Monday, March 1, 2021

Breakfast with God


Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. ~Mark 1:35

The good Lord knows I'm not the type of person who gets up before the dawn in order to pray.  In the first fuzzy moments between getting out of bed and shuffling to the kitchen to start the coffee, my mind is anything but sharp and prepared to spend time with God.  All I can muster before the jolt of caffeine hits is a feeble, "Thank you, Lord, for this day."  I guess I could do worse!

After that, you can find me checking my morning email.  Okay, that doesn't sound very God-centered, but in a way, it is.  I have several verses of the day from multiple sources, and Christian inspirational blogs to turn to.  As I sip my Joe, my head clears, and my focus for the purposefully turns to God and His presence.

Once I've had my coffee and taken a shower, I'm fully awake and ready for breakfast - breakfast with God, that is.

I come by this precious devotional in a serendipitous way.  My dear blogging friend, Linda, announces a while back that she has to place her mother in an assisted living home, and that her mom has decided to give away some of her Christian books that she's already read and reread.  It is a first come, first served arrangement.  When I see the title, Breakfast with God, I know it is meant for me.  And as fortune would have it, Linda declares that the prize is mine.  Oh, happy day!

Now, with breakfast on the table and this devotional and my Bible close at hand, this is truly where a day filled with God's grace, peace and wisdom begins for me.  I cherish this time, as I'm usually the only one up at that time in the morning; all is quiet and still.

I can drink my fill of scripture, pray for those in need, and be ready to surrender another day to Jesus.

And if you'd like your own copy of Breakfast with God, it is still in print, and available on Amazon.

My practice may not be your idea of a morning routine or time spent in God's presence.  Please do share in the comments how and where you set aside time each day to savor God's loving presence.



  1. Sometimes, "Thank you, Lord, for this day." is all our Lord asks for.

    God bless you.

    1. Amen, Victor! Sometimes, that's all the Lord asks of us.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Like you, I'm up early...way early. I get my shower and sit down at the table where I have already set up my little corner the night before of my devotional material and the bp med I have to take. I get my glass of water (sorry I don't drink Joe. I am married to one though-without the "E.") Anyway, I treasure my time alone. Reading devotionals, reading my Bible, praying for the people of the church by name and some of my friends as well), journaling and then finally leaving for the office. It is THE most vital part of my day. I feel lost without it. I'm glad that you find that alone time also Martha. It serves you well and has helped prepare you for what comes.

    1. Bill, thank you for sharing here about your quiet time in detail. And I do know you get up way earlier than I do, but since Danny tends to sleep until about 9:00, the house remains quiet and still. Our time spent with God is the most vital part of any day, I agree.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Mom will be absolutely delighted to hear about your morning devotional time, Martha! It makes me smile knowing my online friends are enjoying her treasures ...

    1. I'm so glad to hear that, Linda! I waited a while to start this devotional that was dear to your mother because I was finishing another I was in the midst of. I'm so enjoying this one!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful breakfast time with the Lord. I am an early riser and awake immediately. I do get sidetracked though... but I sit with him every morning :)

    1. Good for you, Marja! I wish I could be more awake when I first get up, but it seems that's not the way God programmed me.
      Love and blessings!

  5. As soon as I saw the photo of the book I thought that was totally mean for you!

  6. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Well, fully waking up takes some time indeed but once we reconnect to the world and have had our bodily nourishment, we're ready to go.
    We pray before every meal and also before going to sleep, saying thanks to God! It is important to do this, for staying in touch.

    1. We pray over meals, too, Mariette. It's great to give God thanks all throughout our day.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Thank you for sharing your morning 'agenda' today! I, too, have fallen into a routine of sorts -- not dissimilar to yours. "Thank you for this new day, Mr. God" is one of my first conscious thoughts, even before my legs hit the floor. A dear friend recently blessed me with a book of daily devotions that I enjoy -- AFTER that first cup of Joe, that is.

    1. Thanks so much, Mevely, for sharing your morning routine with all of us here. Yes, it does sound quite similar to mine. And I'm glad to know somebody else besides me needs that morning cup to get revved up and ready to roll!
      Love and blessings!

  8. What a wonderful way to start your day...and I love the title of that book. I can imagine it being a really beautiful way to have breakfast...with God!! Our morning is similar...we get up fairly early, usually before 6 am, get our coffee (hubby) tea (me), and we both check our emails and blogs, etc. while we sip our hot drinks. Then we sit down together and read our morning devotions together out loud, using a devotional guide and the Bible. After that we have breakfast and from there on we can start our day. I love this routine and am so happy we are both retired and can enjoy this time together. It is the best way to start the day..."Breakfast with God", or even Morning Devotions before breakfast...all the same idea, and a blessing. What a gift!!

    1. I love the routine that John and you share, Pamela! Since Danny rises much later than I, we haven't developed the routine of shared Bible study, but at least I've got him doing the 52 Week Bible Study along with me this year. He's truly enjoyed it, and that's good enough for me!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I love starting my day with God. I'm glad you do also my friend. I adhere to "ranch rules" here, in that I don't eat until everyone else around the ranch has. I get my "God time" in during the hours just before sunrise; then the livestock and other animals. About that time, my "Gracie" awakes and I can enjoy another cup of coffee while she sips her first. Then it's time for "Mel's Diner" as she calls it when I whip up my breakfast. Thank you for sharing your morning traditions with us my friend. God's blessings.

    1. I loved hearing about your morning routine, J.D.! Living on a ranch, certainly the animals should be your first priority, and I'm sure you're communing with God while you care for them and their needs. It's cool, too, that you make your own breakfast, and I love the moniker "Mel's Diner." We call it the Orlando Cafe in these parts. :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, I can identify with your morning routine. Your new devotion sounds great. Let us know if you enjoy it.

    1. I am definitely enjoying this devotional, Beckie. It's been excellent so far in getting my heart and mind focused on God before I open His Word for the daily reading.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Sounds like a great routine, Martha! We each have to find what works for us; God made us all unique and doesn't squeeze us into a one-size-fits-all plan with him. When my kids were still home, my favorite time with God was always around 2 in the afternoon when everything had quieted back down.

    1. All of us have those different times in the day for prayer and Bible study, Lisa, and you are no exception. Yes, thank goodness God did NOT make us a one-size-fits-all persons. We are each unique and precious in His sight.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Time spent with the Lord is such a precious part of my day. I enjoyed hearing how you came about this devotional through Linda's mom's giveaway, what a special treat to enjoy! I have so many devotionals, I couldn't even begin to name all of them, which I rotate through. My current favorites are Guideposts 2021, gifted to me by a friend, My Utmost for His Highest and Streams in the Desert. I love the classic devotionals. Mornings with the Lord are just the best way to start your day! Many blessings to you Martha :)

    1. I loved hearing about your favorite devotionals, Marilyn. Sometimes the classics are absolutely the best! Glad to know that spending time with the Lord is the most precious time of your day, too.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Breakfast with God. what a lovely image. I love the story how some people wake up and say Good God It's morning and others wake up and say Good Morning God. LOL

    1. Oh, Jean, I love what you've shared here about the two types of people. You are absolutely right! May we all be in the latter category.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Martha, I love your routine, and I'm not a super early morning person either-not before dawn! The book sounds amazing. I do pray to hunger and thirst for Jesus and for righteousness daily!

    1. Glad you could identify with my morning routine, Karen. I'm finding this devotional to be delightful! May we all hunger and thirst to know Jesus better.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Mine is very similar to yours, Martha Jane. I wake up, before I even get out of bed, I ask the Lord to help me be a blessing to someone that day. I have coffee and breakfast. Then, I read my devotional and pray. While I’m in that mode, i close my eyes and bask in God’s presence. Love and blessings.

    1. Yes, Nells, your routine certainly does sound a lot like mine. I love that you ask the Lord to help you be a blessing to someone each day. Think I'll add that to my own practice.
      Love and blessings!

  16. I have several verses of the day emailed to me too, Martha. I love finding that inspiration in my inbox each morning! I also run most mornings as a way to clear my head. I find my running time is a good time to spend with God. I also close each day before bed with devotional time. We each have our own ways of connecting with God. Thank goodness!

    1. I do like your routine, Laurie. Running (actually any exercise) is a great way to clear your head of the clutter and noise. Often, when I'm on my treadmill, I find myself thanking God out of the blue for something. Knowing I can talk to Him anytime and anywhere is such a comfort.
      Love and blessings!

  17. I'm another one who grabs her coffee and heads to her desk for a quiet time of Bible study, Bible memorization, a bit of journaling, and prayer. Leisurely times with God have been one of the blessings to come out of the pandemic, since we rarely have to be someplace!

    1. Yes, Nancy, there are blessings everywhere when we look for them, even in this pandemic. It has forced so many of us to slow down and spend more time in contemplation and prayer. What was meant for evil, God can always turn to good.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Such a precious time to sit at Jesus' feet and learn of Him each and every morning! I, too, was so blessed to win one of dear Linda's Mom's books. She is a precious soul and blessing to us all.

    1. Isn't Linda just the best, Cheryl? I'm always uplifted after reading her blog, and I do so treasure her generous heart. And every moment we spend at Jesus' feet is precious.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...