Rock On!

Matthew 7:24
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is fascinated by rocks.  Not long ago, she discovers the pebbles in our gas-log fireplace (pictured above).  Oh, what fun she has grabbing a handful, dribbling them on the hearth, and putting them back in place only to start all over again.

There's only one problem.

Her Papa (Danny) isn't keen on Virginia messing with the little stones.  Too many of the end up in a crevice of the grate and have to be fished out.  An irritating task for large hands!

So, when we are traveling home from Cherokee two weeks ago, Danny has an idea.  He stops the car at a small picnic area alongside the Nantahala River and walk down to its shore.

"See there," he says, pointing to the thousands of smoothly rounded pebbles and stones strewn along the bank.  "Let's pick some up for Virginia.  Maybe it will distract her from the fireplace."

 "Great idea!"  I say, and help him gather them until we have a small collection.

We stash the beautifully shaped and colored stones into a baggie and we're ready to go.

Wondering . . .

Will they do the trick?

Sure enough.  On Virginia's next trip to our house, she makes a beeline for the fireplace.

From which she is gently, but firmly, removed.

And shown the new rocks we have for her to play with.

Silky smooth.  Polished by eons of river flow.  Cool to the touch.

One happy, happy baby girl!
Is your house built upon the Rock?

Will you pray with me?
We thank You, Father, for being our rock of refuge and strength.  Build in us a sure foundation of faith.  Let our trust in You ever be rock-solid.  Amen.

Psalms 85, 86 or 91, 92
1 Samuel 2:1-10
Ephesians 2:1-10
Matthew 7:22-27 



  1. I love Martha that you always have a great lesson in every post just by telling us a short simple story

    1. Thanks you for stopping by, Nikki, and for your kind complement. Glad you liked today's story!

  2. Thanks so much for coming by, Punam!
    Yes, she truly enjoyed these smooth, round rocks; she'd never seen anything like them. :)

  3. What a wonderful lesson! She looks so happy with her new stones...a precious little one! Have a blessed weekend Martha!

    1. Thanks for stopping by today, Nelieta!
      She was ecstatic! :) Glad you enjoyed the post.
      Blessings to you and hope your weekend is fabulous!

  4. I have loved collecting one thing or the other as a child and I guess it is an important process of learning and then letting go as we grow up and out of all of it :)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Jerly!
      I think it is so much a part of growing up. I used to collect small stuffed animals. Surely outgrew that one! :)

  5. What a precious little girl. She's so intent on her rock pile! LOL! I'm amazed by her enthusiasm for such ordinary items and it makes me wonder what she sees when she looks at them...
    This was too sweet Martha!

    Houses on rocks indeed. Sure solid rocks.


    1. Thanks so much for dropping by today, Leah!
      I wonder, too, what she is seeing when she looks at them . . . you would have thought I bought her the most fancy, expensive toy in the store the way these kept her attention. :)
      And, she is my little precious angel.
      Blessings and love!

  6. love, love, love the story and photos! what a perfect example of guiding your little sweetheart without squelching her creativity! wonderful!!! XOXOXO

    1. Thanks so much for stopping in, Linda, and glad you enjoyed the post.
      I just love the fact we have a little nature girl in Virginia. Both her parents are quite artistic, so I hope we have a budding artist in her. :)
      Blessings and love!

  7. Great story and great photos. Love the one of her kneeling and bending over her treasure trove of rocks. What a cutie!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Galen!
      Yes, that photo is one of my favorites, too. So glad my husband is a talented photographer. :)
      I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
      Blessings to you!

  8. What a sweet story. Brought a smile to my face. I love the way you end each post with a prayer. Blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thanks so much, Suzy, for stopping by!
      Glad you enjoyed this one. :)

  9. I absolutely love the one of here kneeling and playing with the rocks... such passion and focus within her...A very sweet story...

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Savira!
      That is my favorite photo, too. Danny did a great job taking pictures.
      Glad you enjoyed the story.

  10. Oh, Martha. I'm in love with Virginia Rose. I love the picture of her bending down over her treasure! What a sweet and thoughtful thing Danny did!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Corinne!
      Yes, I'm in love with her, too. Just can't help that one! :) And, that is my favorite photo, too.

  11. Martha, if only we all could think like Virginia Rose's father. Instead of depriving her of something she loves he thought of giving her something of the same but better.Love the pictures. She is adorable

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Rimly!
      Actually, "Papa" is Danny, my husband, so her adopted grandfather. :) Yes, he is always so thoughtful that way.
      Glad you enjoyed the photos!


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