Monday, March 8, 2021

Jeremiah Saw It Coming


"They make ready their tongue like a bow, to shoot lies; it is not by truth that they triumph in the land.  The go from one sin to another; they do not acknowledge me," declares the Lord. ~Jeremiah 9:3

Jeremiah was a prophet; he's a good friend of mine.  I listen today to all the words he said, and he surely defines these times.  Yes, he surely defines these times. ~Brazenly and unabashedly adapted from Three Dog Night's Joy to the World

Cancel culture.

Jeremiah didn't name it as such, but this prophet saw it coming.

Lies couched in innocuous language.  Deceit lying in wait, ready to pounce upon the unsuspecting.

Truth?  It is only in the ears and eyes of the elite, who promulgate hatred, division, strife, and derision toward anyone who disagrees with their pounding and relentless message that America is NOT the shining city on a hill.  It is, instead, a cesspool of racism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc.  And the guilty?  Those deplorables who cling to their guns and religion, and believe in America as founded.

So, what's wrong, I ask, with believing in the first and second amendments of our Constitution?  These are God given rights that our founding documents declare government cannot infringe upon or deny.  Why are so many, then, striving to cancel our inalienable rights under God?

In a word, they are jealous.  Envious of the power over the people of these United States that they cannot ultimately control, but will pull out all the stops to try and do just that.  And it is power and greed that motivate every legislative move they make.

They have removed God, the Sovereign Lord, from the public square.

As House Representative Jerry Nadler (D-NY) recently declared, "God's will is no concern of this Congress."


"They go from one sin to another and do not acknowledge me."

What we witness happening in our nation is a complete disregard for the will of the American people, their protection from foreign influence, their God-given rights to worship as they choose, and the heart-stopping realization that election reform and integrity are long overdue.

Jeremiah is calling us once again to name those who would pervert and disdain God's will and hope for these United States of America.  Let us pray that the Lord would silence their lying tongues and allow the truth of God to triumph in this blessed land once again.



  1. The whole world is in a troubled place right now. Let us pray for peace and harmony.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, it is, Victor, and has been for way too long. Let us keep on praying!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Other than "Even so come Lord Jesus" I'm not sure what other prayer to pray. Maybe "Bring revival" but it will have to start with God's people admitting their sin and collusion with evil. I pray for evil to be brought to light. I concur with you Martha.

    1. Bill, I believe that is what God is doing right now - bringing the evil into light for all to see. Maybe, that will be the key to revival of our hearts and souls to follow Jesus.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I so agree with the prophet Jeremiah, and with you today as well. I am not sure what to do, but PRAY constantly for wisdom and for God to open the eyes of the blind...especially those who are walking in spiritual darkness. That is the ONLY way things can be changed...for God to open their eyes to the truth and for them to repent of their folly and sins. Yes, if He could send a great revival into our land again, we might see things change. Frankly, I am thinking we are heading to the Lord's return very soon...praying it is so. But we must keep shouting out the truth as long as we have breath.

    1. Yes, Pamela, we certainly need to keep on praying for our nation and that the eyes of the blind be opened to the foolishness of their ways. Perhaps, the Lord will return soon, but until then, as you say here, we cannot cease to speak the truth in love to others.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Prayers for our nation and world. I fear what the world my grands were born in to is a slippery slope.

    1. I share your fears, Loralu, and keep praying that they will know the true freedom and opportunity this country has offered to so many. Because of God, we have the greatest nation on earth, and I pray it's His will to keep it that way.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Things look rather dark due to those non-believers that only worship their greed for power and more controll.
    May God bless the USA!

    1. Yes, Mariette, we certainly need God's blessing and, might I say, intervention to save this nation. May He not let the wicked triumph.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Pamela expressed my feelings so perfectly, I'm at a loss to say more. I feel so blessed to stand beside you and other like-minded souls. Lifting prayers every day for our nation -- and each of you!

    1. Amen, Myra, keep those prayers coming! So glad to know you are standing beside me.
      Love and blessings!

  7. So very well said Ms. Martha. While this will, and must, happen; what the world will never understand is that while they can burn books, ban beloved movies, books, and the Constitution of the United States of America; they can never take our Christian Liberty. Will defending our inalienable rights cost us? Absolutely. Is it a price worth paying to be free in Christ? Absolutely. Acts 5:29 is there for a reason my friend, but it will be a choice we must each make. God's blessings ma'am.

    1. I do hope you're able to tune into PJNET TV this evening (Tuesday) at 9:30pm Eastern ( and enter watch the program and visit with us in the live chatroom. Your addition to this conversation would be a godsend.

    2. Thanks for your great thoughts here, J. D.! Yes, they can try to take away lots of things, but not our Christian freedom. And as long as there's breath in my body, I'll not allow them to destroy our Constitution!
      Thanks, too, for the invite to watching your program. Unfortunately, I'm usually in bed about that time as I get up pretty early in the morning. I hope others reading this will tune in!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Terri! I know you see things as I do, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  9. All I have to say, Martha, is well said and well done. It is a crying shame when we don’t even feel safe in our own homes anymore. Amen!

    1. Thank you, Nells, for your kind words. Not feeling safe in our own homes is a travesty. May God's will be done in this nation no matter what obstacles seem to be facing us as Christians.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Boa noite meus amigos queridos. O profeta Jeremias fui muito usado por Deus e suas palavras são atuais.

    1. Indeed, Luiz! Jeremiah's words ring as true today as they did when Israel was going through times of trial and tribulation.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Praying for love and reconciliation rather than the current hate and division! God's will be done! Blessings!

    1. Amen, Laurie! Yes, Lord, let Your will be done.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Yes, yes, yes, Martha! You expressed this so well. I remember hearing and singing that song when I was in elementary school. I'm accepting the call to pray, "the Lord would silence their lying tongues and allow the truth of God to triumph in this blessed land once again." Amen!

    1. Amen, Karen! So glad this post spoke to your heart, my friend. May God's truth triumph always!
      Love and blessings!

  13. It is beyond sickening to see what it going on in our nation. I have cried until there are just no more tears left to cry over it all. I will never understand why things are like they are, but I am still clinging to the promise God gave me in August of last year. I believe the cup of His wrath is full, and it will soon overflow and fall on those who have subverted righteousness in our nation. They will never be able to cancel anything - it is all in their sick, demented minds. History cannot ever be rewritten - only in their perverted imaginations. Thank God for truth and to know what really happened, and praise Him that no matter what their distorted, moronic obsessions try to do, they will never be able to change any of us or His precious Word. He remains. He always will. And, He is on our side.

    1. Oh, Cheryl, what you have shared here with us are the sentiments of so many of us God-fearing, God-trusting people in this country that know God can work miracles. The Lord has seen it all, from beginning to end, and His wrath will fall upon those who dare mislead this nation down the devil's path. They will have their day of judgment. Our mission is to remain faithful and trust in God's mighty power to save.
      Love and blessings!


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...