Monday, May 14, 2012

"This Was no Time for Play. This Was no Time for Fun . . ."

Matthew 13:10
The disciples came to him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?"

If I had a dime for every story I read to my children when they are young, I'd be comfortably well off.  If, however, I had a dollar for every book I read to them more than once, I could probably give Bill Gates a run for his money.


There are times when I think if I have to read "Goodnight Moon" or "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back" one more time, I will lose my mind.  And, my cool.

But, I don't.

Cuddling close with Daniel or Sarah makes me forget how many times I've told the tale.  Watching their eyes roam the pages.  Listening quietly.  So attentive.

I don't realize how attentively, though, until one day, two-year-old Danie announces from his high chair, "I know all the words to 'The Cat in the Hat Comes Back'."

I nearly drop the pot I am drying.

"Really, honey?"

And, I'm thinking:  Impossible!

"Wanna hear it?"

"Of course, I do.  Go right ahead."

"Okay!  'This was no time to play.  This was no time for fun.  This was no time for games.  There was work to be done . . ."

And, on Daniel recites.  Not missing a word.  Not skipping a beat.

Not stopping until he reaches the last word of the story.

To say I am amazed is the understatement of the year.

And, never again am I loathe to reread a story.

Never . . .
The disciples remember the parables told by Jesus.  And, I believe they recall them because they hear them over and over.  Again and again as the Lord addresses the crowds who gathered wherever He went.

They memorize them.  Take them to heart.

And, that's exactly what Jesus wanted them to do.

Wants us to do . . .
As a child, did you have a favorite story you wanted to hear again and again?

Will you join me in prayer?
We are so thankful, Father, that our Lord Jesus told and retold His parables.  Because of His patience and persistence, the disciples remembered them, shared them with others, wrote them down.  It is now our turn to reread and remember.  Amen.

Psalms 80 or 77 (79)
Leviticus 25:35-55
Colossians 1:9-14
Matthew 13:1-16  


  1. What a wonderful story based in love and so much truth!! As I get older I need everything repeated lol especially "I love you "

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Jim!
      LOL! Everything bears repeating with me, too. Guess it just comes with the territory of getting older . . .
      So glad you enjoyed the story.

  2. Great post Martha! Yes, my favorite book was The Giving Tree :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, RoseAnn!
      What a great book to have as your favorite - such a touching and beautiful story . . .

  3. I can't remember too much the stories I have read as a child (and they weren't even that long ago..I'm not sure what that means lol) but due to the number of times I've read "Go Dogs Go!" and "Thidwick the Soft Hearted Moose", I probably have both nearly memorized!

    May we commit to memory the truths that God gives us in Scriptures, just like we do our favorite stories, so that we can be guided more by His wisdom and less by our egos.

    ~ blessings

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Jessica!
      I wouldn't worry too much about not recalling many of your childhood reads. I truly think I remember stories from childhood because I read the same ones to my kids - over and over! :)
      And, yes, may we indeed commit to memory God's truths. His wisdom beats out our little egos every time!

  4. Not a story I remember but a song my Mom used to sing to me before I went to sleep. The cannibal king. I remember EVERY word to this day. It starts out:
    Oh, the cannibal king with the big brass ring fell in love with the dusty maid and every night by the pale moon light across the river he'd go.

    That song brings back such sweet recollections for me.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Chris!
      How neat to have the memory of that special song! Very sweet . . .
      Blessings to you!

  5. I'm not so good at memorizing stories or poems these days so I find that really impressive! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Rachel!
      My son later got into drama and memorized so many lines for the plays - I don't have his gift for this at all. :)

  6. You know I always want to create this habit when I have children of my own. Though I have personally never had that experience in my childhood. I feel this is a wonderful way to interact with your kids, get closer to them, show them what beautiful world they are in and also introduce them to some wonderful lessons which will help them when they grow up.

    I hope I am able to do that....AMEN

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Privy!
      Oh, yes, reading to children is so, so important! Teaching them a love and respect for stories and books gets them prepared for life-long learning.
      I know you can do it! :)

  7. Mine was always,"The Little Engine that Could". I love the line s at the end where he goes from "I think I can", to; "I knew I could"...

    1. Aww, Jan, that's a great favorite to have! This should be our life's mantra. :)
      It's great to see you here; know you've been so busy . . .

  8. Kids have such a strong memory!! Just try and change a word to a story you used to read for them, and see their instant reaction!.
    No one ever read a story to me, but my grandma used to tell me stories every single night. I have no idea if she created them, or if they are known stories <3

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Nikky!
      Wow! So true! I'd forgotten how mine would correct me if I said the wrong word when reading.
      Glad your grandmother told you stories. I'm sure you remember these. If you could find out if they were ones she made up, you could turn it into a collection for children!

  9. Now I'm scratching my head for stories way back then LOL...and I can't seem to remember one I truly like. Perhaps because I was in such a hurry to become a grown up or maybe because I started reading seriously when I was twelve ...

    Often the stories I get to hear are from the Book of Saints... and yes, the Onion from Karamazov's...

    I pray with you. The next time, I get to read the Bible, I'll reread the way this child did~ with all my heart, soul, and mind focusing on the heart of story, the Word, Jesus made flesh.

    P.S. I was wondering if you have written books for children?

    1. Oh, Melissa, I love what you said here about rereading the Bible - focusing on the heart of the story, the Word made flesh. This gave me such goosebumps, or "Godbumps"! :)
      I have a book being reviewed by an editor now that is aimed at middle-school children, but I feel is a great "cross-over" - one that will appeal to adults as well. Will be delving into the frightening field of self-publishing shortly. Oh, boy . . .
      Thank you for praying with me!
      Blessings, sweet friend!

  10. This reminds of Ron, my son. As a child he had these nightmares and I was told by a friend to chant a very long prayer to him every night which I knew it by heart. Ron was 13 then and after two weeks he was reciting the prayer with me without skipping a word and his nightmares stopped totally. it was a miracle and the power of this prayer. We still do that prayer once in awhile together, sometime when I am driving him somewhere, sometimes just laying in bed. It is such a beautiful feeling , chanting those words together.

    1. Great to see you here, Rimly!
      Oh, what a wonderfully touching and powerful story you have shared here. Prayer certainly worked for Ron and I praise God for this miracle!
      I would love to know this prayer if you would care to e-mail it to me. :)
      Hugs and blessings!

  11. This reminds me so much of my favorite nursery rhymes as a little girl -- Humpty Dumpty and Little Miss Muppet hehe I recited them over and over as a little girl! And my favorite movie of all time, The Sound Of Music, which I first watched when I was six years old. I remember singing and memorizing ALL of the songs while I was waiting for the school bus! hehe

    I am also thankful that my mom also bought a picture book of Bible stories when I was a little girl. It's the reason why it's easier for me to imagine some stories when I read the Scriptures today. :-)

    I couldn't agree more--it should be this way when it comes to God's Words. Thank you so much for reminding me to read and reread the Scriptures, Martha, so that I may remember God's message by heart. God bless <3 :-)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Irene!
      Oh, wow! The Sound of Music is my all-time favorite movie! I can't tell you how many times I've watched it; it never grows old for me.
      I love that your mother started you early on Bible stories. What we learn in our youth does stick with us and it is obvious that this has done so for you.
      And, yes, I learn something new each time I reread scripture. It, too, never grows old! :)
      Blessings to you!


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