Saturday, March 27, 2021

Prayers! Prayers! Prayers!


We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. ~1 Thessalonians 1-2

I know, I know, my usual posts appear only on Tuesdays and Fridays at Meditations of My Heart, but I have ample reasons for alerting you all to prayer needs that our family has right at this moment.

On Friday, my husband, Danny, is working out on the treadmill when he becomes light-headed.  He stops the machine and promptly sits in a desk chair nearby.  Then it happens  His pacemaker shocks his heart!  That hasn't happened once since he had the device implanted in 2017.

Rattled, we immediately call 911.  The first responders show up pronto, praise God.  Danny is assessed, then loaded into an ambulance for a trip to our local hospital in order to be treated and observed.  We think, at the time, this might only be an overnight visit.

How wrong we are!

While in the ER, Danny experiences another shock.  Doctors and nurses surround him immediately, determined to stabilize the situation.  They are successful, but now it seem that Danny's predicament will require tests to find out what's causing this unseemly issue.

I see him today at the hospital (yes, I'm so surprised they are letting anyone in).  He is in good spirits, and is hopeful as always.  We learn the doctors will run tests (don't ask me what they are called) to see if there is an artery blockage or scarred heart tissue that is the culprit.  We probably won't know until late Monday what these test results reveal.

In the meantime, dear friends, we need prayers!  Please pray for the doctors' wisdom and Danny's full recovery from this unprecedented episode.  He tells me he can feel the prayers of others, and now is the time to bombard our loving Father with our petitions.  Feel free to pass this request on to folks in your church via prayer chains.  The more, the merrier!

I will post an update this coming Tuesday on my regularly scheduled blogging day.

And thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for all your love and support during this trying time.



  1. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Sure your dear husband Danny and you will be covered in prayers!
    May you find the peace of heart to await the results on Monday.
    Big all around hugs,

  2. Praying right now as always.

    God bless you all.

  3. Praying for you both, Martha.

  4. Prayers on the way and sending you a big hug too!

  5. Praying at this very moment, Martha ...

  6. Prayers lifted as requested, Martha, and will continue. Please keep us posted!! xo

    1. I will keep everyone posted, Terri - next update will probably be late tomorrow afternoon.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh wow, Martha. We will definitely be praying. I am just now seeing this. I trust he is doing better today, and that they will be able to figure out what the problem is and correct it. Yes, we will pray. May God give you a calm assurance that He is with Danny and that He is in control. (((hugs)))

    1. Thanks, Pamela! He won't have any tests done until Monday, so I'll know more then.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Boa tarde Martha, tenho certeza que Deus esta ouvindo a oração de todos nós, e que Ele restaure a saúde do seu esposo o mais rápido possível.

  9. Oh Martha, I'm so sorry. What a scare for both of you! I pray God will give the doctors wisdom and will heal Danny and will give you, him, and all your family strength through this heavy trial! Love and hugs, my friend!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind and caring words, Trudy. I will be posting an update tomorrow. God has certainly been with us through this trial.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Oh, Martha! I'm so sorry to hear about this.
    Father in Heaven, please guide the doctors and all medical staff concerning Danny's care. I pray for rapid answers and an easy fix. I also pray the peace that surpasses all understanding to guard Danny and Martha's hearts throughout this journey.
    We thank you for how you got Danny in right away and we thank you for how you are working. You are a good, good Father.
    In the name of Jesus, Amen.

    Much love to you, my friend.

    1. Oh, Beckie, how I've cherished your prayer here, sweet friend! Yes, God does see us through the trials of this life; just know that whenever I was praying for Danny, I would pray for you, too. I will be posting an update on Tuesday about what is transpiring.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I am so sorry to hear about Danny! I am sending prayers for Danny and virtual hugs to you, dear friend. I hope the doctor brings good news. Thank God for talented medical professionals. Danny is is good hands - both the doctors and Jesus.

    1. Yes, Laurie, Jesus and the doctors - combined, they are a formidable team. Updates coming tomorrow, but news is good!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Oh, Martha, praying for Danny, the doctors, medical wisdom and God's watch over him. And praying for you dear friend.

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Karen! I will have an update tomorrow that is positive, indeed. Oh, the power of prayer!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I pray that you've gotten good news by now on what's going on with Danny's heart and how the doctors can help him. Continuing to pray, Martha!!!

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Lisa! Good news is posted in my latest post. Danny is doing remarkably well.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Dear One, I'm just seeing this (on Monday March 29). So behind in my blog reading. I am sorry to see this has happened and began to pray for Danny before finishing the reading of your post. Oh may the Lord, the Great Physician give Danny full recovery, wisdom and skill for the doctors and may He sustain you through it all!!!!

    1. God has certainly been gracious to us, Barbara, as my Tuesday post will reveal. I thank you so much for your prayers, my friend. They have certainly worked!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Joining in with the prayers of the saints and praying for a healing deliverance for your husband in this week of Passover and Deliverance. In the name of Yeshua, Jesus. ❤️

    1. Healed by the blood of the Lamb.

    2. Amen, Shayndel! God has heard the prayers of all of you as Danny is doing remarkably well at this point.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Good Morning, Martha. Praying for you and Danny! Great is God's Faithfulness to you both and to His Word.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Diane! They are working, indeed, as Danny's outlook is better than we could have imagined.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Please know I'm praying in earnest this morning for brother Danny, and for you sweet sister.

    1. Thanks so much, J. D.! The prayers are certainly working as Danny is doing much better.
      Love and blessings!

  18. So sorry to hear of all you and Danny are going through, Martha. Praying for you and trusting all will be well.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl, for your comment here and for your private message, too. Things are looking up, and it's all because of the Lord and His tender mercies.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...