Wednesday, March 31, 2021



Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice! ~Philippians 4:4

Yes, I know I'm posting a day earlier than usual, but that's because of the circumstances that bring my husband, Danny, and I unprecedented joy.  The kids are on their way today, Thursday, to spend spring break with us!!!

Soon, those little rascals pictured above will be giving and getting innumerable hugs from their Gammie and Papa, and we can't wait to see daughter, Sarah, and son-in-law, John.  We haven't seen any of them for over a year, and this celebration will be sweeter than sweet.  Tastier than these chocolate bunnies I buy for the grands.

Here, too, are the T-shirts we've purchased as gifts for Virginia, Savannah and Alexandra.  You can tell by looking at them the different style of which each girl boasts.  

Any guesses as to which shirt goes to which girl?  Feel free to express your decision in the comment section.  I will definitely take photos of each girl in her T-shirt, so the answer will be revealed.

The long and short of this is:  I won't be posting again until a week from this coming Friday, and I may not keep up with your beautiful posts during this time.  Just know that I will have so much to share with you once I'm back, and will try to catch up with you the best I can.

May all of you have a blessed Easter, rejoicing in the risen Lord!



  1. Rejoice Rejoice and Enjoy. May you have great fun and happiness with your family. You all deserve it.

    Wishing you the best you could ever wish for you and yours.

    God bless always.

    1. Thanks so much for your wonderful wishes for our happiness, Victor. We will be rejoicing!
      Love and blessings!

  2. This has got to be one of THE.GREATEST.EASTER.PRESENTS. you and Danny receive, especially after his escapade and your inability to drive the interstate. God honors His children in ways we just simply cannot know. I love it!

    1. God does honor us in ways that we least expect, Bill, and I'm so grateful that He has made this all work out in the end. I'm so happy, I'm beside myself, as you can well imagine!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Dearest Martha Jane,
    So happy for you and Danny that the younger generation stepped up in doing the traveling! ENJOY a very happy Easter.
    In the 37 years that we live here, we only have seen our family 66 times and at times that is tough and even comes with a hefty price tag... But in our hearts, just as we keep our Faith, feelings are strong.

    1. Making that move to the U.S., and living so far away from family couldn't have been easy for you, Mariette, but I'm glad you HAVE been able to see them from time to time. Danny and I are simply overwhelmed with joy that the kids will arrive sometime today.
      Love and blessings!

  4. It's a joy! We have Easter celebration with the family - and the grandsons - on Sunday.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that your whole family will be getting together on Easter Sunday, Glynn! Yes, this will be one of the happiest Easters I've ever experienced.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I am so happy to hear it all worked out and you will be seeing them after all. Have a fantastic time with them and have a Happy Easter!

    1. I'm so glad it all worked out, too, Martha. Yes, we will definitely have a Happy Easter, and I sincerely hope that you do, too!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh Martha, I can tell how happy and excited you are. Enjoy the family time and Easter!!

  7. SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Don't always comment, but have been reading your posts as they come via email. I have been praying for you and Danny. Thankful all turned out okay!
    Blessings, My Friend and enjoy every second with your grands!

    1. Thanks so much for all your prayers, Loralu - they have meant so much! And rest assured, I will enjoy every second with the grands.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I'm SO excited for all of you, Martha! Those shirts are great. I'm guessing "Wonder Woman" is Alexandra, Camelot fantasy is Virginia's and the kitten goes to Savannah. Can't wait to see your photos!

    1. Good try, Myra! You guessed correctly with Alexandra, so now just switch the other two. Savannah is crazy about unicorns and Virginia loves both cats and learning about space. We are looking forward to a marvelous time together!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I just couldn't be happier for you!! I know how much you have missed those sweet girls (and their folks) since they moved so far away and then covid hit. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! xo

    1. I certainly will enjoy being with them, Terri!
      Love and blessings!

  10. I am so happy for you, Martha! I know how you missed your granddaughters. I hope you and your family has a blessed Easter. Enjoy those girls. And the chocolate bunnies!

    1. Thanks so much, Laurie! Yes, we are so looking forward to this visit with them at long last. I'm praying that your family has a blessed Easter, too.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Oh, how I love answered prayers! :-D Reading the past couple of posts; in addition to praying for you and Mr. Danny, I couldn't help but ask God to help find a way to unite you two with your family. After the pandemic, the vaccines, etc., and then Mr. Danny's health scare and "wing-clipping", I prayed for God's intervention. I love it when He shows off. Not only to you get to visit with the grands, you get to see your daughter, son-in-love, and they're staying for a few days. Great job and prayers for lots of laughter, hugs, and love.

    1. I can't thank you enough, J. D., for your prayers concerning all our needs. Yes, God has answered in larger than life way, and for that, I'm so infinitely grateful. We are looking forward to many joyous days ahead.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Yay! Oh, Martha, I'm so excited the kids are there to visit for spring break and Easter! I'm rejoicing with you, friend!

    1. Thank you, Karen! Yes, there is so very much to be joyful for, and this will be an extra special Easter for all of us as we celebrate our risen Lord together.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Wow, isn't our God grand Martha... you and Danny couldn't go to them brcause of Danny's recent heart issues.. but grace abundant steps in, anf they're coming to you... so very thrilled for you and praying every blessing of God upob their visit.. plys safe trsvrls to you and back again.
    Thanks so VERY much for your faithful encouragement on my Christian blog you really make my day.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. PS 'scuse typos. Comments on mobile phone, tiny screen, fat fingers with tired brain! 😁😄😆🤣

    2. Our God is absolutely awesome, Shaz! The kids are here now, and we are having the time of our lives. That's why it's taken so long to get back to your comment here. We are joyfully busy.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Replies
    1. Oh, we are already doing just that, Jean!
      Love and blessings!

  15. We too have three granddaughters, but we won't all be together until late summer. But just the anticipation makes me smile! May the joy of your together time fill you to overflowing, Martha!

    1. The anticipation of reunion is so sweet, Nancy, and the realization of that is beyond joy! We are truly reveling in their presence right this very moment. What a wonderful Easter time this will be!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Hooray!!! Hoorah!! So happy for you!!! So happy for your kiddos!! What a blessed Easter you will all be having together! Praise God for answered prayer. I am assuming the red one at the top is for Virginia, the unicorn one is for the youngest and the cat one is for the one in the middle, I'm not sure which is which! Anyway, they are going to be so thrilled just to be with you again. What a blessing!!

    1. Good try on the T-shirts, Pamela, but not quite! Yes, we are having such a wonderful reunion with Sarah, John and the girls, we are over the moon with gratitude and joy. God is so good!
      Love and blessings!

  17. I know you must be the happiest Grammie in the world. This Meme/Pinky is overjoyed for you. AT LAST, !!! My guesses. Are: #1 Virginia Rose, #2 Savannah and #3 Alexandra. Have a most joyous week with your family.

    1. Thank you, Nells, I certainly am! You are correct about T-shirt #2, by the way. Hope you have a wonderful Easter, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  18. Hooray, Martha! I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see the photos from their visit.
    Praying for a wonderful time.

    1. I will be sure to post lots of photos soon, Beckie. We are having such a terrific time together and I'm so grateful to the Lord for bringing us all back together in such a joyous way.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Psalm 122:1: I rejoiced when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of Jehovah.

    1. Amen, David! Hope you had a marvelous Easter.
      Love and blessings!

  20. This makes my heart so happy, Martha!!! What a beautiful treat after all you and Danny have been through! I'm very excited for you to get this sweet visit. I know you'll enjoy every second of it.

    1. Yes, we all have been enjoying every moment, Lisa, and we are so grateful for this time together. Sweet and happy memories!
      Love and blessings!

  21. I continue to keep you and your husband in prayer, thanking the Lord for His goodness to you.

    1. Thank you so much, Barbara! Yes, we are all having a wonderful time together.
      Love and blessings!

  22. Martha, looks like you really have something HUGE to rejoice in: a reunion with your beloved family! Looking forward to the photos of the girls in their tees. Hugs!

    1. They will be coming shortly, Debra! As you can imagine, we are having a blast this week.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Bom dia, desejo muita saúde a família de vocês, que Deus continue a derramar muitas bênçãos.

    1. Thank you, Luiz! We had a wonderful visit with all of them.
      Love and blessings!


Welcome Home

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