Thursday, March 4, 2021

Get Your Kicks on Route 66


For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. ~Psalm 139:13-14

This past Monday, I celebrate my 66th anniversary here on earth.  I cannot give God, the One who destined my birth, enough thanks that I've lived this long, and still have health and ability to serve Him in the here and now.  What could be better?

And age?  What is that?  Only a number that I don't mind listing!

Thinking that nothing could measure up to birthday 65 spent with our amazing and much-loved granddaughters, I have no great expectations other than the fact that I'd asked my husband, Danny, for a dinner of shrimp and grits.  If you're not a Southerner, and can't fathom the comfort food aspect of grits, I encourage you to research them online.  Better yet, order them and cook them yourself!

I dare you to be disappointed!

And Danny certainly doesn't fail me in the gift department.  Actually, I think he goes a bit overboard, but who am I to judge?  He buys me a magnetic phone holder for my car, three books (I only asked for one) and a year's subscription to Fox Nation.  The latter is a gift that will keep on giving as it is chockfull of historical documentaries and reflections on current events.  I love those types of shows!

All these presents are so thoughtful, but the one that greets me unexpectedly on the morning of my birthday is the real kicker.  Danny creates a slide show commemorating my 66th year, and wow!  I'm so surprised and touched by the hard work he has put in on my behalf.  Here are the slides rotating on my screen saver.

And my absolute favorite -

Needless to say, I'm going to keep this slide show up and running for at least the month of March, if not longer.  It reminds me of how blessed I am to have Danny in my life, and how thankful I am to be on this journey with him.  

A God-ordained journey with more kicks than Route 66.



  1. Congratulations and celebrations. Wishing you a Happy 66 and many more years filled with good health, hope, and joy, and everything else you desire for yourself and others. Praying for you and yours. That's my gift.

    God bless you all always.

    1. Prayer is the best gift of all, Victor - thank you!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Happy Birthday! I love all the gifts, your Danny is so thoughtful. My favorite of all is the dinner he made for you - yum!

    1. That dinner was to die for, Martha, that's for sure. Thanks for the birthday wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Happy Happy Birthday!! I love the slide show, esp. the last one! That's so cool! I've never tried shrimp and grits, but my son Scott loves it and orders it when we go places where they have it. Your Danny is a keeper! And so are you! I pray you will have some wonderful days ahead as you contemplate finally getting to visit your family again. Praying that will be very soon now, and make your birthday complete!! Love to you this week especially!!

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Pamela! Danny is a keeper, that's for sure, and as I get my second vaccine shot today, it won't be long before it will be safe for all of us to travel. Hooray! Glad you enjoyed the slide show, too. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. Happy birthday, Martha! I remember 66. I think.

    One of the best meals I've ever eaten was barbecued shrimp with grits at Tujaque's in New Orleans. And French bread on the side. Oh, my.

    1. Oh, that meal sounds delightful, Glynn! And thanks so much for the birthday wishes.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Haha, fantastic! Happy birthday to you! I am not sure what grits are, but if they make you happy, it must be okay!

    1. Grits are one of the staples here in the southern United States, Marja. Not sure if you'd ever find them in the Netherlands! But if you ever visit our country in the future, stop anywhere in the South for breakfast, and you'll find grits on the menu.
      Thanks for the birthday wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday! I am a firm believer at a certain point you have a Birthday week--so keep on celebrating!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Oh, yes, Loralu, rest assured I will continue to celebrate!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh, what a delight! I'm so touched by Danny's generosity and imagination. Does he give lessons? (*smile*) I'm not overly fond of shrimp -- good thing, since I've a shellfish allergy -- but would never say no to a bowl of good grits. Happy (fiscal) New Year! 💛

    1. I was so touched, too, Mevely! Glad to know that you love grits and would sit down to a bowl of them any day of the week. Sorry that you have an allergy to shellfish, though. That's a shame!
      Thanks for the birthday wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Dearest Martha Jane,
    That sounds still bubbly...! Happy belated Birthday! Agree with the shrimp and grits meal, even as a transplant from the deep south of the Kingdom of The Netherlands I came to appreciate it.
    Love also the 48 years of experience and it is so true. Age is but a number and we just live on and celebrate each days and the fond memories left behind.

    1. Yes, Mariette, that 48 years of experience struck me as well, as I certainly feel I'm still young at heart. What could be better than that? Glad to know you're a grits lover, too.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Happy birthday!! Danny is the man!! Awesome gifts and love the slide show!

    1. Thank you, Terri! I agree - Danny is the man. :) Glad you liked the slide show, too.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Blessed indeed sweet lady. Happy Birthday and God's blessings. Oh, and that Mr. Danny? He's a keeper! :-D

    1. Oh, he certainly is a keeper, J. D.! Thanks so much for the happy birthday wishes, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  11. love the special gift he created. Says something special about both of you! Happy happy happy birthday!

    1. It does say something very special and God-blessed, Jean, and I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for the birthday wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  12. You are a very fortunate lady! I believe Danny is truly a keeper. 👍😊Happy Birthday to you. Hope is was filled with no surprises but the good ones. Blessings

    1. Thank you, Nells, for your birthday wishes. Yes, I know Danny is such a blessing in this life's journey, and one I will never take for granted.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Happy birthday, Martha! Danny is so sweet and good to you! Love all the gifts and especially the slide show!

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Karen! Yes, Danny is the best, and I appreciate everything he does for me. Think I'll keep him! :)
      Love and blessings!

  14. I love it! What a man! The only thing you forgot to say is what books he bought you. anyway, love that God has blessed you with 66. You only have 2 more to catch up to me. :)

    1. Yep, Bill, Danny is quite the guy! Books? One hasn't arrived yet; it's the latest by Shannon Bream, and I can't recall the name of it off hand. The other two are Make Your Own Sunshine by Janice Dean and Live in Grace, Walk in Love by Bob Goff. So thrilled to have these!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Many blessings to count. (Though 66 is just 99 upside down.) I arrived at 66 a few month before you and there's plenty of life still to live. Grace be with you.

    1. Oh, yes, David! We are 66 years young, and there is plenty of life and good days ahead, God willing.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Boa tarde, Feliz Aniversário, que Deus derrame muitas bênçãos sobre a sua vida.

  17. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Luiz!
    Love and blessings!

  18. Happy Birthday! Your Danny did a wonderful job of helping you celebrate your birthday! What a considerate husband. We all should be fussed over on our birthday! Shrimp and grits is one of my favorite dinners. Danny's looks delicious!

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Laurie! Yes, I agree, that Danny outdid himself for the celebration, and I'm so thankful for his love in my life.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Happy Birthday, Martha! What a thoughtful, kind, considerate man Danny is! God bless you with many more happy years together.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! Yes, I know how blessed I am to have Danny in my life, and I give thanks to God every day for him.
      Love and blessings!


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