Thursday, March 18, 2021



It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. ~Galatians 5:1

Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I'm free at last! ~Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hooray!!!  Today marks the two-week point since my second China virus vaccination, and I am reveling in reclaiming the freedom of movement and interaction denied for this long, seemingly interminable year.  Yes, when mingling with others at various stores, I will still wear a mask out of courtesy, but I will know in my heart that I will never again be burdened by slavery's yoke.

Because what the government has imposed upon us is nothing less than the first step toward controlling and limiting the God-given freedoms we cherish as Americans.  I don't care what side of the aisle on which you stand, you should be alarmed at the intrusiveness of government in all areas of our lives, deeming that we, the great unwashed, have no common sense or knowledge of how to conduct ourselves in a health crisis, or any other crisis for that matter.

Danny and I choose our isolationist route due to his preexisting heart condition.  We are, after all, in the most vulnerable age group for contracting the virus.  We decide early on to be proactive in protecting our health and the health of those we love.

Our choice.  Our decision.  Not the government's ridiculous mandates that, for the most part, do not follow the science which says that low-risk young people should not be restricted from their jobs or education.

So, what do Danny and I plan to do?

First and foremost, visit my mother.  She sure needs, and deserves, long-delayed hugs from the family that loves her.  How my heart aches for those whose loved ones are/were in nursing homes where that kind of tangible love cannot be expressed.  I pray it will now be allowed for so many whose hearts are hurting.

Secondly, we can now travel to South Carolina to be with daughter, Sarah, son-in-law, John, and our three granddaughters.  No loss of their proximity has been more deeply felt by us during these trying times.  I know I echo the relief of countless grandparents who have finally been vaccinated, and are on their way to joyful reunions.  Nothing short of a God-send!

And these next "priorities" seem rather lame in my list of things to do now that I'm considered immune.  Visiting the dentist, getting the annual eye exam, shopping for make-up, and getting my hair cut.  None of these could ever replace the first and second on the post-Covid to-do list.  They are simmering on the back burner for now, and can remain there indefinitely.

Sometimes, it takes a crisis to make us realize what our ultimate priorities are.  I know this year of uncertainty has led me to a deeper trust and faith in God.  I find myself praying continually throughout my day.  It is ever a good time to open ourselves to what the Lord wishes to say to us in order to cement our relationship with Him.

No matter what the changes and challenges we face, I want my relationship with Jesus to be the constant.

He is the ultimate guarantee of freedom for our souls.


Friends, we are leaving for Mom's this Sunday and will be staying the week there.  Because of this, I won't be posting anything next week, and I may not find the time to get around to all of your blogs.  Rest assured, I haven't forgotten you!  And I will be praying for you all.  Blessings!


  1. We get our second shot a week from today. Looking forward to it. We were fortunate; we only had to travel an hour from home for our appointment. Some people had to drive three and four hours (vaccine distribution has been a problem in St. Louis and Kansas City).

    1. I'm so glad to hear that you will be getting your second shot soon, Glynn! Danny had to drive an hour to get his, and my trip time was 35 minutes. Sorry to hear that distribution has been a problem in your area. Georgia seems to be doing fairly well in this regard, and we are grateful!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Wishing you and yours good health and happiness always. Safe travel to your mom and family. Enjoy your stay there. Praying for you always.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks so much for the well wishes and the prayers, Victor! Yes, we are so looking forward to this visit with Mom.
      Love and blessings!

  3. So excited for you and Danny! And especially for you to see your mom. JO & I got our first shot this past Tuesday. Our second comes in April. But I wish for you two a glorious time away visiting with people you love.

    1. Thank you, Bill! And I'm thrilled to know both of you are on your way to full vaccination. Can't come soon enough!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, I'm so very happy for you and Danny! My eyes grow moist, imagining you and your mother's sweet reunion. It will be April 9 before we get our 2nd dose, but don't suppose much will change in the way we homebodies live our lives. Thanking God for his unchanging mercy. 💜

    1. I've been fighting back those tears of joy, too, Myra, and I'll be cheering you on in getting your second shot. Ah! Life back to normal! And yes, we should always thank God whose mercy endures forever.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, we kind of reclaim our 'stolen' freedoms!
    It is a ridiculous world where they try to close Churches and prevent people from gathering. The personal touch and affection are the vitamins needed for the soul. That together with our Faith and no government has any role in that!

    1. Vitamins for our soul . . . Well said, Mariette! Can't wait to travel and get back to church in person. It's been way too long.
      Love and blessings!

    2. We're lucky as our Church has remained open almost from the beginning with only a couple of weeks being closed.

    3. Our church has gone from opening to closing again. It is so frustrating for so many. I'm so encouraged to know that your church in Dublin has beaten the odds, Mariette.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha, I'm so happy you will be able to visit your family again! May those times be blessed, sweet friend.

    1. Thank you so much, Beckie! Yes, as you can tell, I'm jumping up and down with excitement. Pray you are doing well, dear friend.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I am SO excited for you to finally be free to visit your Mother and your wonderful family. I hope you will have a wonderful time. I am sure your mother will be so very happy to see you again! A year is a very long time. Hurrah!! You are free indeed! Praise God!

    1. Yes, Pamela, and year is definitely WAY too long, but at last, the time has arrived to break free. I'm sure we'll have a marvelous visit.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Am so very happy for you and Mr. Danny. And thank you for your stand for personal liberty and our God-given freedoms. Let no man, nor government, attempt to take them from us.

    1. Amen, J. D.! We are living in treacherous times where man wants to usurp God's power. Let us pray and work all the more vigilantly against that. God is in control, always.
      Love and blessings!

  9. So thankful you and Danny are nearing the end to be vaccinated and able to visit your mom and daughter and those girls!!!! I, too, want Jesus to be my constant.

    1. Jesus should ever be our constant, our comfort and our guide, Karen. And yes, we are so thrilled to be able to break free with confidence and thanks to President Trump for pushing so relentlessly for these vaccines to come to light.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Amen! Safe travels and enjoy every minute with your mom!! xo

    1. Oh, we will, Terri! Sending prayers your way, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  11. So glad you can visit your family! You're right: nothing better. Our son just received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine--only one does necessary. (He too has autoimmune issues, so we've had to keep our distance. But in less than two weeks we should be able to visit in person--indoors and no masks! Maybe even hug?! Now won't THAT be something to write about in the gratitude journal!

    1. Oh, Nancy, I'm so happy for you!!! I'm glad your son was able to get the one dose version of the vaccine and that you all can be together soon. This has definitely been a time that has tried all of our souls. Praying that we've learned over this year what we treasure the most.
      Love and blessings!

    2. AMEN to that, Martha! (Glad you could translate "does" into "dose!!"

    3. LOL! Guess I do make mistakes, don't I?

  12. "It was for freedom that Christ set us free, therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject to a yoke of slavery."
    Galations 5:1

    1. Amen, Loralu! We are free, indeed.
      Love and blessings!

  13. So happy for you that you were able to get the vaccine, Martha! I am still waiting for mine. Maybe in April. I think when I get mine, I will feel the same as you - free at last!

    1. Oh, Laurie, I hope you don't have to wait any longer than that. I can't believe how states are so different in the way they are rolling out vaccines. Georgia is actually opening vaccines up for all adults starting this Thursday.
      Love and blessings!

  14. In doing a study of "Galatians", my take away is we have freedom to be obedient. God's word always serve to give us the abundant life. Here's to hugs and visits!

    1. Yes, Loralu, true freedom is found in obedience to God - no doubt about that!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...